Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 15, 2014 3:29 AM!

Filter Out Anything You Don't Want To See Again with Rather

Filter Out Anything You Don't Want To See Again with Rather | Content Curation World |

"Block babies, Upworthy, twerking, annoying friends, awful coworkers, and anything else you hate with things you'd rather see, like cats."

Robin Good's insight:

Rather is a browser extension which allows you to easily filter out (mute) or replace any keyword appearing in your  information streams.

Filter out cats, funny pics, Christmas and other popular events as well as any content coming from Instagram, Vine, Buzzfeed and other platforms.

Rather works across Facebook, Twitter and with any RSS feed you submit to it.

You can also see what other 200,000+ users are blocking in real-time.

In an age of information overbaundance this is a sweet handy tool to easily filter out info you don't want to see from your main incoming news streams.

Try it out now: 


Beth Kanter's curator insight, January 15, 2014 1:18 PM

More on filtering out the noise.

Louise B-Johnston's curator insight, January 16, 2014 7:02 AM

I can't wait to try this out! It would be great to be able to filter what I want to see, rather than rely on FB doing it for me & often getting it wrong!

laura mata's curator insight, January 16, 2014 9:24 AM

Filtra los contenidos que sí o que  no sdeseas ver...

Scooped by Robin Good
September 22, 2013 4:37 PM!

In-Context Content Discovery with

In-Context Content Discovery with | Content Curation World | understands your context and guides you to useful information
Robin Good's insight:

Pugmarks is a Chrome web extension which allows you to get in-context references and complementary reading suggestions to any web page you are viewing.

Pugmarks leverages your network of Twitter, LinkedIN and an optional set of RSS feeds (which you must provide in OPML format) to filter and select the most relevant reading resources that it will suggest to you.

When you are on any web page you can click the Pugmarks footprint icon on the Chrome browser extension bar and a strip of relevant information is displayed over the top (or bottom) of your screen.

The extension can be paused and the user has the option to select whether to see the Pugmarks bar appear on top or on the bottom of his browser screen.

When you open a new empty tab Pugmarks suggests relevant content items to check out. 

My comment: Useful to find additional, relevant content resources just-in-time, as you browse. 

Free to use.

Try it out now: 

Intro video: + 

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