Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 27, 2013 11:44 AM!

Collect, Tag and Organize Your Favorite Bookmarks with Favebucket

Favebucket is the assistant that helps you save, recollect and share your favorites online.
Robin Good's insight:

Favebucket is a web app which allows you to easily clip any web page, video or content and to organize according to categories (buckets) and tags.

An integrated bookmarklet makes it easy to clip any content on any web page, while suggesting relevant tags and the option to add each item to a bucket (collection).

Individual contents saved with Favebucket can be easily shared on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Organization of tags and buckets, search and navigation are extremely effective.

In addition Favebucket is readying a series of utilities to import your bookmarks from other services. The first one supported is soon-to-be-closed

My comments: Navigation and search through the tags and buckets system is extremely effective and speedy allowing easy grouping and finding of related items.

The major limitation is that buckets (collections of items) cannot be easily embedded on another site or published publicly at a unique URL. 

Good for private curation and bookmarking work.

Free to use.

More info:

Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight, June 2, 2013 8:09 PM

Herramienta que te permite guardar cualquier página web, vídeo o contenido y organizarlo en categorias y etiquetas, algo que resulta muy fácil gracias a su bookmarklet.


Además estos contenidos pueden ser facilmente compartidos en nuestras redes sociales favoritas (Facebook, Twitter...).

wanderingsalsero's comment, June 19, 2013 8:17 AM
After having played around with this a little bit, I must say that I found the instructions a bit lacking. Matter of fact, I wrote them a 'customer service' email with my question and got no reply. In their instructions they show two steps but I could only intuitively find one. Furthermore, I hate it when companies don't think that their product to have a tutorial with an actual human voice but rather throw up some cute little video might get and award for cute music and animation but isn't worth crap to actually telling people how the damn thing works.
Favebucket's comment, June 27, 2013 5:47 PM
[UPDATE] Hi, we are happy to say that we have done extensive work on all the feedback we received from many people and the we will publish a series of releases in the upcoming week and thereafter to meet many [not all] of the expectations people have.

Even though we understand that some Favebucketeers miss functionality it is also fair to say that in this startup stage it is impossible to do everything at once. The upcoming release will deliver browser extensions and many other new features (like several import functions) and even more important, improvements that make Favebucket faster and even more stable.

If you need assistance using Favebucket dont hesitate to email us at:

Team Favebucket
Scooped by Robin Good
April 15, 2013 2:26 PM!

Collect, Organize and Search Any Text, Image or Video You Find on the Web with Dragdis

Collect, Organize and Search Any Text, Image or Video You Find on the Web with Dragdis | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

Dragdis is a web app and browser extension which allows you to easily grab and collect just about any image, text, video or link you find on the web. By simply clicking and dragging anything you find on a web page, triggers the Dragdis browser extension which showcases all of your personal folders and gives you the possibility to drag your item in your preferred collection.

The way Dragdis works is as simple as it can get, and seeing visually your folders on the side of your browser makes the "collecting" experience really easy.

You can create as many collections as you like, invite friends, and re-organize collections, folder names and items collected as you like.

Dragdis also makes it easy to search within your collected items as well as within any item collected by other Dragdis users.

Free to use.

Try it out now:

More info on how to use it:

The Dragdis browser extension is available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari here: (you need to be logged in)

Dragdis is still in private beta as I write, but you can leave your email and request to be invited.

Elizabeth Hutchinson's comment April 18, 2013 3:19 AM
Hi Robin, can you send me the link again for the tools map. I have just tried to open it and my iPad is telling me the address is wrong. Thanks! Elizabeth
Elizabeth Hutchinson's comment April 18, 2013 3:28 AM
Ok, worked it out....needed to download mindomo :)
Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight, April 20, 2013 7:35 AM

Otra nueva aplicación en fase beta para la Content Curation que te permite seleccionar, organizar y buscar cualquier contenido (texto, imagen, vídeo) de la Web para después organizarlo en colecciones o listas creadas por ti mismo o por colaboradores o amigos añadidos por ti. 


Extensión para Google Chrome, Firefox y Safari a la que se puede acceder por invitación dejando el email en la web de Dragdis: