If you are a blogger, news reporter or better yet a content curator, you are certainly familiar with having so many tabs open in your browser, with interesting stuff to check out later, that your computer slows down to a crawl.
To avoid this common situation a new free Chrome browser extension comes to the rescue. It is called OneTab and it allows you to instantly memorize and save all of your open tabs into an orderly page in which they are listed, and re-openable at any time.
In the OneTab page where your tabs are all saved, you can re-order them in any way you want, group them, export them to other systems or even share them as a public web page.
Para multitaskers compulsivos, como yo, tener 100 pestañas abiertas a la vez es inevitable, con la consecuente ralentización del ordenador. De momento sólo existe para Chrome, pero esta herramienta es la solución definitiva! :D
To get content containing either thought or leadership enter:
To get content containing both thought and leadership enter:
To get content containing the expression thought leadership enter:
You can enter several keywords and you can refine them whenever you want. Our suggestion engine uses more signals but entering a few keywords here will rapidly give you great content to curate.
This Google Chrome tool will allow you to index the tabs you have open and organise them easily.
Para multitaskers compulsivos, como yo, tener 100 pestañas abiertas a la vez es inevitable, con la consecuente ralentización del ordenador.
De momento sólo existe para Chrome, pero esta herramienta es la solución definitiva!