Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
July 29, 2014 9:30 AM!

A Digital Design Learning Hub Created Around Curated Content: Hack Design

A Digital Design Learning Hub Created Around Curated Content: Hack Design | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

HackDesign is a great example of content curation at work. The team of design curators behind this site, targeted at people interested in digital/web design, has curated the very best articles into a series of lessons and the top tools into a well-categorized toolkit.

Each lesson is per se a collection of annotated pointers to existing quality articles on the topic, and the tools are individually reviewed and organized across different application areas.

The official intro: "We've asked some of the world's best designers to help us curate the best and most useful blogs, books, games, videos, and tutorials that helped them learn critical elements of design. We're organizing them all into a digestible and iterative lesson plan so you can apply this knowledge to your own projects."

A model for anyone interested in creating a learning hub on any topic by curating the best content already available online.

Must-see. 9/10

Free to use.

Check it out now: 

The curators: 


Becky Roehrs's curator insight, July 30, 2014 2:52 PM

Wow-I'm going to check this out! If you have a blog or web site, or an e-learning class, it can never hurt to learn more about design, especially from experts.

Olga Senognoeva's curator insight, July 30, 2014 2:52 PM

. ЭТО Учебный концентратор материалов О дизайне В Нем ВЫ найдете:


- Статьи

- Уроки

- Инструменты (

- оборудование

- Технологии


от ведущих дизайнеров мира.


Материал доступен для несведующих в дизайне пользователей.


Полезен вебинаристам при создании презентаций и прочих материалов для продвижения вебинаров.


Инструкторы курса:


Учебный концентратор представлен в соцсетях:





Посмотрите прямо сейчас: /

Joyce Valenza's curator insight, October 5, 2014 9:26 AM

Great for high school learning too!  Use with art, digital storytelling, web design classes.

Scooped by Robin Good
December 14, 2013 2:28 PM!

The Best Free Catalog of Film Clips That Can Be Legally Shared Online:

The Best Free Catalog of Film Clips That Can Be Legally Shared Online: | Content Curation World | has movie trailers, previews, behind the scenes clips of old, new and upcoming films. Find videos of your favorite actors, actresses, scenes or watch clips of movies by producer, director or cast.
Robin Good's insight: is a curated collection of the best movie clips and trailers from thousands of films tha can be re-used, edited, legally shared and embedded on any web site. 

It is possible to search or browse the huge film clips catalog via a rich number of pre-set categories ranging from actors, to directors, move title, and many more.  by a wide number of categories all of the films available 

If you are looking for a specific movie quote, Movieclips can be invaluable in finding that memorable scene that would do perfect to complement your research or communication project.

If you search for a specific theme or word (e.g.: freedom) you can get instantly a list of films that include clips that cite that theme and provides all of them for immediate access.

Any available video clip is available in most cases in both SD and HD video quality, and it is possible to "trim" it to keep only a specific segment to be republished. A simple visual editor allows you to drag clip markers to establish the start and end of the part you are interested in. 

Any clip, can be shared directly to all major social media channels or embedded in a customizable player on any web site or blog.

Moveclips also has curated a gallery of Mashups, a TOP10 of the best clips available.

From any film clip you can access a relevant link to Netflix, Amazon or iTunes to buy, rent, purchase or stream that movie.

Movieclips is available online since 2011 but it looks like it is not being updated anymore. 

No registration or login required.

Free to use.

Try it out now: 

See what others have to said about Movieclips: 

More info:


Annika McGinley's curator insight, December 19, 2013 11:45 PM

I'm always asked by academics about the copyright implications...

Víctor Alarcón's curator insight, February 23, 2014 3:10 PM

Amazing catalogue of film clips which can be shared & embedded

Sofia Anysiadou's curator insight, June 27, 2014 5:15 AM

Ideal for  Preston's annual Film Festival..

Scooped by Robin Good
November 3, 2013 2:39 PM!

A Curated Collection of Daily Quotes Matched to Relevant Songs: Literary Jukebox

A Curated Collection of Daily Quotes Matched to Relevant Songs: Literary Jukebox | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Maria Popova is the author of Literary Jukebox, a fascinating collection of daily quotes from her favorite books, each one thematically matched to a song.

