From the article: "What retailers need to understand is that there is no direct path to online consumer sales.
Consumers desire to broadcast and share their lives, and their web behaviors therefore strike out on a non-linear path to purchase.
The whole concept of social commerce is now realizing that every platform and network is a potential lead for an online sale.
Social discovery platforms are developing cult followings because they allow users to establish their authority in a certain subject area and to showcase their ability to create inspirational collections of products, items and even destinations.
Simple self-expression through the curation of products should be considered every retailer’s dream.
As a retailer, all you have to do is supply images and ideas in a way that’s accessible to the online user/consumer and sparks their desire to do all this work for you.
In one swift addition to a consumer “pin, post or add,” retailers can build brand awareness, increase online engagement and create direct links to product pages that lead to purchase conversions.
The future of e-commerce, search, social marketing are now tied to consumers attempting to curate experiences that represent their personalities."
Find also in this excellent article by Macala Wright thirteen product curation sites reviewed.
Very good. 8/10
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