Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
April 15, 2014 12:04 PM!

Social Media Curation Is Not Just Sharing Bookmarks: An Introductory Guide [Video]

Video from Curation Module of Social Media for Active Learning Course. #SMOOC2014
Robin Good's insight:

If you are new to content curation and interested in understanding better how social media, bookmarking and sharing fit into the curation conundrum, then this is a useful video to watch. 

Vanessa Dennen, Associate Professor of Instructional Systems at Florida State University, presents in a clear and very understandable 6 minute clip, what social media curation is, how it differs from simple bookmarking and which are some of the tools to get started doing it.

She also offers an excellent definition for "social media curation": Organized and purposeful collecting and sharing of annotated, online content, as well as a six-step process (called FACETS) to effectively curate content online.

Instructional. Informative. Useful for beginners. 7/10

Original video: 

Duration: 6':10"

via Eric A. Tremblay blog

Pankaj Jindal's curator insight, May 12, 2014 8:44 AM

Test 6

Mariana Ka's curator insight, May 18, 2015 5:14 AM

The video explains en efficient way of usage the online bookmarks platforms such as and Pinterest

Alice Goddard Library's curator insight, June 7, 2015 2:16 AM

So useful!

Scooped by Robin Good
September 8, 2013 2:44 AM!

Curated Guidelines and Examples for Aggregating Content Professionally

Curated Guidelines and Examples for Aggregating Content Professionally | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Among the types of content curation that are broadly used, content aggregation has been one of the first and most popular approaches that has naturally sprung up.

Content aggregation itself can be carried out in many different ways, from a completely manual approach to a fully automated one, with many different shades in between.

If you are interested in learning more about these, and about how to aggregate content in the most ethical and professional fashion, I strongly suggest reading these two short articles written by two curation professionals:


The first, by Mindy McAdams is a curated version of the second one which was published more than a year earlier by Steve Buttry. Together they do an excellent job of clarifying to the non-expert what curation and aggregation are all about.

The two articles offer clear guidelines, real-world examples and recommendations on how you can make content aggregation provide true additional value to both the content sources used and to the readers alike.

Recommended. 8/10

Original article: 

(Image credit - Sea anemons by Shutterstock)

Prof. Hankell's curator insight, September 8, 2013 10:23 AM
Robin Good's insight:



Among the types of content curation that are broadly used, content aggregation has been one of the first and most popular approaches that has naturally sprung up.

Content aggregation itself can be carried out in many different ways, from a completely manual approach to a fully automated one, with many different shades in between.


If you are interested in learning more about these, and about how to aggregate content in the most ethical and professional fashion, I strongly suggest reading these two short articles written by two curation professionals: ; ;

  The first, by Mindy McAdams is a curated version of the second one which was published more than a year earlier by Steve Buttry. Together they do an excellent job of clarifying to the non-expert what curation and aggregation are all about.


The two articles offer clear guidelines, real-world examples and recommendations on how you can make content aggregation provide true additional value to both the content sources used and to the readers alike.



Recommended. 8/10


Original article: ;

(Image credit - Sea anemons by Shutterstock)

Stephen Dale's curator insight, September 9, 2013 4:29 AM

A useful introduction to the mechanics of "curation"

Linda Allen's curator insight, September 9, 2013 9:15 AM

Thank you for sharing Robin, excellent read and your insights

Scooped by Robin Good
September 21, 2012 10:32 AM!

Five Good Guidelines for Content Curators from Joshua Merritt

Five Good Guidelines for Content Curators from Joshua Merritt | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: If you are looking for ways to improve your content curation efforts, Joshua Merritt has published five useful guidelines to follow.

These include abandoning high frequency / high-volume practices, integrating your opinion whenever possible, researching deeper, citing sources and treating curation like original content production.

Joshua writes: "If two different people curate and distribute the same content (which happens every day times thousands), what makes the experience of your followers more valuable?

The answer doesn’t have to lie in a single piece of content, but it must lie in the story arch of the greater body of work, and the more you treat each item you curate as a diamond in the rough that needs some extra cutting and polishing to be ready for your audience, the better your content will perform and the more loyalty you will drive in your followers."

Rightful. 7/10

Full article:

Ken Morrison's comment, October 1, 2012 11:23 PM
Hello Avivajazz thank you for the rescoop. Best of luck to you.
Ken Morrison's comment, October 1, 2012 11:23 PM
Hello Avivajazz thank you for the rescoop. Best of luck to you.Ken
Scooped by Robin Good
July 16, 2012 6:33 PM!

How To Curate Digital Collections and Aggregations | DH Curation Guide

How To Curate Digital Collections and Aggregations | DH Curation Guide | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: A valuable resource for anyone interested in the creation, organization and preservation of digital collections for the humanities, is this curated selection of resources and citations made available by the DH Curation Guide.

"The DH Curation Guide is a compilation of articles that address aspects of data curation in the digital humanities.

The goal of the DH Curation Guide is to direct readers to trusted resources with enough context from expert editors and the other members of the research community to indicate to how these resources might help them with their own data curation challenges."

DH Curation Guide:

Of particular interest in this collection:

The concept of collection from the user’s perspective

by H. L. Lee.

