Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 21, 2013 4:07 AM!

How To Find Great Relevant Content for Your Niche Audience

How To Find Great Relevant Content for Your Niche Audience | Content Curation World |
Content curation: tools to help you find and share great content from other people alongside your own content.
Robin Good's insight:

Ian Cleary on Social Media Examiner has published a useful guide on how to use Feedly, Newsle and to find and discover great relevant content to curate and share with your industry readers.

The guide has been written for the content marketing type, looking specifically for solutions that allow to find interesting content more easily and to spend less time doing this.

Useful. Pragmatical. Broadly illustrated. 8/10

Full guide:

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, July 1, 2013 2:25 PM

Tools highlighted include, Newsle and Feedly.

AraujoFredy's curator insight, July 2, 2013 10:32 AM
Cómo encontrar contenido relevante para su audiencia de nichoDesde - 1 de julio de 13:55
Curaduría de contenidos: herramientas para ayudarle a encontrar y compartir un gran contenido de otras personas junto con su propio contenido.
Stephen Zimmett's curator insight, September 7, 2014 12:16 AM

Some good informaion

Scooped by Robin Good
April 19, 2013 6:22 PM!

RSS Reader Reinvented: The Best Google Reader Alternative (after Feedly) Is MultiPLX

RSS Reader Reinvented: The Best Google Reader Alternative (after Feedly) Is MultiPLX | Content Curation World |
RSS Reader Reimagined; Everything you want to read - news, your favorite blogs, art and more - in one convenient place designed for you.
Robin Good's insight:

Developed by Kosmaz Technologies, MultiPLX is a truly excellent web-based RSS newsreader, that is worth, together with Feedly, the crown of best Google Reader alternative.

The great thing of MultiPLX is that you don't have to know anything about RSS to be able to extract immediate value from it. For example, by using the available bookmarklet, you can easily subscribe to any web site that you want to follow, without having to find its RSS feed. You click on the bookmarklet as you vist the site that interests you and from that moment on, anytime they publish something, you are going to get it inside MultiPLX.

Just like in Google Reader you can create folders and use them to group together relevant feeds / publications / sites. Better than G Reader each folder and its set of sites / feeds can be visualized as a Pinterest-like dashboard that you can easily browse to scan incoming news. News that you have read get a fade-out look that makes it easier to look for what you haven't read yet.

You can visualize entire folders as a visual stream of news as well as individual feeds by selecting exactly what you are interested into from a drop down menu.

Like Google Reader you can "like", "favorite" or "share" any news story to any social media channel among Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIN, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instapaper or send it directly to any email.

Each story can be read properly in a clean, unclettered interface (whether windowed or in full-screen) allowing the information curator to dive into specific stories without many visual distractions.

It is also possible to add any number of additional RSS feeds by specifying their URLs, as well as importing your full set of existing Google Reader subscriptions directly as an OPML file. Export functions are also fully available for all types of items shared, favorited, liked or subsscribed to.

N.B.: Managing folders and deleting stuff you don't want may still be quite a bit more cumbersome than it used to be in Google Reader, but hopefully this part will be improved soon.

Note: I have just checked again the latest release of Feedly, and - no doubt about it, Feedly interface, backend management, features, display options and UI are a step above the excellent Multiplx good traits, but still, this is a great alternative to be supported.

More info:

Coming Soon features:

Highlly recommended for serious information scavengers and hunters.

Request an invite now:

Bart van Maanen's curator insight, May 8, 2013 4:41 AM

Google gaat de Google Reader service, een rss feedreader, stopzetten. Nu is Feedly een uitstekende vervanger, maar ook MultiPLX lijkt een goed alternatief. Het design heeft veel weg van Pinterest. Toch denk ik niet dat ik mijn Feedly account snel zal opgeven.

Maria Palaska's comment, May 9, 2013 8:02 AM
thanks for the information!
Sam Stormborn Ormandy's comment, May 9, 2013 8:07 AM
You're welcome Maria! :)
Scooped by Robin Good
May 5, 2013 5:57 PM!

WordPress Curation Workflow, Resources and Tips from Nathan Weller

WordPress Curation Workflow, Resources and Tips from Nathan Weller | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

If you are interested in what could be a good workflow and set of tools to use to curate content on your own WordPress blog, Nathan Weller has a must-read article for you.

In it, he dissects and explains the tools he uses to curate content on WordPress, from how he aggregates and browses RSS feeds, to how he filters, edits and actually curates the content of each post.

Interestingly his focus is on quality, not on having his site populated by lots of "somewhat relevant" content pulled in automatically by one of the many "content marketing"-oriented curation tools available today.

I think you will find several interesting ideas that you may have not considered on how to approach your curation workflow, let alone checking the several insightful comments at the end.

Lost of valuable information, resources, examples and advice. 8/10

Full article:

Gaurav Pandey's curator insight, May 6, 2013 10:01 PM

Robin Good's insight:



If you are interested in what could be a good workflow and set of tools to use to curate content on your own WordPress blog, Nathan Weller has a must-read article for you.


In it, he dissects and explains the tools he uses to curate content on WordPress, from how he aggregates and browses RSS feeds, to how he filters, edits and actually curates the content of each post.


Interestingly his focus is on quality, not on having his site populated by lots of "somewhat relevant" content pulled in automatically by one of the many "content marketing"-oriented curation tools available today.


I think you will find several interesting ideas that you may have not considered on how to approach your curation workflow, let alone checking the several insightful comments at the end.



Lost of valuable information, resources, examples and advice. 8/10


Full article:

Robin Martin's comment, May 15, 2013 10:30 AM
Thank you so much Robin! This is good stuff!
Regina Torres's curator insight, January 24, 2014 10:39 AM

Nathan Weller alude al uso de dos bookmarklets para curar contenidos. Se trata de Feedly y Tabcloud, herramientas interesantes que sirven para curar contenidos. Y es que no necesitamos un pluggin increíble para curar contenidos en nuestro Wordpress, sino que estos bookmarklets pueden hacer la misma función incluso de una manera más eficaz.