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Deb Nystrom, REVELN's curator insight,
March 26, 2013 11:24 PM
Blogs can be excellent curation tools. Ask me, the woman who is saying goodbye to over 20+ Posterous blogs (public, private, shared) as Posterous shuts down at the end of April.
Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight,
March 28, 2013 11:50 AM
Interesante artículo de Nancy Mesias en "MakeUseOf" que puede servir como buena introducción para los que estén comenzando en este apasionante mundo de la Content Curation. |
Stephen Dale's curator insight,
June 26, 2013 7:26 AM
With almost anyone now able to generate and publish content, finding relevance (signal to noise) is precoccupying knowledge workers everywhere. Sense-making, new media literacy and the ability to understand concepts across a wide range of disciplines are ctitical skills for the content curator in cutting through the noise to find that all important signal. Effective content curation will help us to focus and make sense of our complex and ambiguous world, to understand context and ultimately to make better decisons.
Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight,
July 5, 2013 5:24 PM
Good stuff on the last page about essential job skills and curation skills.
Cendrine Marrouat -'s comment,
March 25, 2013 4:44 PM
Thanks! Gracias!
AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight,
March 26, 2013 7:33 AM
Great scoop Robin! The timing could not have been better!!!
Thanks! |
We can use these steps for our to become experts !
Sencilla y útil exposición del proceso de curación de contenidos (excelente síntesis la de la imagen), incluyendo recursos y herramientas que lo facilitan en cuanto al coste temporal requerido en toda curación de contenidos.
Nice guide