Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
December 28, 2013 2:34 PM!

44% of Links Go Lost: To Preserve Valuable Content Online Will Become a Prime Need

44% of Links Go Lost: To Preserve Valuable Content Online Will Become a Prime Need | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

According to this PDF report from the Chesapeak Digital Preservation Group, 44% of links go rotten.

(The Chesapeak group is comprised of four member libraries, the Georgetown Law and Harvard Law School Libraries, and the State Law Libraries of Maryland and Virginia.)

The study highlights not only how bad and real the issue is, but how rapidly it is worsening.

Here a few newsworthy highlights:

a) Link rot has increased from 8.3 to 44.3% in six years.

b) In 2013 government originated documents showed the largest percentage of linkrot. 

c) More than 50 percent of the materials posted to government  domains disappeared from the original documented web addresses.

N.B.: There is a high value in preserving non-trivial content in ways that allow reliable access for indefinite time at a permanent online address. (In theory search engines could provide this as an additional (and optionally paid) service to final users who request it, as this is part of what they already do by default. 

Informative. 8/10

Full original PDF report:  (8 pages)

(Image credit: Rotten apple by Shutterstock)



Christel Binnie's comment, December 29, 2013 6:26 PM
Duh, of course. Thanks Robin. :-)
pilar arroyo's curator insight, March 5, 2014 1:08 PM

Scoop del maestro Robin Good en el que se evidencia la necesidad de preservar el contenido online, especialmente en el caso de información institucional y gubernamental que es la que tiene mayor índice de desaparición.

Scooped by Robin Good
July 10, 2012 3:27 PM!

Google Lost Its Mojo: Content Curation is the New Search

Google Lost Its Mojo: Content Curation is the New Search | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Though I had seen and scooped this article before, I must have not done a very good job of really reading it from back to back. Paul Kedroski, who wrote this over a year and half ago, really captured the historical essence of content curation on the web.

This is an absolutely must-read article for anyone wanting to grasp what is happening with content curation on the web, hwile seeing things in proper perspective.

He wrote: "What has happened is that Google's ranking algorithm, like any trading algorithm, has lost its alpha.

It no longer has lists to draw and, on its own, it no longer generates the same outperformance -- in part because it is, for practical purposes, reverse-engineered, well-understood and operating in an adaptive content landscape.

Search results polluted by spam that you often started looking at results only on the second or third page...


There are two things that can happen now.

a) We could get better algorithms, which is happening to some degree, with search engines like Blekko and others.

b) Or, we could head back to curation, which is what I see happening, and watch new algos emerge on top of that next-gen curation again.

Think of Twitter as a new stab at curation, but there are plenty of other examples.

Yes, that sounds mad. If we couldn't index 100,000 websites in 1996 by hand, how do we propose to do 234-million by hand today?

The answer, of course, is that we won't -- do them all by hand, that is. Instead, the re-rise of curation is partly about crowd curation -- not one people, but lots of people, whether consciously (lists, etc.) or unconsciously (tweets, etc) -- and partly about hand curation (JetSetter, etc.).

We are going to increasingly see nichey services that sell curation as a primary feature, with the primary advantage of being mostly unsullied by content farms, SEO spam, and nonsensical Q&A sites intended to create low-rent versions of Borges' Library of Babylon.

The result will be a subset of curated sites that will re-seed a new generation of algorithmic search sites, and the cycle will continue, over and over.

In short, curation is the new search. It's also the old search."

Must read. 9/10

Full article:

Robin Good's comment, July 11, 2012 1:10 AM
Thank you Ishak.
Stewart-Marshall's comment, July 11, 2012 11:40 AM
Excellent - a very prophetic analysis - wished I'd read it a year and half ago :-)
Beth Kanter's comment, July 11, 2012 12:34 PM
I only use google like a phone book -when I'm looking for a specific reference. But if I'm doing research on a topic, my strategy for years has been to go to the key sources (curators) and look through their libraries. I find the lack of context that search returns - makes me want to throw up. It is a much better experience to see it in context through the yes of someone who knows the content area.
Scooped by Robin Good
August 21, 2012 12:44 PM!

A Curated Collection of European Historical TV Programmes: EUscreen Exhibitions

A Curated Collection of European Historical TV Programmes: EUscreen Exhibitions | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Euscreen, a Best Practice Network funded by the European Commission and which provides standardised access to over 30,000 items of video programme content and complementary contextual information, has been updating "Exhibitions" a curated set of 10 collections covering cover historical events, political debates and everyday life in Europe.

From the official site: "The current release, visible at, brings online 10 different exhibitions, some of which are divided into subchapters or strands. The exhibitions are created by archivists, researchers, and enthusiasts."

EUscreen Exhibitions:

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Scooped by Robin Good
May 24, 2012 6:22 PM!

Clip, Archive, Tag and Share Any Text or Image with Sgarf.It

Robin Good: is a simple clipping and archiving app which allows you to clip any text or image you find on the web and to archive it, tag it and easily share it on your favorite social networks. works as a Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer extension which works invisibly in the background. Once you find something interesting on any web page you need only to select it as you have always done it, and by right-clicking on your selection you will be offered to "sgarf" your clipping.

Once clipped any content can be easily tagged and shared on your preferred social networks.

Free to use.


Find out more: 

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