She writes about it: "Sometimes, the connections will be fairly obvious. Other times, they might be more esoteric and require some reflection.

Literary Jukebox is truly a work of love and a great example of how curating something you truly enjoy, can create permanent value, while providing cultural insight, an opportunity for music discovery to the reader as well as exposure and visibility to the books and music authors included.

N.B.: I encourage you to support Maria's work, as she is a brilliant and inspiring mind and her work on Brain Pickings is a clear demonstration of someone whose work benefits no big brand, advertiser or sponsor, but the likes of you and me and our ability to remain curious.  


Get inspired: 

See also: 

Check out Brain Pickings on Twitter:

Consider subscribing to the email newsletter digest. Here's a sample issue on how to worry less about money, timeless advice on courage and the creative life, why going back to school is a bad idea, and more. 


M. W. Catlin's curator insight, November 4, 2013 12:55 PM

Really nice way to combined a couple of my favorite things, music and literature.   

Scooped by Robin Good
October 7, 2013 1:25 PM!

Curated Shopping: eBay To Introduce Curation Features This Fall

Curated Shopping: eBay To Introduce Curation Features This Fall | Content Curation World |

eBay hired a Chief Curator from Bureau of Trade and will be introducing new social features to the site this fall, including Pinterest-like collections and Facebook-like follow buttons. Take a look in our exclusive sneak peek.

Robin Good's insight:

According to Ina Steiner on eBay has hired Michael Phillips Moskowitz to act as Chief Curator and Editorial Director and will be launching in the coming weeks its own curated collections features.

To see some of the upcoming curation features that eBay is going to offer to facilitate recommendations and trusted shopping among eBay 120 million active users, go and check out who is likely a beta user having already access to them.

"On her eBay Profile page, you can see her collections presented in very much the style of Pinterest boards."

Curated shopping collections are a powerful trust-enhancing method to help buyers share their know-how while helping others make more informed choices. eBay is only one among many other large online e-shops (Etsy and Amazon have both recently introduced similar features) to make curation features available to its users.

Interesting. Informative. 7/10

Full article: 

DSDomination's curator insight, November 7, 2013 5:36 AM

Start your own dropshipping business on eBay! Find out how at http:/// #ebay #dropshipping #makemoneyonline

Scooped by Robin Good
September 18, 2013 3:02 PM!

Curated Visual Collection Examples: Typo/Graphic

Curated Visual Collection Examples: Typo/Graphic | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Conceived and created by andré felipe back in 2008, Typo/Graphic Posters is a curated collection of "inspiring" quality posters with a strong focus on typography and expressive graphical compositions.

The works represented come from artists and graphic designers from all over the world and which "challenge type, colors and shapes to express a message".

For each selected author you can see an horizontally laid out collection of his visual posters, which can be clicked and enlarged, and commented via a Facebook plugin appearing at the end of the set. 


Comments. A great curated visual collection, where you can truly find inspiration at every step. Every single set included in it, has been rigorously vetted before being accepted. This is not something you can check, but if you look contained in this collection, you can tell right away that the quality you see is not fruit of an accident.

This type of content is so good and valuable, it stays evergreen even if it's not updated. 

When curating content, even if it is not of a visual nature, a curator should strive to achieve the same level of quality and long-lasting value of such collections.

Free to access.

Curated gallery: 

Favorite sets: 

No comment yet.
Scooped by Robin Good
June 15, 2013 1:36 PM!

Curation Tools For Fashion

Curation Tools For Fashion | Content Curation World |
A selection of fashion sites and tools that allow you to collect your favorite products and brands
Robin Good's insight:

If you look at the industry in which content curation tools and services have had the most leeway so far, that would be positively fashion, and, in my impression, by a good margin over the rapidly growing education/learning sector.

The fashion industry has embraced digital curation wholeheartedly more than any other sector so far, because of its strong visual element (the same one that has popularized the curation concept thanks to tools like Pinterest), and thanks to the natural inclination that fashion customers have for picking, collecting and sharing their unique preferences and combinations.

