Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
November 15, 2013 6:04 PM!

Collect, Organize and Curate Web Content Into Visual Boards with Mammothhq

Robin Good's insight:

Mammoth is a web app which allows you to easily grab, collect and organize any content you find on the web. From text, to images and video clips, can be easily dragged and dropped into the vertical sidebar widget called Mini-Mammoth and placed into different collections called "boards".


Boards can be set to be public or private. 5 GB of free space available for every new user. For every person you refer you get an extra GB. Can invite others to collaborate with you.  


My comment: Good tool to collect and organize stuff that you need for your own projects and interests. Differently than similar tools it offers a full text and content editor to enrich, complement and annotate boards with original stuff opening the way also to learning and educational purposes.


Free to use.


Try it out now or request an invite: 


Chrome extension: 


Find out more: 


More video clips: 


Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, November 16, 2013 10:11 AM

Buena herramienta para recopilar y organizar todo el material que puedes necesitar para tus proyectos e intereses. A diferencia de otras herramientas similares, esta ofrece un completo editor de textos y un editor de contenido para enriquecer, complementar y hacer anotaciones con material original. También deja abierto el camino de su uso para el aprendizaje y los fines educativos . 

Anne Méner's curator insight, November 17, 2013 5:34 AM

Paraît simple à utiliser pour un premier travail de collecte d'information.

Georges Millet's curator insight, November 18, 2013 5:58 AM

If you look for new ways of curating all information you processed, an other alternative to Evernote ...

Scooped by Robin Good
June 16, 2013 3:04 AM!

Curate Your Own Lists of Best Films, TV Shows, Books or Games with Listal

Curate Your Own Lists of Best Films, TV Shows, Books or Games with Listal | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Listal is a free web service and a vibrant community of movies and book lovers, who are provided with the tools to collect, rate and comment their favorite films and readings.

Key features include:

  • Rate items and add reviews, tags, images, videos & lists
  • Create as many collections as you like
  • Search and find titles by author,
  • Find people who share your tastes on the basis of your ratings
  • Generate charts based on the ratings of the people you follow
  • Organise your Movie/TV, Music, Game or Book collections
  • Customize your profile
  • RSS feeds for lists
  • Create drag and drop reorderable lists
  • Annotate your lists with notes and images
  • Import and export list data
  • Track loaned items
  • Create flash widgets for your lists and collections
  • Private message other Listal members
  • Discussion forums
  • View statistics about your collections

My comment: Excellent free tool to curate your favorite videos, films, books, music or electronic games. Recommended for anyone serious about creating and sharing this type of information.

Free to use.

Try it out now:

Zorka Kovacevich Marketing's curator insight, June 16, 2013 7:51 AM
Insight From Robin Good:


Listal is a free web service and a vibrant community of movies and book lovers, who are provided with the tools to collect, rate and comment their favorite films and readings.


Key features include:

Rate items and add reviews, tags, images, videos &listsCreate as many collections as you likeSearch and find titles by author,Find people who share your tastes on the basis of your ratingsGenerate charts based on the ratings of the people you followOrganise your Movie/TV, Music, Game or Book collectionsCustomize your profileRSS feeds for listsCreate drag and drop reorderable listsAnnotate your lists with notes and imagesImport and export list dataTrack loaned itemsCreate flash widgets for your lists and collectionsPrivate message other Listal membersDiscussion forumsView statistics about your collections



My comment: Excellent free tool to curate your favorite videos, films, books, music or electronic games. Recommended for anyone serious about creating and sharing this type of information.



Free to use.


Try it out now:



juanjovilar's curator insight, June 17, 2013 7:22 AM

Herramienta para generar tus listas de mejores libros, canciones, discos, películas...

Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight, June 18, 2013 10:43 PM

Excelente aplicación web que nos permitirá curar nuestras películas, programas de TV, libros o videojuegos para poder organizarlos, filtrarlos y compartirlos en nuestras redes sociales favoritas.

Scooped by Robin Good
August 10, 2012 3:29 AM!

Google Search Starts To Reward Curators, Collections and Quality Lists

Robin Good: In the overall effort to improve the quality of its search engine result pages Google is continuining to make significant improvements to its search engine.

Starting from now all users worldwide can see Knowledge Graph results showing up on top of search results as a visuable and browsable list of alternative options to explore.

Not only.

Google is now officially goig after the gathering and curation of the best list, collections and guides on just about any topic.

From the official Google Blog. Read it carefully: "Finally, the best answer to your question is not always a single entity, but a list or group of connected things.

It’s quite challenging to pull these lists automatically from the web. But we’re now beginning to do just that.

So when you search for [california lighthouses], [hurricanes in 2008] or [famous female astronomers], we’ll show you a list of these things across the top of the page. And by combining our Knowledge Graph with the collective wisdom of the web, we can even provide more subjective lists like [best action movies of the 2000s] or [things to do in paris]."

Very interesting. 8/10

Read more about it:

Prasanth (WN)'s comment, August 10, 2012 10:23 AM
Archeology Rome's comment, August 10, 2012 10:24 AM
Interesting, thanks.
Scooped by Robin Good
July 17, 2012 10:45 AM!

User-Driven Curation of Academic Content: Connexions Collections and Lenses

User-Driven Curation of Academic Content: Connexions Collections and Lenses | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Connexions is a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc.

Anyone may view or contribute: authors create and collaborate, instructors rapidly build and share custom collections, learners find and explore content.

From the official site:

"Lenses enable both organizations and individuals to give their stamps of approval to content in the repository, allowing for user-driven quality control of modules and collections.

Through these lenses, users can provide their own tags and comments for items in the repository. Lenses can also be used as "bookmarks" within the repository to keep track of related or otherwise interesting content."

More info:

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 20, 2012 5:07 PM!

Curation Approaches: Sprints vs Marathons

Curation Approaches: Sprints vs Marathons | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: It's true, when you create a "curated" collection, it's generally done in one of two possible approaches:

a) the "sprint", where due to time-sensitive issues lots of elevant items are collected in a short period of time. 

b) the "marathon", where relevant collection items are slowly but steadily collected over time.

This short article on the Bundlr blog acknowledges this typical behavior, as well as identifying some relevant examples and characteristics. 

Insightful. 7/10

Blog post: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
April 24, 2012 8:44 PM!

Capture, Annotate and Organize Content Into Collages, Books or Flows with Surfmark

Capture, Annotate and Organize Content Into Collages, Books or Flows with Surfmark | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Surfmark is a new content curation service introducing some innovative and forward-looking features.

Surfmark in fact provides not only standard capabilities to easily capture, collect and organize content from any web page, but it adds intelligently alternative display formats to allow the exploration of such collections in multiple ways.

Another key innovative feature of Surfmark is its ability to generate bibliographies and summaries of content collections.

Surfmark allows social collaborative curation, history of all edits made, and the ability to share publicly or keep a collection private.

Collections can be downloaded in PDF or text formats and all pages saved in a collection are fully preserved with all the formatting and links intact so that you can refer back to exactly what you saw. 

Free to use. 


Try out and more info: 

(thanks to Ana Cristina Pratas for discovering this) 

Beth Kanter's comment, April 26, 2012 11:49 AM
Could be so useful for research for curriculum development
Scooped by Robin Good
October 13, 2013 1:11 PM!

Need To Explain Content Curation To Someone Else? Here Are 5 Special Resources

Need To Explain Content Curation To Someone Else? Here Are 5 Special Resources | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Introducing content curation to someone who doesn't know anything about it is not always an easy task.

There are so many different articles, opinions, definitions and recommendations about content curation that it is quite difficult for someone just getting familiar with the topic, to easily find out where to start and what to trust.

To help out anyone needing to support the explanation of content curation to others, here are five comprehensive resource collections I have put together over the course of the last year. 

1) Content Curation - Definitions

a collection of the best and most useful definitions
of what content curation is  

2) Content Curation - What is it? Video Intros

30+ short video clips that introduce the need,

practice and purpose of content curation 

3) Content Curation Visualized 

110+ infographics, visuals, illustrations and diagrams explaining what content curation is 

4) Content Curation Tools Directory - Tools Directory 

100+ of the best content curation tools organized

in a directory for immediate access 

5) Content Curation Tools Supermap - Tools Collection

600+ content curation, discovery, filtering and publishing tools organized by categories for doing content curation 

All free to use and share.


Gianfranco Marini's curator insight, October 26, 2013 11:37 PM

Traduco liberamente la recensione di Robin Good dall'inglese.  


Spiegare cosa sia la content curation - cura dei contenuti a qualcuno che non lo sa non è semplice dato che vi sono molte definizioni, articoli, concezioni e interpretazioni che la riguardano.


Per offire un aiuto a chi avesse necessità di spiegare la content curation sono qui presentati 5 gruppi di risorse:


1) Content Curation - Definizioni

raccolta delle migliori definizioni di content curation


2) Content Curation -video

30 brevi clips video che introducono alla content curation


3) Content Curation - infografiche 

oltre 110 infografiche che spiegano cosa sia la content curation


4) Content Curation - strumenti

oltre 100 tra i migliori strumenti per la content curation


5) Mappa sugli strumenti per la content Curation - collezione di strumenti

più di 600 strumenti per la content curation (organizzazione pubblicazione, categorizzazione, scoperta, ecc)


Leah Lesley Christensen's curator insight, December 2, 2013 1:37 PM

Never heard of it - must be worth sharing :)

Robin Good's insight:Introducing content curation to someone who doesn't know anything about it is not always an easy task. There are so many different articles, opinions, definitions and recommendations about content curation that it is quite difficult for someone just getting familiar with the topic, to easily find out where to start and what to trust. To help out anyone needing to support the explanation of content curation to others, here are five comprehensive resource collections I have put together over the course of the last year. 1) Content Curation - Definitions a collection of the best and most useful definitions of what content curation is 2) Content Curation - What is it? Video Intros 30+ short video clips that introduce the need, practice and purpose of content curation 3) Content Curation Visualized 110+ infographics, visuals, illustrations and diagrams explaining what content curation is 4) Content Curation Tools Directory - Tools Directory 100+ of the best content curation tools organized in a directory for immediate access 5) Content Curation Tools Supermap - Tools Collection 600+ content curation, discovery, filtering and publishing tools organized by categories for doing content curation All free to use and share.
Maria Richards's curator insight, March 29, 2014 4:50 PM

This link is invaluable to support an understanding of content curation. 

Scooped by Robin Good
October 11, 2012 3:47 AM!

Facebook Introduces Pinterest-Style, Curated "Collections"

Facebook Introduces Pinterest-Style, Curated "Collections" | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Facebook has introduced a new curation feature designed to allow its users to collect and organize their favorite "products" into so-called "Collections".

According to Hubspot "the new feature called 'Collections,' allows marketers to add “Want” or “Collect” buttons to news feed posts about products."


The new FB "Collections" is publicly available to everyone, and it is being tested "with 7 retail partners -- Pottery Barn, Wayfair, Victoria’s Secret, Michael Kors, Neiman Marcus, Smith Optics, and"

(you need to go to those FB brad pages to test it).

It also seems that the feature can be activated in at least three different ways by one of these three upcoming action buttons:

a) "Want": adds the product to a Timeline section of a user's profile called “Wishlist”

b) "Collect": adds the item to a Collection called “Products”

c) "Like": a special version of the standard "Like" button that also adds the item to “Products”

N.B.: While Collections are free for business pages to use, they're only visible to the page's fans. You have to "Like" the page in order to see these types of posts.

Find out more here:

and here:

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 17, 2012 11:39 AM!

Organize, Share and Discuss Valuable Learning Resources Into Cloudscapes

Organize, Share and Discuss Valuable Learning Resources Into Cloudscapes | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Cloudscapes are collections of "clouds" about a certain topic. A "cloud" can be anything of relevance to learning and teaching clike an essay, a presentation, a resource, tool or event.

A cloudscape is therefore a user-driven collection of learning materials/resources pulled together for a specific need.

A cloudscape contains multiple elements:

1) Content - the actual text content

2) Cloudstream - tracking all the editing activities in the collection

3) Clouds - individual information objects

4) related Tweets

5) an RSS feed

6) a discussion area

Cloudworks, the platform where cloudscapes are born, is an open repository of educational and learning materials that motivates participants to share, find and discuss learning and teaching ideas.

Although the word "curation" is never used on the site or in the related documentation, this is yet another example of how the convergence of open repositories, open content and sharing platforms like this one, provide a natural and fertile ground for spontaneous curation approaches.

On this platform users can create topical learning collections by bringing together a selected set of existing content resources.

Cloudworks is developed by the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University in the UK and it is part of the Open University Learning Design Initiative (OULDI) project.

Example of a cloudscape:

More info:

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 16, 2012 6:33 PM!

How To Curate Digital Collections and Aggregations | DH Curation Guide

How To Curate Digital Collections and Aggregations | DH Curation Guide | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: A valuable resource for anyone interested in the creation, organization and preservation of digital collections for the humanities, is this curated selection of resources and citations made available by the DH Curation Guide.

"The DH Curation Guide is a compilation of articles that address aspects of data curation in the digital humanities.

The goal of the DH Curation Guide is to direct readers to trusted resources with enough context from expert editors and the other members of the research community to indicate to how these resources might help them with their own data curation challenges."

DH Curation Guide:

Of particular interest in this collection:

The concept of collection from the user’s perspective

by H. L. Lee.

A framework for contextual information in digital collections

by Lee, C. A.

Thematic Research Collections

by Palmer, C. L.

A framework of guidance for building good digital collections

by NISO Framework Advisory Group

Full guide:

(Image credit:

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 17, 2012 6:54 AM!

Clip Any Web Page, Text or Link and Organize Into Collections with Evernote WebClipper

Clip Any Web Page, Text or Link and Organize Into Collections with Evernote WebClipper | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: If you need to do research on a specific topic or need to easily collect and organize notes, web clippings and other content from the web into shareable "public" collections, you may want to consider Evernote (and in particular its Chrome extension and its Web Clipper feature).

Den Nicholson, has a short but useful tutorial just on this, with a couple of short video clips that can give you immediately an idea of whether Evernote could be a good addition to your curator's toolkit.

Useful. 7/10 

Evernote on iTunes: 

Check out the Evernote Web Clipper here: 

More info: 

Russell Webster's comment, June 18, 2012 3:18 AM
Wouldn't be without this, I have the mobile version on my Android phone too. It syncs across different machines which is great.
I use it for Blog ideas, funnies, etc.
Scooped by Robin Good
April 19, 2012 1:51 AM!

Curate and Organize Visual Collections: NotesCloud

Curate and Organize Visual Collections: NotesCloud | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: NotesCloud is a new curation service which allows you to collect, organize, and share any type of content you have into beautiful magazine-like layouts.

Imagine a tool that is always at hand when you stumble upon or dream up something interesting,”

NotesCloud uses the metaphor of a multi-section notebook to organize snippets and notes. People can create their own hierarchies of notebooks, sections, and pages as they curate their topics.

Unlike Pinterest or Evernote, NotesCloud’s structured storage metaphor encourages some organization, so it’s not just a “shoebox” full of random clippings."

(Source: Venturebeat)

Notescloud is equipped with a set of browser-based clipping tools for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, that make it possible to easily grab and save any content you’re looking at online with just two clicks.

The content curated and organized with NotesCloud can be accessed from tablets and smartphones as well as desktop browsers.

Free to use. 

Check this video: 

More info: 

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