Scooped by
Robin Good
onto Content Curation World June 23, 2013 5:35 AM
Elizabeth Weaver Engel and Jeff De Cagna are the authors of a small but very useful guide to Content Curation originally written for membership groups, and first published in November 2012.
The guide offers a good introduction to why content curation is so important, how it can help any organization and what are the key things to know about it for anyone who knows little or nothing about it.
From the original PDF guide, entitled "Attention Doesn't Scale: The Role of Content Curation in Membership Associations":
"Content curation provides a potential path to a new type of thought leadership, one that is more suited to a world where information is no longer the scarce resource. Focus is. Meaning is. Wisdom is.
But that type of support will require a signicant shift in our business models.
For decades, associations have been in the business of generating information.
Our challenge now is to transform ourselves into being in the business of sense-making, helping members distinguish what new information is most relevant and integrate that information into their mental categories, and meaning-making, helping them understand the implications of that new information for their worldviews."
Lots of good tips, references and relevant resources listed. Provides good foundational reference for any serious business reader.
Good intro to content curation. Resourceful. Informative. 8/10
Pass it on.
Attention Doesn't Scale (PDF) -
(9 pages)
YouTube video:
(The Role of Content Curation in Associations:
Interview With Elizabeth Engel) by Brian Kelly of
With almost anyone now able to generate and publish content, finding relevance (signal to noise) is precoccupying knowledge workers everywhere. Sense-making, new media literacy and the ability to understand concepts across a wide range of disciplines are ctitical skills for the content curator in cutting through the noise to find that all important signal. Effective content curation will help us to focus and make sense of our complex and ambiguous world, to understand context and ultimately to make better decisons.
Good stuff on the last page about essential job skills and curation skills.