In this visual collection I have brought together the most interesting examples of curation at work in the world of fashion. Tools, services, communities, brands and products, all working together to filter, aggregate, pick and create relevant "selections" for the infinite number of tribes out there.

Curation Tools for Fashion:

Enjoy, share, suggest new relevant ones to add.

Style Mint LLC's curator insight, June 17, 2013 10:54 PM

This is a great link to find everything you need to dress your best.

Scooped by Robin Good
May 24, 2013 6:25 AM!

Visually Curate Your Digital Magazine or Product Showcase with Clipzine

Visually Curate Your Digital Magazine or Product Showcase with Clipzine | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

Clipzine is a web app which makes it easy to collect images from any website page and to visually organize them into page-based collections.

On each page it is possible to place as many as 24 pieces of content and to decide how large or small each element will be. The user can expand each imported element over two or more tiles and move it around to any position.

It is also possible to use one or more tiles to add custom text and information and to format it professionally.

One key practical use of Clipzine that can be helpful in testing out its capablities is its ability to create a visual magazine of any Pinterest board.

Just go to the selected Pinterest board page, click the Clipzine bookmarklet and select the unique Clipzine option to capture "all" images available on that page at once.

Once captured all the images in a "zine", click on Edit / Syling and then on the Styling button that appears above each page content. Now hover with your mouse on any image in the collection and experiment with the feature buttons that appear around and in the center of each image.

The final collection, called a zine, can be saved, published on the web, shared on social media, embedded on other sites or saved to a PDF file.

My comment: This is one of the very few curation tools that leverages a tremendously powerful variable: control of positioning and size of elements in a collection. This is very useful as it empowers the curator to go beyond the linear top-down list or newspaper/magazine sequence and to create a more varied "equilibrium" between the elements in the collection.

Understanding how to use Clipzine is not as intuitive as one would like, and the UI, thanks also to the presence of unpleasant and distracting ads is not as clean and straightforward as I would like to be.

Promising concept. Powerful visual control in the hands of the curator. A bit disappointing implementation and not so intuitive and simple to use (for now). 

Free to use. Ad supported.

Find out more / Try it out now:

Melanie Jean Juneau's comment, May 29, 2013 8:30 PM
such a kind comment, i never thought about it that way but you are right
Inyoung Lee's comment, May 29, 2013 8:36 PM
I am pleased too. the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws. :)
Melanie Jean Juneau's comment, May 29, 2013 8:37 PM
it is the power of love, unconditional love
Scooped by Robin Good
May 22, 2013 6:24 AM!

A Collection of Collections: The Typologist by Diana Zlatanovski

A Collection of Collections: The Typologist by Diana Zlatanovski | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for some oustanding examples of curation at work here's one that should not be missed.

A collection of collections, the Typologist is a unique site curated by Diana Zlatanovski, Museologist at The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston  and Photographer at The Typology, and showcasing interesting objects and photo typologies that she has found around the world.

Check also her print shop at:

Follow Diana here:


Mr Tozzo's curator insight, May 22, 2013 10:14 AM

A Collection of Collections: The Typologist by Diana Zlatanovski

Scooped by Robin Good
April 1, 2013 10:52 AM!

Capture, Organize and Publish Your Curated Content Collections with Clipboard

Capture, Organize and Publish Your Curated Content Collections with Clipboard | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

In my humble opinion, Clipboard is the best capture and clipping tool for curation work that you can use today.  This is the real Pinterest on steroids. This free web app allows you to easily grab any text, image, area or full web page from any web site and to save it in your collection.

To be specific "you can clip text, photos, animations, videos, or all of the above mixed together. You can clip entire web pages or strip them down to just text. You can drag-and-drop images and text files from your desktop to Clipboard. You can create your own notes directly in Clipboard and save them as clips. You can also - if you are using a Google Chrome browser - bookmark entire PDF web pages (but you cannot clip sections of PDF files)."

