Robin Good: Pivotshare is a web platform which allows you to create a branded web site where you can curate, promote and sell your best digital media video and audio files.
The service accepts .mp4, .mov, swf, .flv, .avi and .mp3 files for upload and it lets you set the price and the business model (subscription or pay-per-view or a combination of both) that you want to use.
On Pivotshare you can brand your channel with your logo and customize its look and feel, and you can also "bookmark" specific "spots" inside your audio and video content.
Content on PIvotshare is accessible by both desktop computers as well by smartphone and tablet devices and it has the ability to memorize, for the user, where a sesson is left, so that it can be picked up next time he logs in.
You can set up some of your content to be free and some of it to be accessible only by paying for it. Each channel can be fueled by more than a contributor and you are free to decide who will team up with you.
There are two delivery formats available to curate and organize your key assets: a) the Showcase (ideal for ten items or less) and b) the Library (for collections of 50 or more items).
Revenue-wise Pivotshare takes 30% from a Channel’s revenue, and passes the rest to the Editor and Contributors of that Channel.
To use the service there is no upfront cost.
Real-world example:
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How it works:
Getting Started Guide:
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This is a great idea although I don't see where, from just reading the description of what it does, where it's any different than Reel Surfer or Keeeb or probably even a few others.
There's no doubt, however, that curating and aggregating video content can be a beneficial service to lots of niches.....etc. specific styles of cooking, auto repair, golf tutorials, dancing (e.g. videos on 'cross body lead').
I'll definately subscribe to the site and try it out. I'll sell you what I wish I cold find: I wish I could find a tool that made it really easy to insert notes that would display at specific points in vidoes. A lot of times I see videos where most of it it not interesting but a certain portion of it is.
CratePlayer è una web app o un webware, come preferite, che consente la creazione di compilation audio e video dai numerosi social network e social media del web (youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, ecc.) e dai vari siti web. E' possibile farlo anche attraverso un apposito bookmarklet che consente di catturare il video desiderato in modo molto semplice.
E' inoltre possibile, per ogni raccolta creata, inserire una copertina, predisporre una descrizione, aggiugnere dei tag, configurarla come privata o pubblica, condividerla (Goggle+, Facebook, Twitter, ecc.), incorporarla.
Molto utile per la didattica in quanto consente di creare raccolte di video e/o audio da fonti diverse e su un deterimnato tema / argomento da fornire agli studenti per approfondimenti e per lo studio, senza dover fornire loro lunghe liste di link. Utile anche come esercizio da far svolgere agli studenti fornendo loro un tema sul quale ricercare fonti audio e video da oprganizzare e integrare in una raccolta
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