The Collage Tells The Story and The Curator Skillset That's Yet To Come | Content Curation World |

Robin GoodKrishna Bharat, creator of Google News and now Principle Scientist at Google, spoke at the News World Summit in Bangalore, India.

His focus was on the future of news and on the impotance of curation as well as on what the news will look and "feel" like.

He rightly suggests to news teams to "provide guides to content", not just new content and to deliver information in ways that entice the reader in multiple ways, while providing lots of good and well referenced information. 

Excerpted from the original article: "As consumers have access to vast troves of news information from all over the world, Bharat urged news editorial teams to provide a guide to content, not just produce content.

“Creation and curation should be the fundamental activities for your editorial team,” he said.

Bharat said news in the future will become more of an app-like experience, as users adapt the experience to themselves, and as newsrooms provide a more multi-dimensional experience that includes more images and maps.

The collage tells the story.

This will create a skill set that doesn’t exist yet.

And also:

"The winning experience of the future is fast, tactile, original content, with access to many reputable sources in an appealing narrative form,” Bharat said.

“It is delivered in an appealing, narrative form, encompasses a broader definition of news, and involves audiences with a stake in the story or with expertise."

Must-read. 9/10

Full article: 

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