The Clipboard browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox and the generic bookmarklet which can work on any browser is a little technology gem, making the capture work an absolute breeze.

Clipboard allows your collections to be set for public or private use, and it makes it easy to invite you other people that you want to contribute to your curation work.

Clips can be tagged, commented, annotated and shared with specific users (via mentioning their name handle). Clipboard collections can be easily shared on all major social networks, or embedded in any web site or blog.

On the display and navigation front good news too. Collections can be viewed in one of three possible modes (tile, item and list view).

Free to use.

Profile example:

Board example:

More info:


WordPress Plugin:

Also available in the App Store:

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Scooped by Robin Good
September 1, 2012 8:42 AM!

A Curated Selection of Data Visualization Charts and Infographics: The Information Is Beautiful Awards

A Curated Selection of Data Visualization Charts and Infographics: The Information Is Beautiful Awards | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: David McCandlees, the author of the book Information is Beautiful celebrates great data visualization and information design work through the Information is Beautiful Awards.

Together with a jury of experts like Brian Eno, Paola Antonelli, Maria Popova, Simon Rogers and Aziz Kami, he has curated a unique selection of 300 designs and a short list of finalists in the following categories:

» Data visualization– A singular visualisation of data or information.» Infographic – Using multiple data visualisations in service to a theme or story

» Interactive visualization – Any viz where you can dynamically filter or explore the data.

» Data journalism – A combination of text and visualizations in a journalistic format.

» Motion infographic – Moving and animated visualizations along a theme or story.

» Tool or website – Online tools & apps to aid datavizzing.

The selection itself is worth a tour of the site and of this initiative.


Longlist selection:

Shortlist selection:

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 18, 2012 9:04 AM!

50 Curated News Sites: A Collection of Real-World Examples

50 Curated News Sites: A Collection of Real-World Examples | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Here is a collection of curated news sites that I have put together over the course of the last few months.

It contains over 30 news sites that utilize human curation to pick and showcase the most relevant stories in their area of coverage.

From early examples to news curation like Arts & Letters or the Drudge Report to the most recent examples of news curated sites for both big brands (Pepsi, Adobe), NGOs (FAO) and independent publishers (Techmeme, MediaGazer) you can find a broad range of examples to study, research or get inspiration from.

The collection is ony visual with a minimum of reference info.

Free. Updated monthly.

Curated news sites collection:

Please suggest new additions to be included.

No comment yet.
Scooped by Robin Good
July 26, 2012 5:10 PM!

Curation in Education: Great Examples At Work

Curation in Education: Great Examples At Work | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: During the recent virtual and live conference Emerge2012, in which I had the opportunity to run a workshop on Content Curation for Education, I have collaboratively started a collection of great examples of curation for education.

My goal was the one of showcasing some good examples of curated collection that were either focusing on education or that some clear education use/application.

It is a starting point.

Suggestions on what would be valuable to add, to my initial set of examples are highly welcome. Use the comments section here below or send a tweet to @robingood.

Original map:

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 28, 2012 4:18 AM!

Curate and Compare Your Collection of Favorite Products: GetVega

Curate and Compare Your Collection of Favorite Products: GetVega | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: GetVega is a Pinterest-like visual clipping tool, which allows you to create lists and visual collections of commercial products while easily capturing selective info relative to each one (cost, size, weight, price, etc.). 

As I have been writing, one of the key next evolutionary areas for content curation tools, is the delivery format. It is on this front that there are lots of marvellous opportunities yet to be tapped. And GetVega is one of the first curation tools to do a great job on this front.  

In fact, one key feature inside GetVega is the ability to display curated collections in one of three different visual formats, depending on the type of list and use you want to make of it. One such display format is extremely effective and valuable as it makes it easy to "compare" products and info within one collection.

GetVega provides a Google Chrome extension that allows you to easily clip one or more images from any product page, as well as any specific product info text or video.

Check out for example this curated collection of iPad alternatives: You can see at a glance the different tools and their key specs. 

