Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 15, 2013 6:25 AM!

Where Curation and Storytelling Meet: The 85 Seconds Clip

Getty Images touches people in a new campaign created by AlmapBBDO. 

Robin Good's insight:

A new promotional campaign for Getty Images, created by AlmapBBDO, showcases an excellent example of video curation at work.

In this case, Getty Images and its partner agency have decided to gather, distill and juxtapose some of the most beautiful video clips available from the stock image giant, into a "short" (less than 2 mins) capable of telling a simple, human story with no voice-over or dialog.

By curating the best video clips from the Getty Images stock library into a simple but truly engaging visual story, the authors have not only created something that naturally engages human viewers, but have also realized a fantastic showcase of Getty quality images and video, without ever talking or mentioning it in any way.

Excellent work.

Hats to Marcello Serpa, Luiz Sanches, André Kassu, Marcos Medeiros, Renato Simões e Bruno Prosperi.

Original video clip:

Do not miss to check out the original "From Love to Bingo" clip, done a year ago, but utilizing only still photographs. Amazing.

carmen blyth's curator insight, May 22, 2013 9:31 PM

Distilled images woven into a story

Tyler Richendollar's curator insight, July 1, 2013 10:41 AM

Getty Images just knocked it out of the park with this. Great use of music, too. 


Linda Allen's curator insight, July 1, 2013 1:17 PM


Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
November 20, 2011 5:41 PM!

How to Use “Curation” to Boost Content “Creation”

How to Use “Curation” to Boost Content “Creation” | Content Curation World |

This piece was written by Heba Hosny, a guest blogger for Lauralee Walker


This article is full of wonderful tips for taking your curation to the next level and embellish your original content.


"Content curation rewards are not limited to branding and SEO; it can also enhance the visibility and the quality of your own content."


There are many things that caught my attention, here are just a few gems:


Curated Content Can Inspire Topics For Created Content


If you don't master this one, all the other tips won't make any sense


****Understand which topics are irresistible to your target audience


My Commentary:


I love this one!


Here's the tip


****Instead of taking the easy route of sharing the topic with your audience, write a blog post to "build on" it.


You can build on a topic in different ways:


**Beg to differ politely


**Provide additional tips and insights


**Ask clarifying question(s)


My Commentary:


This is a great way to add "context" it can start conversations, which invites others to add their comments, bring new observations and more information about a particular topic.


**A perfect segue to building relationships, community, doing business and increasing knowledge.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media & Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's comment, November 22, 2011 3:21 PM
Hi Beth,
I agree with you, I love the feeling of community and the collective wisdom, and you know "curation resonates with me":-)
janlgordon's comment, November 22, 2011 3:22 PM
Thanks so much for rescooping and sharing on twitter:-)
Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project's comment, November 25, 2011 9:17 PM
This has me thinking critically about how we are integrating social media. Inviting interaction has been a huge challenge. We are stimulating new conversations in real world time, but that's not reflected in comments and so forth. I like using Scoop.It widgets to get the newest scoop onto the bog in a timely manner and take some time to reflect on post content.
Scooped by Robin Good
April 4, 2012 5:26 AM!

Create A Multimedia Timeline To Curate Stories That Have Strong Chronological Narrative: Timeline

Create A Multimedia Timeline To Curate Stories That Have Strong Chronological Narrative: Timeline | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Timeline is a Javascript open-source solution that allows anyone to create a visual timeline that integrates text, tweets, images, maps, audio recordings and video clips on an infinite scrollable bar. 

A project funded by the Knight News Innovation Lab, Timeline works great with stories that have a strong chronological narrative. It does not work well for stories that need to jump around in the timeline.

Mashable Sonia Paul writes about it: "Timeline is similar to Storify in that it allows users to aggregate media on the web, it differs in its operation.

With Storify, users can drag and drop content into a post.

With Timeline, users can either embed the code onto their website using JSON, or — if they don’t want to mess with any coding — they can fill in a ready-made Timeline template on Google Docs.

The project is currently hosted on GitHub, and users can find specific directions on how to both embed the code and use the Google Doc template there, too.

Future plans for the project include support of more media type, as well as iPhone compatibility, B.C. time support and better seconds and milliseconds support.

Here is the GDoc ready-made template: 


More info, including how to embed it on your site and what file formats are supported: 

Qualilangues's comment, April 12, 2012 6:04 AM
Design unfortunately doesn't seem to be ready for ipads yet.
kessete's curator insight, August 30, 2014 11:06 AM

good for narrative, multimedia, timeline