Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
November 24, 2013 6:54 AM!

There's No Such Thing As Unethical Content Curation: That's Cheap Content Marketing

There's No Such Thing As Unethical Content Curation: That's Cheap Content Marketing | Content Curation World |
Curation is nothing new, but online content curation is still in its early stages. Many content marketers are still unsure about what constitutes ethical content curation. If you're in this group, ...
Robin Good's insight:

If you are curating content with the idea of saving time, posting more content and getting away with more traffic, greater visibility and ranking in Google, or if you are using some cheap content marketing tactics sold to you as "content curation" you probably don't even care whether what you are doing is "ethical" or not.

Content curation is an ethical activity by definition, as it requires you to study, analyze, dissect, find patterns and relationships and to distill, personalize and contextualize them for your readers / viewers, while fully crediting and attributing all sources and relevant references.

Everything else, and that is the majority of what is promoted and created in the name of "content curation" around the web nowadays (by the very companies producing many of these content curation tools), is not unethical. It's valueless.

There's not any such thing as unethical loving. If you love something, you do.

If you want to "curate" something, you do not go for quantity or automation.

If you are looking for insight, you don't need tools to expedite or automate. You need deep competence, personal interest and passion for that topic, as well as time to research and collect relevant info to curate.

There's no technology that can replace or augment that.

You can augment the search, the finding and collecting, but you can't automate the ability to see beyond the surface, to scan and recognize patterns or to find great parallels with other stories.

The problem in fact arises only when someone teaches or markets to you the idea that by "loving" (or by "curating") something you can get certain benefits you crave for. From that moment on your idea of "love" (or curation) will be a corrupted, wrongly conceived idea for what love is.

Pawan Deshpande, founder of Curata, illustrates in this useful article the fundamental aspects that characterize true "content curation" from other cheap content marketing techniques which work only to:

a) increase the noise,

b) dissipate your potential value

c) create opportunities for the true content curators to visibily stand out. 

Rightful. Valuable advice. 7/10

Full article: 

Check also: 

(Image credit: Justice blindfolded by Shutterstock)

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 13, 2013 11:52 AM!

Content Curation for Content Marketers: Six Basic Ways To Curate Other People Stories

Content Curation for Content Marketers: Six Basic Ways To Curate Other People Stories | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

Pawan Deshpande, founder and CEO of Curata, has just published an article that provides some very useful guidelines to content marketers interested in improving their basic content curation skills.

The article provides six alternative approaches to curating content, from simple ones like quoting and retitling, to more advanced ones like parallelizing, storyboarding and summarizing.

The context provided in this article circles around three key factors:

  1. Quantity of effort
  2. SEO value
  3. Added value

so that you can compare, among the alternative curation approaches presented, the ones that better match your own needs.

But, beware. Though content marketing experts have you believe that saving time, seo impact and traffic size are key variables to go after, I remain of the impression that true "added value" provides order of magnitude greater benefits than the other two combined. 

In other words, to rank and evaluate the value of a curation approach versus another, I would ask: Does the curation produced help other people make better sense of a topic? Does it allow for others to learn about an issue without having to juggle and research tens of dubious resources? Does it save the reader time in learning about the topic he's interested in while providing him with all the needed info?

Having said this, I deem this article particularly useful for content marketers getting interested in content curation, and in learning which approaches they can adopt, besides reposting and sharing the best content they can find, to improve their "value added" propositions.

Useful. Resourceful. 7/10

Full article:

(Thanks to Marjolein Hoekstra for pointing me to this article)

ManufacturingStories's curator insight, August 14, 2013 8:16 AM

These are some great ideas.  Content curation is a great teaching tool for students.  Thanks Robin for your great and dedicated CURATION!

Roberto Ivan Ramirez's comment, August 15, 2013 8:51 PM
El arte de curar información en la Web es más que una práctica del conectivismo, es parte de un ejercicio de aprendizaje e inteligencia colectiva.