Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 25, 2013 12:39 PM!

Content Curation: an Introductory Guide by Sadie Baxter

Content Curation: an Introductory Guide by Sadie Baxter | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Sadie Baxter has published an excellent introductory guide to content curation in which she explains in clear and simple words.

  • what curation is, and is not
  • which are its benefits
  • the steps needed
  • tips
  • tools

If you are new to content curation and want to get the basics well explained into just one article, this is a good one to check.

Rightful. Comprehensive. 8/10

Full guide:

Klaas Joosten's curator insight, September 30, 2013 4:22 PM

We can use these steps for our to become experts !

enrique rubio royo's curator insight, October 20, 2013 1:44 PM

Sencilla y útil exposición del proceso de curación de contenidos (excelente síntesis la de la imagen), incluyendo recursos y herramientas que lo facilitan en cuanto al coste temporal requerido en toda curación de contenidos.

Marisol Araya Fonseca's curator insight, February 1, 2014 12:04 PM

Nice guide

Scooped by Robin Good
March 26, 2013 4:40 AM!

How To Curate Your Blog with WordPress or Tumblr: Introductory Advice

How To Curate Your Blog with WordPress or Tumblr: Introductory Advice | Content Curation World |
Content curation is, in a nutshell, picking and choosing content from around the Web, and sharing it with your followers.  Running a curated blog is not just about finding interesting content to share.
Robin Good's insight:

If you are new to content curation and you are wondering how you could use your WordPress or Tumblr account to get your feet wet in selecting and publishing the very best content available in your industry niche, here is a good introductory article by Nancy Messieh on MakeUseOf.

From how to identify your niche, to picking your curation platform (though here the advice is quite shallow and tips are pretty limited - no mention of RebelMouse, or Lingospot among others) and keeping yourself up-to-date, this article provides some good basic advice on how to get the ball rolling.

Quite useful is the list of seven curated blogs at the end of the article showcased as best examples of good curation at work.

Useful for anyone starting out. A few good references. 7/10

Full article:

Joyce Valenza's curator insight, March 26, 2013 7:08 AM

add your insight...


Deb Nystrom, REVELN's curator insight, March 26, 2013 11:24 PM

Blogs can be excellent curation tools.  Ask me, the woman who is saying goodbye to over 20+ Posterous blogs (public, private, shared) as Posterous shuts down at the end of April.

Thinking through curation with excerpted content and your composition on these two platforms is helpful.  ~  Deb

Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight, March 28, 2013 11:50 AM

Interesante artículo de Nancy Mesias en "MakeUseOf" que puede servir como buena introducción para los que estén comenzando en este apasionante mundo de la  Content Curation.

Scooped by Robin Good
March 19, 2012 7:48 PM!

A Curated Introduction To Curation by Andy Dickinson

Robin Good: Here's another good example of curation at work. Andy Dickinson, has used Storify to create a "curated reference" of his lecture about curation for his first year undergraduate students. 

The "storified" reference contains links to tools, video clips, and many contributions which allow any learner interested in this topic, to follow a selected path from which it is possible to wander off and explore in many interesting directions.

Useful. Informative. Inspirational. 8/10 

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 23, 2013 5:35 AM!

From Creating To Sense-Making: That's What Curation Is All About

Robin Good's insight:

Elizabeth Weaver Engel and Jeff De Cagna are the authors of a small but very useful guide to Content Curation originally written for membership groups, and first published in November 2012.

The guide offers a good introduction to why content curation is so important, how it can help any organization and what are the key things to know about it for anyone who knows little or nothing about it.

From the original PDF guide, entitled "Attention Doesn't Scale: The Role of Content Curation in Membership Associations":

"Content curation provides a potential path to a new type of thought leadership, one that is more suited to a world where information is no longer the scarce resource. Focus is. Meaning is. Wisdom is.

But that type of support will require a signicant shift in our business models.

For decades, associations have been in the business of generating information.

Our challenge now is to transform ourselves into being in the business of sense-making, helping members distinguish what new information is most relevant and integrate that information into their mental categories, and meaning-making, helping them understand the implications of that  new information for their worldviews."

Lots of good tips, references and relevant resources listed. Provides good foundational reference for any serious business reader.

Good intro to content curation. Resourceful. Informative. 8/10

Pass it on.

Attention Doesn't Scale (PDF) -

(9 pages)

YouTube video:
(The Role of Content Curation in Associations:
Interview With Elizabeth Engel
) by Brian Kelly of


Stephen Dale's curator insight, June 26, 2013 7:26 AM

With almost anyone now able to generate and publish content, finding relevance (signal to noise) is precoccupying knowledge workers everywhere. Sense-making, new media literacy and the ability to understand concepts across a wide range of disciplines are ctitical skills for the content curator in cutting through the noise to find that all important signal. Effective content curation will help us to focus and make sense of our complex and ambiguous world, to understand context and ultimately to make better decisons. 

Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight, July 5, 2013 5:24 PM

Good stuff on the last page about essential job skills and curation skills.  

Scooped by Robin Good
March 22, 2013 2:38 PM!

Content Curation: A Short Introduction [Slideshow]

Content Curation: A Short Introduction [Slideshow] | Content Curation World |
Content curation has been part of my life for several years.
Robin Good's insight:

Here is a slideshow by Cendrine Marrouat on Internet Billboards about what is content curation. It simple, clear and very understandable.

It covers this topics:

  • What is content curation?
  • Why content curation?
  • Benefits of content curation
  • Ideas to leverage content curation
  • Examples of content to curate
  • Examples of content curation tools
  • Tips to become a great content curator

14 slides.

If you are new to content curation and want to get a gist of what this is all about, this is a good deck to go through.

If you are new, this is useful, and takes 2 mins to scan it all. 6/10

See it here:

Original slideshow:

Cendrine Marrouat -'s comment, March 25, 2013 4:44 PM
Thanks! Gracias!
AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, March 26, 2013 7:33 AM

Great scoop Robin!  The timing could not have been better!!!



Brad Tollefson's curator insight, March 28, 2013 3:55 AM

Must become more versed in this. 

Rescooped by Robin Good from Create & Curate
February 27, 2012 7:34 PM!

Introduction to Content Curation for Marketers by Sue McKittrick

Introduction to Content Curation for Marketers by Sue McKittrick | Content Curation World |

Liz Wilson: A good introduction for any marketer thinking about beginning with curation as part of their content marketing strategy. 


I chose this article because I sometimes think that we can easily assume that most everyone understands what curation is. But most probably the vast majority of small or medium-sized businesses do not (I'm thinking particulary of the UK).


Sue McKittrick (an analyst working on content strategy and more - aims her introductory curation article at marketers who are confused about curation, or who have very little knowledge. 


As a real-world example she utilizes Adobe's highly successful online curated magazine, while also providing a shortlist of some of the best enterpise curation tools available out there. 


If you are briefing a new client that is considering "content curation" as a strategy, this would be a useful article to leave with them. 


Full article: 


Via Liz Wilson
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