Mind IT is a free online graphical bookmark manager, uses mind map techniques for rapid bookmark management and access.
Get started in 3 easy steps:
1. Create a user account here
2. Install the browser add-on (big orange button to your right)
3. Create your first linkmap here (to learn more about linkmaps, see below)
To view your list of linkmaps, press on the "My Maps" button on the MindiT menu.
"MindiT is a free online graphical bookmark manager. ...specifically designed MindiT to promote rapid collection, management, and access to online information."
To learn more, check out the short video tutorial
The common trait to all the tasks above: they all require massive online research.
This is where MindiT comes in.
Collect - Organize - Access - Retain
MindiT is built on the premise that a clean, concise, colorful graphical representation of bookmarks is much more intuitive and useful than the standard list or tree based solutions commonly available.
More info: http://www.mindit-bookmarking.com/
Via evangelina chavez, Heiko Idensen