Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
August 9, 2012 7:35 AM!

Why Curation Is Important for Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons, Tools and Resources

Why Curation Is Important for Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons, Tools and Resources | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Content curation will play a major role both in the way we "teach" and in the way we educate ourselves on any topic. When and where it will be adopted, it will deeply affect many key aspects of the educational ecosystem.

This article, builds up over my recent presentation on Content Curation for Education that I delivered at Emerge2012 virtual conference.

In that presentation I claimed that the adoption of "curation approaches" will directly affect the way competences are taught, how textbooks are put together, how students are going to learn about a subject, and more than anything, the value that can be generated for "others" through a personal learning path.

If we learn not by memorizing facts, but by collaborating with others in the creation of a meaningful collection-explanations of specific topics/issues/events then, for the first time in history, we can enrich planetary knowledge each time we take on a new learning task.

And it's already happening.

Yes, we are only at the very early stages, but, in my humble opinion, there are enough signs and indications that this is not going to be something marginal.

In this article I outline ten key factors, already at work, which, among others, will very likely pave the way for a much greater and rapid adoption of curation practices in the educational / academic world.

Full article:

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Giuseppe Mauriello's comment, August 9, 2012 9:41 AM
Thanks Robin!
I scooped your article one hour ago! :-)
Ken Morrison's comment, August 10, 2012 4:15 AM
Thank you for the rescoop. If your aren't following him already, I highly suggest following Robin Good's topics on here. There is some great information about wise curation there. Good luck to you :)
Ken Morrison's comment, August 17, 2012 8:26 AM
Thank you for the rescoop. I appreciate your sites. Your 4th Era one was one of the first that I began following.
Scooped by Robin Good
July 5, 2012 10:35 AM!

Content Curation for Education and Learning: Live Workshop + Q&A - e/merge 2012

Content Curation for Education and Learning: Live Workshop + Q&A - e/merge 2012 | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Next Tuesday, July 10th I will be running a live online workshop on "content curation for education and learning" as part of the e/merge 2012 web conference.

My session (90 mins.) will focus on defining curation within an educational/learning context and analyzing the factors that will rapidly make curation a major new interest area. I will look at the key benefits that content curation may bring, as well as at the types of content curation that are possible and the key tools available to do it.

I will finally showcase a few interesting examples of curation at work, before diving into a "live" collaborative session in which I will be joined by participants in the creation of a collection of great examples of curated content for education/learning. 

A follow-up Q&A session is sheduled for the following week on Tue 17 at 12:15 GMT+2

e/merge 2012 is the fourth virtual conference on educational technology in Africa and builds on the e/merge conferences in 2004, 2006 and 2008.

e/merge 2012 which takes place online from 9 – 20 July 2012, is primarily designed to share good practice and knowledge about educational technology innovation within the further and higher education sectors in the region, as well as to strengthen communities of researchers and practitioners.

The e/merge 2012 conference is organised by Tony Carr and the Centre for Educational Technology at the University of Cape Town.

Live session: 10 July from 12.30 – 2 pm GMT+2

Q&A: 17 July from 12.15 pm – 1.00 pm GMT+2

More info: 

Workshops agenda: 


Registration page: 

(The event is free for participants based in Africa.
Participants from other regions – R750 (apx US $100)

Event general info: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 14, 2012 1:37 PM!

Content Curation for Education and Learning: Robin Good @Emerge2012 Presentation-Map

Content Curation for Education and Learning: Robin Good @Emerge2012 Presentation-Map | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: I believe that content curation will play a very important role in the future of education and learning and this presentation-map focuses on this topic.

I have identified at least ten reasons that are transforming and weakening the education-certification system as it is now, and may rapidly give way to new ways of teaching, learning and getting certified which will likely involve a great deal of curation (both for those who teach/guide and those who want to learn).

In this presentation-map I am introducing the concept of curation for education, the key factors that I see are transforming traditional academic institutions and the learning industry in general, and the tools, resources and examples that are relevant to those working in these fields and wanting to find out more.

As part of my workshop session during the emerge2012 conference in which I have first presented these ideas, I have also created an "open", collaborative wiki-map where, you are welcome to contribute inspiring curated collections. You will find instructions on how to contribute to it at the end of this presentation.

Full presentation-map:

"What is content curation in the context of education and why it is going to be so relevant in the near future. Benefits of content curation, examples and tools."

Emerge2012 Conference

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