Robin Good: In the age of global, collective and crowdsourced interaction, many among us are starting to play the role of "connectors". We help like-minded people find each other, or good and complementary ideas to meet halfway.
Here is an interesting take from Nick Kellet on the possible different types of "connectors" out there, among which he identifies also a "solution connector", or someone able to pull together different information, resources and ideas to tell a story or to cover an issue/topic like a museum curator would do.
From the original article: "Are you an Solution Connector? > CURATIVE THINKER
...A solution connector isn't someone who create new ideas per se, being curative is just a different kind of creative.
They think a little more like a museum curator – they tell a story.
Their special skill is deciding which bits to keep and which to remove. They put together a Solution or an Exhibit. They let the whole idea tell a story. They assemble.
...Another metaphor is standing on the shoulders of giants. I watched this done brilliantly by Dave Kellogg whilst at Business Objects. Dave is a master of assembling ideas from across the gene pool and then crafting a wonderful story.
For me I’ve learned that Curation is far more effective and far more scalable than Creative Thinking.
...Curation Thinking is on the rise."
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