Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 13, 2012 4:32 AM!

Curate Your Live Interactive Real-Time Community Hub with Livefyre StreamHub

Robin Good: StreamHub is a new web app which allows you to create social community web sites around any topic, and to bring them to life by being able to curate social media content coming from Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. 

What makes StreamHub unique, is its ability to show new content and comments in real-time, and to filter incoming relevant content from selected social channels to match specific criteria before being published. Auto-curation at work?  

From Techcrunch: "There are two big pieces to the new system. First, there’s the Core product, which allows publishers and brands to engage their audience directly.

The tools to make that happen include Livefyre’s commenting system, as well as liveblogging, live chats, and custom apps.

All of the Core services are linked by the ability for publishers and readers to have conversations in real-time.


The second major StreamHub product is Curate, which allows companies to add live content from elsewhere on the social web to their sites.

So you could embed a live stream of tweets to a web page, and you could also set up a number of rules around the stream — if you only want photos, or if you only want tweets from within a certain geographic area.

So for example, a sports site could use Curate to create a stream of photos shared by fans that are coming from a specific game."


N.B.: No open trial available.

Try it out now:

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 24, 2012 1:41 AM!

How Google Is Going To Auto-Curate Your Shopping Experience with Integrated Buyer's Guides

How Google Is Going To Auto-Curate Your Shopping Experience with Integrated Buyer's Guides | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Google may soon release a new online shopping experience interface, which has been designed to make it easier for the prospective buyer to find what he is looking for eve when there are tens of similar or equivalent products.

From the original article: "Today, we discovered that Google has one keyword live that exhibits the complete new user experience for Google Shopping, powered by Product Listing Ads (PLA).

"This is very interesting.

Instead of the usual presentation where you immediately see products, we are given a complete integrated buyer's guide for tents.

Step one of that buyer's guide is picking the type of tent - camping, backpacking, beach, canopy, mountaineering or ice-fishing (who knew?!).

When the user clicks on one of these 'types' of tents they are taken to step two of the experience..."

Also of interest the fact that Google doesn't just aggregate available data, but it also provides user-definable controls and filters to help the prospective buyer find more easily what he wants through a type of "guided-shopping" approach.

Very interesting. Illustrated. 8/10

Full article: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
February 27, 2012 8:28 AM!

Create Topic Specific News Channels By Picking Your Favorite Twitter and FB Sources: NewsMix

Create Topic Specific News Channels By Picking Your Favorite Twitter and FB Sources: NewsMix | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Similar to, allows anyone to easily create one or more news channels which automatically aggregate news and posts by your selected sources on Twitter (including "lists"), and Facebook.

You simply add the Twitter and FB accounts that you want to aggregate in a channel and your news channel is immediately created.

The look and feel of the final output is made up of a series of vertical blocks that showcase the tweet or FB content of each post and its related image.

P.S.: Unfortunately, rarely a Twitter stream or FB page is ever posting constantly on the same topic, making the aggregated result not as useful as it could be by allowing any source to be filtered for specific keywords.

Interesting. 7/10

Try it out: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 13, 2012 8:06 AM!

Auto-Curate Your Twitter Stream: Twylah Showcases Your Best Content "In Context"

Auto-Curate Your Twitter Stream: Twylah Showcases Your Best Content "In Context" | Content Curation World |
Robin GoodTwylah is a web service which "auto-curates" your Twitter stream by generating a full web site which auto-organizes and visualizes your tweeted content around a set of specific topics.

Here is a real-world example of my own tweet-stream "auto-curated" by Twilah: 

Key Features:

- Harnesses the SEO power of all your tweets by grouping them into relevant topics

- Creates a more engaging space for your followers and fans 

- Provides a high-value content platform on auto-pilot for any author

- Facilitates subscriptions to your Twitter channel

- Integrates a PowerTweet function which not only allows to Tweet from any web page, but it "auto-creates" a  thematic web page just-in-time around your very tweet topic.

(Now that Twylah has kicked out a few bugs that were preventing based curators like me to extract the best from this new service, I am very impressed by what I see.)

This is one of the best examples of how much MORE value can be extracted by "curating", organizing and "presenting" appropriately what IS ALREADY out there. 

