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Beth Kanter's comment,
March 11, 2012 1:01 PM
Thanks Robin for sharing and curating this article with your summary. I discovered it via Barbara Bray's collection where she had re scooped your scoop -- [and if following the curator's code added a via]. I came over here to rescoop (with a via!) because you are the original source and one of the links was broken (you corrected it and added an update) thus reminding me the importance of going to the original source. Here on you can just follow the trail of the rescoop icon.
I am disappointed that the bookmarklet doesn't work together with the one - but it would be great to have it integrated. Now to figure out how to rescoop it with the characters.
Robin Good's comment,
March 11, 2012 1:12 PM
Hi Beth, thanks for your kind feedback. I was just out today for a video interview with Nancy White here in Rome, and she mentioned you as someone she likes for your ability to curate and make sense of things.
Re the integration of the curators' code icons, I have received feedback from Guillaume De Cugies of that he has been exchanging with Maria Popova and that he is looking with her for a way to integrate the two. For now you can simply install the Curators' Code bookmarklet and use the "via"<a href="" target="_blank" style="font-family:sans-serif;text-decoration:none" >ᔥ</a> or hat tip <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-family:sans-serif;text-decoration:none" >↬</a> icons by copying and pasting their code into your scoops manually. The problem, at least for me is, that the editing window is in the same position where the Curators' Code bookmarklet is and therefore I can't see both at the same time. In any case I think it would be trivial for or any other tool to integrate such buttons directly into their system without having us to use two different tools for one task.
March 11, 2012 9:36 PM
's comment
Many thanks Robin for the help! Somehow I missed the article -- computer fatigue probably :) I read it earlier today and look forward to using the codes. I'm thrilled to hear that is looking into integrating them into the platform. Thanks for keeping us updated on this new, and important twist, for curating. Cheers -- Karen
Sharing because it's so important. I realized how important it was after forgetting to attribute a source to a photo. Plagiarism just plain sucks on all levels, but overlooking source attribution is bad manners at best.
Des conseils pour éviter le plagiat destinés aus journalistes comme à tous ceux qui écrivent régulièrement en ligne. Un rappel de bonnes pratiques.
Presentación en Slide publicada hace unos días por Steve Buttry que enumera todas las situaciones en las que es posible correr el riesgo de ser acusado de plagio.
La presentación es un resumen de consejos para periodistas online que tienen que lidiar a diario con la adición de enlaces de referencia, la concesión de créditos y la atribución de autoría y evitar ser acusados de plagio.
Un buen consejo que no debe tomarse a la ligera