Robin Good: What is it more important?
To refine a science of how to transmit, explain and illustrate what "needs to be known" or that we empower learners to create their own learning direction, approach, scaffolding and pace, by providing them with the ability to "drive" and "build" their learning value and not by having them become open sponges that memorize and comprehend what we offer them?
From the original article by Dominik Lukes: "A self-directed, self-motivated learner, will take any resources (no matter how pedagogically naive or badly instructionally designed – Khan Academy, iTunesU lectures, iPad ebooks, labs, conventional classes or TED videos) and use them to learn.
As the learner becomes more aware of their own learning (gaining metacognitive skills), they will look for resources that suit their learning better. And, in many cases, will create such resources.
That’s why we need to encourage a culture of the remix. Or in starker terms: Curation and creation over education."
Rightful. 7/10
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