A framework for contextual information in digital collections

by Lee, C. A.

Thematic Research Collections

by Palmer, C. L.

A framework of guidance for building good digital collections

by NISO Framework Advisory Group

Full guide:

(Image credit:

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Scooped by Robin Good
September 13, 2013 2:32 PM!

How Content Curation Can Be Inspired by the Ideas of a Museum Curator: Kieran Long

How Content Curation Can Be Inspired by the Ideas of a Museum Curator: Kieran Long | Content Curation World |
V&A curator Kieran Long argues against obsession with authorship and celebrity in design, and sets out his theories for contemporary museum curation.
Robin Good's insight:

When I read the excellent opinion piece on DeZeen by Kieran Long and his 95 theses for contemporary museum curation, I could not restrain myself from desiring to see, how inspiring and useful some of his theses would be if applied to the world of content curation.

What happened if I took some of Kieran Long's most inspiring theses and replaced the word "museum" with the word "content curator"?

The results were more than surprising. Here my set of favorites:

» Nothing should be out of bounds for a content curator. Everything is potentially relevant.

» Content curators have a special role in presenting topics neglected by other institutions and the media.

» Content curators should be topical, responding quickly to world events when they touch our areas of expertise.

» Content curators have as much in common with investigative journalists as they do with university academics.

» Like journalists, content curators have political views, and should not pretend to abandon them when they show up to work.

» Also like journalists, content curators have a responsibility to contextualise their opinions.

» When a content curator checks out and reviews something new, it is revealing as much about himself as it is about the object.

» Content curators should take intellectual risks.

But there is a lot more to be inspired from, by reading through this excellent list of 95 guiding principles for how museums and curators should approach their mandates.

Very inspiring. 9/10

Full article: 

Robin Good's comment, September 13, 2013 3:49 PM
Thank you Gilbert and Raj for stopping by to say thanks. I think there is a lot of good stuff in those 95 items indeed.
Witmer Group's comment, September 15, 2013 11:51 AM
Great share, thank you!
David Baker's curator insight, September 16, 2013 1:54 AM

This idea of curating is of interest to me as I contemplate how to help teachers create digital learning spaces and digital teaching ideas.  

Scooped by Robin Good
March 15, 2013 5:38 PM!

News Curation Best Practices for Journalists on Twitter

News Curation Best Practices for Journalists on Twitter | Content Curation World |
Share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world.
Robin Good's insight:

If you are a journalist and you are using Twitter to pick and share relevant news for your following, you may want to check out these straightforward suggestions on how to best manage your news curation process.

The Twitter blog team has analyzed back in September of last year, thousands of tweets from over 150 news companies and individual reporters, to distill which are the most important traits of good news curation.

In essence:

  • Tweet content related to your beat; live-tweet 

  • Use hashtags for context and @cite your sources

  • Share what you're reading with your Twitter followers

  • Use the Retweet button to curate

To the point. Useful. 8/10

Original article:

Additional resources at  

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 20, 2012 9:09 AM!

Critical Aspects of Content Curation In The Newsroom: Link and Attribution Are Essential - Steve Buttry

Critical Aspects of Content Curation In The Newsroom: Link and Attribution Are Essential - Steve Buttry | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Steve Buttry, who has already written several articles on content curation (see the end of his original article), just published this in-depth essay celebrating the launch of a new curation team at Digital First Media and pointing to many of the critical factors neeeded for a content / news curator to be effective.

He covers a lot ground while giving a particular emphasis to the importance of linking and attribution. He writes: "Where you can’t learn much about the source of content you’re curating, consider crowdsourcing the question: Note the name and organization, tell readers what you’ve found and that you’re continuing research and ask them what they know about the source.

Where the source of online content is unclear, you should be clear about what you know and where you found the material."


"Sometimes the name of a person or organization is not sufficient attribution.

If the person or organization is not well-known, do a little research (Google will provide quick answers in many cases; sometimes an “about us” page will help).

Especially in political content, you want to note whether you are linking to partisan sources. A liberal or conservative think tank or political action committee is an entirely different kind of source from a professional media outlet or an independent fact-checking site."

Steve Buttry also includes some valuable key guidelines on "how to add value" when curating content and suggests several types of curation approaches that can be used in the newsroom.

Good advice on curation and practical tips. 8/10

Full article:

(Image credit: Shutterstock

Giuseppe Mauriello's comment, July 20, 2012 2:43 PM
Hi Robin,
in this period I am busy, and I have no time to discover news and curate my topic.
Thank you so much for your great curation!
Scooped by Robin Good
May 19, 2012 7:48 AM!

News Curation and Aggregation Guidelines: Add Value, Link, Attribute,

News Curation and Aggregation Guidelines: Add Value, Link, Attribute, | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Steve Buttry has published a good article on his blog providing very specific suggestions and tips to those needing to aggregate, republish and curate news content for their organization.

Key topics covered:

-> Linking

-> Attributing
-> Quoting

-> Attribution checks

-> Adding value

-> Original reporting

-> Data analysis

-> Commentary

-> Filtering

-> Supplementing

-> Adding related stories

-> Rounding up

Valuable advice. 8/10

Full article: 

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