Robin Good: The new Storify news curation tool is now available for the iPad, bringing the ease of drag and drop to the curation world.
"Founded in 2009, this seven person company has done a remarkable job surviving the market and being one of the major players in the world of content curation.
[Storify has been adopted by] 22 out of top 25 news sites in the United States...
Just like Twitter has their trending topics, Storify’s service allows people to keep track of the relevant social media trending topics. Users are able to tell their own story about these major events (like Whitney Houston or Greece’s economic downfall or even Madonna’s Super Bowl halftime performance), and embed them on their own website.
Be your own crowd-sourced storyteller, by dragging in tweets, status updates, photos, and videos from a variety of social networks in order to help you create a better story and telling experience."
Check out this video interview shot yesterday with the Storify team demonstrating the new app:
The Storify app is free to download right from the iTunes store:
Find out more:
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