Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 20, 2012 2:10 AM!

Curate Your Social Media Magazine with NewzSocial

Robin Good: NewzSocial is a free iPad curation app which allows you to instantly create topic-specific channels and to easily curate the content stories that you deem appropriate for each.

Curators can work in teams and collaboratively organize one or more news channels.

From the App Store download page: "NewzSocial is a free social news reader app that allows you to follow, create and share broad and niche news streams on your topics of interest.

The app has unique social curation features using which you can tap into your network of ‘topic expert’ friends and get the news you want selected by the experts you know."

A reviewer on the App Store left this comment: "What blew me away is the number of great articles the app has. I just searched for latest fashion trends & got really great articles. With flipboard, after reading 5-7 articles, it's the same stories from yesterday. "

Free to use.

Find out more:


Other info:

Video intro:

Download NewzSocial in the App Store:

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 13, 2012 11:54 AM!

YouTube To Replace TV News by Curating Dynamic Video Channels for Crisis and Emergency: The Crisis Response One Box

Robin Good: YouTube is moving further ahead in the effort to find new and effective ways to "curate" its most valuable content and in doing it it may just provide a better service than live TV.

In this light it has partnered with Storyful, a content curation platform provider, to give life to a series of new curated channels with user-generated videos, covering live emergency crises around the world as they happen.

SocialMediaToday (AU) reports: ""YouTube collates Storyful’s verified footage and provides the most up to date clips in the separate Crisis Response One Box at the top of the search results, so that people can view legitimate and genuine footage relevant to the event, and keep apprised of what’s happening. Often, before they will be able to view it via mainstream media outlets..."

"YouTube created the Crisis Response One Box in conjunction with Storyful in an attempt to provide almost instant access to the latest breaking news footage in the event of a crisis or disaster.

Information can be slow-flowing, particularly in making its way around the globe. Users don’t have to wait for their local news station to provide an update."

Mashable reports:"...The tool curates the most up-to-date videos and information on major crises and disasters.

YouTube implemented it for the first time on Monday, once news of the floods broke.

The box also includes text information and resources, including links to Google’s Crisis Response project and related news."

"...the Crisis Response One Box includes three types of content: a curated playlist of videos, a Google News cluster about the crisis and the Google Crisis Response page. All of these resources are regularly updated until the crisis abates, when the box will no longer appear with the search results."

Source: Mashable

Curated video page:

More examples of "curated" video news channels on YouTube:

Manila floods of the first week of August:

Syrian Crisis: 

and one about yesterday NYPD incident in central Manhattan: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
February 16, 2012 8:17 AM!

Curate Your Own Video Board: Chill Is The New Pinterest for Video

Robin Good: Chill, the video sharing and discovery site, has just introduced a new feature that allows anyone to clip and share, on a Pinterest-like thematic board, all of the video clips he finds on the web.

The new Chill bookmarklet works very much like the Pinterest one. When you click it, a page shows you all of the video clips found in that page and offers you to clip and "post" the one you want, with your comments. 

It's as easy as that.

The generated "curated" Chill video boards are easy to scan and browse, though, in my view, a great boon would be the ability to check a few of those videos and to click a play button that plays them full screen back to back. This way I have the best of curated content, my own selection, and the final lay-back and watch gratification option. 

Very promising. 

Go try it out now: 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Social Media Content Curation
August 23, 2012 12:16 PM!

Discover New Interesting Video Clips With VideoPind Curated Channels

Discover New Interesting Video Clips With VideoPind Curated Channels | Content Curation World |

Giuseppe Mauriello: VideoPind is new curated video discovery platform available as a Facebook and iTunes app (with support for other platforms coming soon).

Videopind leverages curation by using a team of people which selects the best videos to eb showcased across a number of pre-selected categories and lets you, the user, play the curator as well by allowing you to create custom video playlists.

From description in the App Store: "Videopind is a great way to discover videos that you will love to watch and share.

We curate and organize videos from various categories and channelize them in the form of an amazing view.

Now get videos from Youtube, Dailymotion and Vimeo + connect with your social videos to see what your friends are sharing.


Key features:

- Cloud sync all your favorites and playlists for easy access from any device. Just login and you will have all your videos exactly how you see them on your own device.

- Follow all channels you like, from an every growing list of curated channels.

- Get your social videos in one place - all your videos from Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

- Dynamic search channels - create channels based on your frequently searched keywords.

- Follow your friends from social networks and other users of Videopind who are sharing videos.

- Like videos to mark your favorites for easy access..."



Free download free on Apple Store:


Videopind is also available on Facebook at

Via Giuseppe Mauriello
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 5, 2012 5:45 AM!

YouTube Auto-Curates In-Demand Topics with Auto-Generated Channels

YouTube Auto-Curates In-Demand Topics with Auto-Generated Channels | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: YouTube auto-generated channels are channels that are automatically created by dedicated algorithms to collect trending and popular videos by topic.

"Auto generated channels act like user channels in that you can subscribe to them and stay updated on new videos.

In addition, auto generated channels provide:

-> The ability to subscribe and get regular updates about this topic on YouTube on your feed

-> A way to find other channels related to this topic

-> More context about this topic from Wikipedia or other sources

YouTube algorithmically determines the central topics in a video and then uses that information to develop great collections of videos for any topic of interest.

These channels do not convey any editorial opinion.


More info: 

(Thanks to Alex Briscese for pointing me to this)

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