Collections can be set to be either "public" or "private" and can be easily shared on 

Similar "product curation tools" include:
Polyvore, Wanelo, Bagcheck, Curisma, OpenSky, Lyst  

Recommended. 8/10

Try it out now: 

janlgordon's comment, January 28, 2012 3:20 PM
Looks interesting, just signed up:-)
Scooped by Robin Good
January 4, 2014 8:07 AM!

Snowfallen StoryTelling: 150+ Examples of Long-Format Multimedia Stories

Snowfallen StoryTelling: 150+ Examples of Long-Format Multimedia Stories | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Snowfallen definition: "to publish a whopping great story online that’s stuffed full of integrated multimedia elements — in the manner of the New York Times’ Snow Fall, the epic report on a brutal avalanche that was released late last year to much acclaim."

(source: Matter)

Whether you think that the SnowFall-like journalism format is a great thing or not, this new storytelling format characterized by long narrative texts accompanied by many multimedia elements, seems to see no stop to its growth.

Bobby Johnson of Matter / Medium, is not quite convinced that this format is always the best way to go, but besides his interesting pros and cons for the use of the snowfallen format, he has done a fantastic job of curating a great an "open" collection of all of the "snowfallen" examples already published out there.

The collection provides in a chronological order, "snowfall"-like examples essentially for the last three years, though there are a few dating back as far as to 1996. 

Excellent. 9/10

SnowFallen Examples Collection: 

malek's curator insight, January 4, 2014 8:26 AM

A frowing different species in the Storytelling kingdom. Save it in your Google Doc, enjoy at your leisure.

Scooped by Robin Good
November 6, 2013 4:55 PM!

A Curated Journal of the Best Copyright-Free Contents Available Online: The Public Domain Review

A Curated Journal of the Best Copyright-Free Contents Available Online: The Public Domain Review | Content Curation World |
Online journal dedicated to showcasing the most interesting and unusual out-of-copyright works available on the web
Robin Good's insight:

The Public Domain Review, a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation founded by Adam Green and Jonathan Gray, is a free online journal collecting and showcasing the most interesting and unique copyright-free works available on the Internet. 

The Guardian reports: "...the site and its newsletter showcase the best and quirkiest texts, images and films the internet has to offer. 

...A model of digital curation."

The mission of the PDR is to "celebrate and showcase online material which is openly licensed, and thus free for people to share and re-use for any purpose".

My comment: A treasure trove of unique, rare and valuable pieces of content organized in helpful collections. A gate to discovery of otherwise unfindable gems.

Free to use.

Check it out now: 

More info: 



Key content sources: 

Susan Wegmann's curator insight, April 17, 2014 9:57 AM

Incredible resource of hard-to-find content

flea palmer's curator insight, May 21, 2014 6:31 AM

A fantastic resource comprising of artworks, essays, audio and books. You can also subscribe to the Public Domain newsletter to find out what has recently been featured.

Lara N. Madden's curator insight, May 21, 2014 2:39 PM

This could be a great resource for both educators and students.

Scooped by Robin Good
October 31, 2013 3:08 PM!

Great Content Curation Examples: Fest300 - The World's Best Festivals

Great Content Curation Examples: Fest300 - The World's Best Festivals | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Fest300 is a great example of content curation at work. The site is a gateway to the most interesting festivals around the world, organized into several categories, from art and performance events, to music, health, food and religious celebrations.

For each selected festival a dedicated info-page curated by founder Chip Conley provides detailed info about the event, the location, accomodation and driving info, key takeaways, photos, video clips, ratings and things to pay attention to. Social comments provide also additional valuable info.

An excellent resource for world travellers, and a fantastic curation example to inspire web publishers and passionate entrepreneurs alike.

Free to use. 

Check it out now: 

Zoé Dmn's curator insight, March 10, 2015 11:23 AM

Les meilleurs festivals au monde... Liste, présentation et photos...

Scooped by Robin Good
October 3, 2013 1:22 PM!

The Museum of Online Museums: A Curated Catalogue of Fantastic Web Collections

The Museum of Online Museums: A Curated Catalogue of Fantastic Web Collections | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

The Museum of Online Museums is an online project showcasing a growing catalogue of the most interesting digital museums and online collections of all kinds.

