Scooped by
Robin Good
onto Content Curation World July 26, 2014 1:55 PM
Ibrar Bhatt, shares some of the insights he has been been able to discover in his research work for his forthcoming PhD thesis ("A sociomaterial account of assignment writing in Further Education classrooms") for the University of Leeds.
In his short blog analysis he first comprehensively defines the new emerging content curation space, and then he highlights
the relevance this may have, once it is validated and acknowledged, in allowing students to explore the creation of reports and the development of new work assignments in a new light.
Here a few brief excerpts:
"These processes are, ... about anthologising older content to produce new content and creating a new experience for readers, by giving a new life (or new ‘reality’) to an older text.
This is curation as a digital literacy practice."
"...prolific Web users have often made themselves effective digital curators by searching and locating information, then creating a new experience by re-contextualising it."
"...Digital curation therefore is not just about finding relevant material, although that is a significant part of it, but is also about creating a specific and unique experience by utilising the resulting materials which then become contextualised within a new space.
A curator, therefore, whether she is a journalist-by-proxy such as Popova or a student completing an assignment in a classroom, not only collects and interprets, but also creates a new experience with it.
In this respect, curation is a process of problem solving, re-assembling, re-creating, and stewardship of other people’s writing."
Insightful. Resourceful. Informative. 8/10
Full article:
Reading time: 11'
The image above amounts to a template for curating a digital space:
Find something timeless to curate.Fit it into a pattern that makes sense.Find a larger context for why this matters.Share widely.I think this fits into Harold Jarche’s simpler seek-sense-share framework.
Why does this matter? If curation is all that Tufte and Bhatt say it is, then why aren’t scaffolds like these being used more often for training and in learning systems? I am using the curation tool to do curation with my freshman comp students. They use as their introductory platform for beginning to acquire the skills Tufte enumerates above that are part of the academic and business spaces they will eventually live in. I am hoping they will demonstrate why it curation matters as they seek-sense-share their way to long and short form ‘texts’ that they will be writing all semester. That will include essays, tweets, G+ community posts, blog posts, research papers, emails, plusses, favs, instagrams, zeegas, slideshares, pictures, and a massive mobile presence from their own digital spaces. Wish me luck.
Interesting links from article and from comments:“Digital Media and Learner Identity: The New Curatorship”: image above amounts to a template for curating a digital space:
1. Find something timeless to curate.
2. Fit it into a pattern that makes sense.
3. Find a larger context for why this matters.
4. Share widely.
I think this fits into Harold Jarche’s simpler seek-sense-share framework.
Why does this matter? If curation is all that Tufte and Bhatt say it is, then why aren’t scaffolds like these being used more often for training and in learning systems? I am using the curation tool to do curation with my freshman comp students. They use as their introductory platform for beginning to acquire the skills Tufte enumerates above that are part of the academic and business spaces they will eventually live in. I am hoping they will demonstrate why it curation matters as they seek-sense-share their way to long and short form ‘texts’ that they will be writing all semester. That will include essays, tweets, G+ community posts, blog posts, research papers, emails, plusses, favs, instagrams, zeegas, slideshares, pictures, and a massive mobile presence from their own digital spaces. Wish me luck.
Interesting links from article and from comments:“Digital Media and Learner Identity: The New Curatorship”:
"A curator, therefore, whether she is a journalist-by-proxy such as Popova or a student completing an assignment in a classroom, not only collects and interprets, but also creates a new experience with it."
Creo que esta definición zanja la discusión sobre si un "Content Curator" es una adaptación moderna al "Documentalista" de los medios tradicionales.
De muy recomendada lectura para los que nos dedicamos a la Curación de Contenidos.