Robin Good: Google may soon release a new online shopping experience interface, which has been designed to make it easier for the prospective buyer to find what he is looking for eve when there are tens of similar or equivalent products.
From the original article: "Today, we discovered that Google has one keyword live that exhibits the complete new user experience for Google Shopping, powered by Product Listing Ads (PLA)."
"This is very interesting.
Instead of the usual presentation where you immediately see products, we are given a complete integrated buyer's guide for tents.
Step one of that buyer's guide is picking the type of tent - camping, backpacking, beach, canopy, mountaineering or ice-fishing (who knew?!).
When the user clicks on one of these 'types' of tents they are taken to step two of the experience..."
Also of interest the fact that Google doesn't just aggregate available data, but it also provides user-definable controls and filters to help the prospective buyer find more easily what he wants through a type of "guided-shopping" approach.
Very interesting. Illustrated. 8/10
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