The site provides access to three main curated sets:

1) The Museum Campus presenting a short list of to brick-and-mortar museums with an interesting online presence.

2) The Permanent Collection which offers a second short list of online collections of particular interest to design and advertising.

3) Galleries, Exhibitions and Shows where you can find an infinite number of unique digital collections of all kinds. " eclectic and ever-changing list of interesting links to collections and galleries, most of them hosted on personal web pages."

The richness and variety of the digital collections included is amazing and covering the most unthinkable subjects: from grocery list collections to antique tuning dials you probably can find your own addictive corner. 

Free to use.

Check it out now: 

Check "The Curators" clip: 

Françoise Grave's curator insight, October 16, 2013 2:04 PM

Des ressources en anglais mais un impressionnant catalogue.

Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight, October 25, 2013 10:25 AM

I love browsing museum collections online, and this site has links to some amazing ones I hadn't seen before.

Catalina Elena Oyarzún Albarracín's comment, May 7, 2014 4:02 PM
Great post,thanks fr sharing!!!
Scooped by Robin Good
July 23, 2013 5:15 PM!

Curate Instagram Pics From Any User or Hashtag Into Custom Albums with INK361

Curate Instagram Pics From Any User or Hashtag Into Custom Albums with INK361 | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

INK361 is a free web app which allows you to view, organize, filter and aggregate Instagram pics into "albums" that can be shared on all major social platforms as well as be embedded on any site or blog.

At its basic level INK361 gives the opportunity to create a Gallery which contains all of your Instagram pics and which you can share as a web collection with anyone or embed in your site.

When instead you want to create a "curated collection" of Instagram pics on INK361, you head to the "Albums" section and you specify a combination of @username and #hashtags (up to 5) that you want to use as filters. At this point INK361 aggregates for you all of the pics matching your specifications and gives you the tools to pick and select the ones you prefer, letting you position them in a digital album.

Curated albums can be shared in one-click on Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and more, or you can choose to grab a highly customizable embed code for your site.

My comment: While this is a web service clearly designed to support those looking to get some great prints from their Instagram pics, the "album" creation tool to curate, collect, organize and share/publish images from any account or hashtag while being able to manually pick, select and position   it's really great and it's the first serious tool I have seen to do effective Instagram curation.

Free to use.

Find out more:

Example of a curated collection of my favorite clouds pics from my own account:!/albums/robingood/clouds*

Example of my embeddable Gallery:

*If you're not yet registered and you get an annoying dialog box obscuring your view, simply click on the last few words in the text notice that appears and, voilà, it will go away.

Jan Ankerstjerne's curator insight, July 24, 2013 5:53 AM

The World of Social Media Gets Better and Better.

Ainhoa Martín Rosas's curator insight, July 26, 2013 3:40 AM

Un curador de fotos de Instagram. Frikis de la fotografía, no os lo perdáis ;-)

Scooped by Robin Good
June 4, 2013 5:15 PM!

Create Embeddable Pinterest-Like Multimedia Boards with LookBookHQ

Create Embeddable Pinterest-Like Multimedia Boards with LookBookHQ | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

If you were looking for a way to create a Pinterest-like board, that can integrate web sites, images, video clips and files, and that you can embed within your content, like this, then you should give a good look to LookBooks.

LookBooks is a web service which allows you to curate embeddable visual information boards in which you can organize all content types.

A LookBook looks somewhat like a Pinterest board in which you can manually arrange individual tiles and integrate multiple types of information items, alongside your notes and comments to tell a story or to contextualize the different items presented.

LookBooks can be easily shared, published on the LookBookHQ web site or embedded on any site or blog and can be easily measured in terms of traffic and usage analytics.

Free 30-day trial.

Paid plans (targeted at enterprise customers): $250-2500/mo

My comment: There is a long-standing and growing need for a curation tool, that while extending Pinterest style visual collection abilities provided the ability to manually arrange board items, to include information objects beyond simple images and to be embedded on any web site or blog.

