Introduction to Content Curation for Marketers by Sue McKittrick | Content Curation World |

Liz Wilson: A good introduction for any marketer thinking about beginning with curation as part of their content marketing strategy. 


I chose this article because I sometimes think that we can easily assume that most everyone understands what curation is. But most probably the vast majority of small or medium-sized businesses do not (I'm thinking particulary of the UK).


Sue McKittrick (an analyst working on content strategy and more - aims her introductory curation article at marketers who are confused about curation, or who have very little knowledge. 


As a real-world example she utilizes Adobe's highly successful online curated magazine, while also providing a shortlist of some of the best enterpise curation tools available out there. 


If you are briefing a new client that is considering "content curation" as a strategy, this would be a useful article to leave with them. 


Full article: 


Via Liz Wilson