Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 16, 2014 10:27 AM!

Curate and Publish Searchable Databases with freeDive

Robin Good's insight:

freeDive allows anyone to use Google spreadsheets to build searchable databases that can be personalized, curated and published online.

Key features include: 

  • Results are presented in an interactive, sortable table 
  • Wizard walks you through creating a search widget
  • Customize the interface with your filters
  • Embed code to publish anywhere 
  • Open-source

Free to use.

Built by Len De Groot and Scot Hacker

Stephen Dale's curator insight, January 17, 2014 11:28 AM

Looks like a useful - and free to use - resource for the commited data analyst/researcher.

Scooped by Robin Good
June 2, 2013 6:16 AM!

Curated Search: Blekko Groups Search Results Into Visual Categories

Curated Search: Blekko Groups Search Results Into Visual Categories | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

Curation is going to significantly affect how we search and find information about topics we know little of or that we want to learn more about.

The latest version of Blekko, a search engine which already leverages curation to organize and improve the quality of search results, has introduced "categories" inside its search page results.

In other words when you search for a specific topic, you are provided with different sets of relevant results grouped by topic and focus. Thus, if I search for "content curation" I will get a set of semantically categorized groups relevant to my selected topic, including "Top results", "Twitter", "Marketing", "Librarianship" and more.

In this way it is much easier to drill down into different "types" of results and to easily identify the type of information you are looking for.

N.B.: If you haven't seen or used Blekko before, do register and login to see  the type of features, that while still primitive and a bit nerdy in their present implementation, I think are going to drive the new type of search engines we are likely to see emerge in the near future.

Free to use.

Try it now:

To register:


Tutorial - How to search with Blekko:

Susan Myburgh's curator insight, June 2, 2013 9:30 PM

Fabulous - and so useful for librarians!

Fernando Zamith's curator insight, June 3, 2013 8:27 AM

O Google já tem substituto: Blekko.

Os media sociais e a curadoria ao serviço da pesquisa (e vice-versa).

Resultados de pesquisas adaptados ao tamanho do monitor que estamos a usar e organizados por categorias de diferentes cores.

Muitos anos e muitos milhões de dólares depois, o Blekko está pronto para ser o motor de busca de referência.

Experimentem! Vale a pena!

Alejandro Tortolini's curator insight, June 3, 2013 5:11 PM

Blekko agrupa visualmente las búsquedas de contenido.

Scooped by Robin Good
August 11, 2013 11:30 AM!

User-Curated Search Engine Allows Creation of Custom Collaborative Search Spaces: zResearch

User-Curated Search Engine Allows Creation of Custom Collaborative Search Spaces: zResearch | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

zResearch is a curated, collaborative next-generation search engine, allowing great customization and filtering of results, clustering and auto-categorization, some truly stunning alternative data visualization options, and the ability to collaboratively curated and organize search results into multi-level collections.

Once you are registered inside zResearch you can start immediately to curate your own "search spaces" in which you can save both any relevant results as well as any web page you run into on the web, by using the dedicated bookmarklet.

Within a search space you can create as many folders as you like and multiple search sapces can be joined into "groups". 

zResearch offers two alternative ways to visualize results in  visual clusters. One is a treemap-like display and the other is a circular diagram which make it very easy to see at a glance the forest(s) from the trees. Navigating among such different forests is extremely fast and easy and doesn't require a reload of the page.

zResearch offers also the opportunity to invite other individuals to collaborate and contribute to a specific "search space" or "group", to make a search space private, or public, accessible by anyone and even embeddable elsewhere.

In this fashion subject matter experts, trainers and guides can set up and maintain specific custom re-search spaces that can be used by anyone out there.

zResearch offers also "alerts", which can monitor specific topics and keywords for you, and can search across texts, images, video, educational materials, books, products, the deep web and custom repositories.

My comment: zResearch, brainchild of an already effective curated search engine named SearchTeam, is a truly effective, easy-to-use and useful search engine, which puts the re-searcher in fully in the drivers seat.

The set of categorization, editing and search curation features is from my viewpoint very good and using zResearch to create a reference search space for other people interested in a topic is extremely valuable.

I highly recommend zResearch to anyone interested in following, monitoring and maintaining an effective reference catalog of categorized info on any topic.

Free to use during Beta.

Try it out now:

More info on how to use it:


Search space example I created:

Video tutorials:

*Added to the "Search Curation" section of the Supermap of Content Curation Tools.

Pricing: Sundar Kadayam, in response to a timely request by Marjolein Hoekstra has sent me this additional info about the cost of the service. His message reads like this:

"...we are providing tailored versions of Zakta to enterprise clients to meet their specific needs.  

However, we are also working towards a major upgrade as well as a formal launch of the zResearch app this fall.
Towards that end, we are bringing together a set of subscription options for individual professionals and small teams, to complement our enterprise offerings.  
These subscription options will be aggressively priced along the lines of successful online products like Basecamp, Evernote and others.
People who are registering for a free trial of zResearch can continue to use that free trial until the subscription options are formally launched with the major product upgrade this fall.  
We will update the current zResearch site with this pricing and upgrade information shortly."

Luigi Cappel's comment, August 19, 2013 3:46 PM
Look forward to learning more about the solution for individuals
Janet Burstall's curator insight, August 27, 2013 12:59 AM

For digging deeper


Katherine Hanson's comment, August 30, 2013 10:08 AM
I completely agree, Harish - always has been, always will be