LookBooks fulfills therefore a growing need that Pinterest may not be interested in leveraging yet. Unfortunately LookBooks has chosen a pricing strategy and free-trial strategy (someone has to contact you to get you in) that cuts it out of getting any early traction through early adopters and, as a consequence, I think it may remain a model for other newcomers to exploit more than a useful tool that I can recommend you to take on your toolkit right away.

Interesting nonetheless.

More info:

LookBook example integrated in an article:

Other LookBook examples:

Mark Opauszky's comment, June 5, 2013 4:32 PM
Good insights Robin and thanks for the great words. We talk about activating our self-serve capability all the time, and we hope to very soon. Truth is we have a big focus on our B2B enterprise activity right now, and it’s really helping us get things right for our users. We will get back to anyone interested in giving us a try though and we live for the feedback. Thanks Again.
Royal Presence's comment, June 5, 2013 9:02 PM
thanks to Robin and Mark for your timely insight.
Scooped by Robin Good
May 22, 2013 3:14 PM!

A Great Selection of Resources on Curation and Learning by David Kelly

A Great Selection of Resources on Curation and Learning by David Kelly | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

A great collection of key articles on curation prepared by David Kelly to support his ASTD 2013 session on Curation: Beyond the Buzzword.

The curated list includes nearly 40 selected articles divied into four groups:

a) Specific Session Resources

b) Curation-Themed Writing
c) Curation Examples
d) Additional Resources

Very useful. Good selection. 8/10

Full resource page:

Presentation on Slideshare:

wanderingsalsero's curator insight, May 23, 2013 8:37 PM

This is an evergreen interesting topic.  I was especially intrigued with the title up above that said "Social Media Job of The Future".  There might be a lot of prescience (sp?) in that choice of words.

Dawn Adams Miller's curator insight, May 23, 2013 11:12 PM

Anything from LnD Dave is pure hold and very practical.  Enjoy'

Susan Wegmann's curator insight, May 24, 2013 8:51 AM

A GREAT resource for the buzzword "Content Curation." Finally!

Scooped by Robin Good
April 24, 2013 4:31 PM!

Collect and Organize Your Favorite Texts, Images and Videos with Keeeb

Pinterest meets Evernote. Every day you surf and find amazing things on the internet. With Keeeb you can save sentences or paragraphs, single images and vide...
Robin Good's insight:

Keeeb is a Pinterest-like content curation tool, which allows you to clip individual text passages, images you find on web page or video clips into visual collections that you can organize according to your preferences.

Within Keeb visual boards, which can be set to be public or private (default), you can in fact drag and re-arrange individual items as you prefer. Collected items can also be easily copied or moved to other "pages" (collections) you have and can be shared directly on your Facebook or Twitter social media channels.

You can also work collaboratively with other teammates on a collection by inviting them to contribute to any Keeeb page you have created.

A unique feature of Keeeb called Groups allows to tie together multiple items in a collection by dragging them on top of each other. Groups in turn, can be nested into other groups.

Keeeb makes it very easy to clip multiple parts from a web page or set of pages and to collect them in an orderly manner inside a page.

Keeeb offers much better functionalities than Pinterest, allowing serious content curators to create valuable collections of multimedia excerpts on specific subjects.

Definitely worth trying.

Free to use.

Try it out now:


(HT to Ana Cristina Pratas for first discovering it)

Robin Good's comment, September 28, 2013 1:56 PM
Hi David, Keeeb is a good tool if you need to collect and organize web resources, images or video. It's better than Pinterest functionality-wise but it does not have its audience. So my advice is try it out and see if it does what you need to do.
David Sallinen (WAN-IFRA)'s comment, September 29, 2013 4:43 AM
Thanks Robin, I'm going to try ;-)
BigO's curator insight, November 25, 2013 7:29 PM


Scooped by Robin Good
March 24, 2013 12:02 PM!

Create a Visual Library of Your Best Content Resources with Kippt

"Learn from others. Start your library today."

Robin Good's insight:

Kippt is a web app which allows you to easily capture any type of content from the web (images, articles, video clips, etc.) and to organize them into visual collections that can be shared publicly or be set to remain private.