Check some of Twylah "featured" pages here: 

If you want to drive engagement beyond the single tweet, and show others what you cover and are all about, at-a-glance, I am hard-pressed in finding something better than Twylah.

If you use Twitter and you share lots of valuable news across different topics, I strongly suggest you request an invite to Twylah right now:  

To get the complete picture on Twylah and what it is all about check out this video: 

(Reviewed by Robin Good)

planetMitch's comment, January 14, 2012 8:33 AM
Wow Robin - really cool and I appreciate you exposing twylah to me! I've already applied. Should be a great way to engage people. Are you somehow now sending people to twylah instead of your twitter home page?
Robin Good's comment, January 14, 2012 8:48 AM
Hey Mitch, first my compliments to your great channel. Great stuff!

Yeah, Twylah looks good. I'm glad you have applied, with your content it is going to be great as well.

If you tweet with the Twylah "Power Tweet" function your readers are automatically taken to your Twylah property, but otherwise yes, I am going to see what are all of the best ways to take them there.
planetMitch's comment, January 14, 2012 9:16 AM
Thanks Robin, I'm impressed by your channel as well, your success is one of the main reasons why I've ended up loving and am now a 'business' user and have integrated it into my own domain now.

I've been doing 'curation' with my blog for 3 years, but now has helped me solve a problem that I haven't been able to deal with - and that is a way to share news that doesn't 'qualify' for me to spend time writing a full blog post about.

The 'power tweet' is a brilliant idea and one I can see using a lot - maybe too much.

I might like to see twylah expand to do one thing scoop does well - and that's to let me post the power tweet to facebook, g+ etc.

Thanks again for exposing me to so many great ideas!
Scooped by Robin Good
August 2, 2012 5:30 AM!

News Discovery Tools: Slices for Twitter Organizes and Auto-Curates Your News Stream Into Categories

News Discovery Tools: Slices for Twitter Organizes and Auto-Curates Your News Stream Into Categories | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Slices is a news discovery app that allows you to find the news that interest you by "slicing" the Twitter timeline into topic-specific categories, making it much easier to find what you are looking for.

From Pandodaily official review: "Slices offers 21 searchable categories – humor, technology, sports, and so on – that lead you to people and lists to follow. Included among those top-level categories is the “Live Events” option, which allows you to select an event – a football match, say, or a TV show – and follow Tweets from a curated list.

Also of note: " synchronizes between mobile devices and the Slices website (, which means it knows which Tweets you’ve already read, no matter where you access it from.

...The “Timeline Slicer” also outdoes Twitter’s Lists as a way to organize the people you follow into specific categories. They’re easier to set up and easier to access, ..."

Source: Pandodaily

Slices is available on iOS, Android and the Web.

Find out more:

Prasanth (WN)'s comment, August 2, 2012 6:57 AM
malek's comment, August 3, 2012 11:26 AM
I'm still working on it...looks promising.
Scooped by Robin Good
May 5, 2012 5:45 AM!

YouTube Auto-Curates In-Demand Topics with Auto-Generated Channels

YouTube Auto-Curates In-Demand Topics with Auto-Generated Channels | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: YouTube auto-generated channels are channels that are automatically created by dedicated algorithms to collect trending and popular videos by topic.

"Auto generated channels act like user channels in that you can subscribe to them and stay updated on new videos.

In addition, auto generated channels provide:

-> The ability to subscribe and get regular updates about this topic on YouTube on your feed

-> A way to find other channels related to this topic

-> More context about this topic from Wikipedia or other sources

YouTube algorithmically determines the central topics in a video and then uses that information to develop great collections of videos for any topic of interest.

These channels do not convey any editorial opinion.


More info: 

(Thanks to Alex Briscese for pointing me to this)

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 29, 2012 1:35 PM!

Curate The Curators - Create Cool Visual Lists By Picking From The Best Recipe Curators Out There: Punchfork

Curate The Curators - Create Cool Visual Lists By Picking From The Best Recipe Curators Out There: Punchfork | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Punchfork is recipes' lovers paradise. Not only you can find the best and most interesting recipes being discussed / shared / talked about now from a shortlist of cool recipe sites, but you can also pick and "love" the ones you like and save them in your collection.

Search, find and sort recipes according to the type of diet, popularity, freshness and more.

Free to use. 

Try it out now: 

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