Readers can comments, fave, save, share and report any content they find in your collections.

Kippt can automatically import all of your existing booksmarks from an extended number of services and browsers, including:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Delicious
  • Diigo
  • Google bookmarks
  • Instapaper
  • Pinboard
  • Pocket
  • Historious

Kippt can be used by as a collaborative visual communication to review project drafts and updates as well as a library in which to save work resources or important reference work. It is also possible to write and post your own notes next to the items you collect.

Kippt can therefore be used as Pinterest-like visual library organizer of all your bookmarks, references, resources, sites and content, in which you can both private, collaborative and public items.

The Pro version, which costs $25/year, offers an ad-free version and a full text search feature across all of your libraries content.

Free to use.

Browser extensions:  (Chrome, Safari)

Import bookmarks tool:

Try it out now:

wanderingsalsero's curator insight, March 27, 2013 4:56 AM

I have an account with these guys but haven't really used it.  But....if it'll help be combine my 'favorites' from two different computers, I'll take another look.


William J. Ryan's curator insight, March 28, 2013 9:00 AM

Visual cues always help me !

Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight, April 12, 2013 8:24 PM

Crear una excelente biblioteca visual de tus mejores fuentes de contenidos ahora es posible con Kippt, una herramienta que te permitirá importar tus marcadores favoritos de bastantes aplicaciones com Delicious, Diigo, de navegadores como Chrome, Firefox, Safari... y organizarlas de una manera muy visual al estilo Pinterest.

Scooped by Robin Good
August 21, 2012 10:03 AM!

How Worthless Stuff on eBay Becomes Art and the Collector-Curator Becomes an Artist

How Worthless Stuff on eBay Becomes Art and the Collector-Curator Becomes an Artist | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: If you seriously and systematically curate a topic, your work may be soon considered as good as collector's art, not because of the individual value of each piece you include, but thanks to your ability to orchestrate a strong and consistent "theme".

In this article inspired by the Three Graces photographic collection who was recently bought by New York collector Peter J. Cohen, Deanna Alshad writes how much she likes Stephanie Terelak as she captures the essence of this photograph collection: "The lines of collector, curator, and artist are blurred in this case.

Individually, these photographs are worth very little, probably a few dollars on ebay I would guess.

But amassed, sorted, and curated in large specific groups, seemingly worthless stuff on ebay becomes art and the collector becomes artist, selecting each piece to belong to a greater whole that our best museums’ curators deemed worthy of their walls."

And then she adds: "This can nearly be said of any collection. Collections are works of art, like collages or mixed media projects — or bonsai trees.

Often continuously in process, collections are nearly alive with the story narrated by each individual collector’s act of collecting.

Each curates — feeds and prunes — for meaning and growth as well as with an artistic eye, to tell stories with objects."

Inspiring. Rightful. 8/10

Full article:

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 27, 2012 11:13 AM!

Create Collaborative Multimedia Collections with Springpad

Robin Good: Springpad is both a web and a mobile app that you can use to curate visual collections on any topic.

Unlike Pinterest and similar visual boards, Springpad allows you to add just about any type of content to a collection while it auto-enriches it everytime possible with additional contextual information.

For example if you include a book or a movie into a collection Springpad will gather and display relevant information next to it (author, description, reviews, where to buy it, etc.).

Springpad boards are called "notebooks" and they can be personalized in their look, and made private or public. You can also invite additional contributors and offer a customized providing different views of your collection.

Content can be added to a "notebook" via standard bookmarklet or by using an internal search feature which gathers all types of relevant content.

Works right in your browser and in your favorite smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android).

Free to use.


Download for iOS:

Download for Android:

More info:

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 30, 2012 4:24 PM!

An Open Infinite Canvas Where To Collect Anything You Want: Murally

Robin Good: is an infinite visual canvas that can be used to create visual maps, digital posters, collections of information resources, images and video clips. makes it particularly easy to search the web and to import any image, video or content clip you decide to use.

Presently in invitation beta.  

Find out more and see work created with it here:  

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