Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
December 3, 2013 7:50 AM!

Most Important Thing in Content Curation: Adding Value - Here 14 Ways To Do It

Most Important Thing in Content Curation: Adding Value - Here 14 Ways To Do It | Content Curation World |
Thinking of adding value should be the first stage in curation, PKM, or any professional online sharing.
Robin Good's insight:

If you are curating content, whether for the purpose of personal learning, or for creating a useful public information resource, your very first objective should be how can you add value to the existing information that you are going to work on.

Harold Jarche, does a wonderful job of explaining in simple terms what's the difference between sharing on social media, reposting or making your bookmarks public, versus the actual vetting and selection of each individual content item in light of the context and objective for which it is being curated.

The cherry on the pie from the author is an invaluable synthesis and bringing together of related items from Ross Dawson, Maria Popova and me, that allows you to scan and see at a glance 14 different ways in which you can truly add value to whichever set of information bits you are dealing with.

A great reference for anyone looking to improve the quality and value of its own curated work.

Useful. Inspiring. 8/10

Full article: 

Pierre Clause's curator insight, January 5, 2014 5:07 AM

Adding value can be as small as : what touched me in this article ? what resonates for me ? any sensible way to express your P.O.V. actually !

SyReach's curator insight, July 7, 2014 4:53 AM

SyReach Notes now offers a full coverage of personal KM needs: Seek with integrated watch module and search engines, Sense with note and article edition, linking and knowledge building. Share by email or publish to selected resources linked to your articles!

Joe Matthews's curator insight, September 29, 2014 3:01 PM

Really thought provoking

Scooped by Robin Good
April 29, 2013 10:33 AM!

The More You Automate, The Less You Curate: Sense-Making Requires Manual Effort

The More You Automate, The Less You Curate: Sense-Making Requires Manual Effort | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Harold Jarche has a good post about curation and PKM on his blog. Nonetheless is from a year back or more, it is definitely worth a read.

The short relatively post has been inspired by a somewhat misleading tweet by Cristina Milos (where she says that "curating is different than aggregating and that's why she is not a fan of pr

The tweet is misleading because, while is indeed an aggregator for most, does not automate the process of selecting and publishing a curated magazine, though, I must admit, plenty of its top viewed channels do not go much beyond what does, basically reposting other people content "as is". So I definitely sympathize with this issue.

And the key point Harold Jarche wants to make, is that, anytime there is some kind of human intervention to pick, select, re-title, contextualize or introduce some information, then, we are actually "curating" something. Not so, when we strive to automate, simplify and abbreviate the time needed to produce some valuable info.

He writes (read the word "PKM" as if it said "curation"): "...sense-making, or placing information into context, is where the real personal value of PKM lies. 

The process of seeking out information sources, making sense of them through some actions, and then sharing with others to confirm or accelerate our knowledge are interlinked activities from which knowledge (often slowly) emerges.

...The act of writing a blog post, a tweet, or an annotation on a social bookmark all force you to think a bit more than clicking once and filing it to an automated system. Other sense-making routines, like a weekly review of Twitter favourites and creating Friday’s Finds, encourages reflection and reinforces learning.

Automating sense-making is antithetical to the rationale behind PKM."

Rightful. Insightful. Useful. 8/10

Full post:

Susan Daniels's comment May 14, 2013 11:32 PM
Absolutely! is one of the best tools I've encountered in over ten years online :)
Robin Martin's comment, May 15, 2013 10:28 AM
Absolutely agree!
Robin Martin's comment, May 15, 2013 10:28 AM
Absolutely agree!
Scooped by Robin Good
February 17, 2012 10:28 AM!

Curation, Just Like PKM, Is About Adding Value To Help Sense-Making | Harold Jarche

Curation, Just Like PKM, Is About Adding Value To Help Sense-Making | Harold Jarche | Content Curation World |

"...I want to point out that people with better PKM skills, an ability to create higher value information, and a willingness to share it, will become more valued members (nodes) in their professional networks." (Harold Jarche)

Robin Good: In this short article analyzing the PKM (personal knowledge management) process it is interesting to note the strong affinity it has with curation.

"The critical part of PKM is in personalizing information and experience, or to use a business term, adding value.

Ross Dawson shows five ways to add value to information (my examples/descriptions follow):

1) Filtering (separating signal from noise, based on some criteria)

2) Validation (ensuring that information is reliable, current or supported by research)

3) Synthesis (describing patterns, trends or flows in large amounts of information)

4) Presentation (making information understandable through visualization or logical presentation)

5) Customization (describing information in context)."

More info and examples presented in the article do not seem to include yet the appearance of a trusted news curator as a means to develop such PKM, which although is defined as "an individually created process", it could rely in the near future not just on tools, but also on the filtering and curation work of other humans.

Or not?

Thoughtful. 8/10. 

Full article: 

CBT Feeds's curator insight, April 2, 2014 7:20 AM

Very interesting.

Joe Matthews's curator insight, September 29, 2014 2:35 PM

Not only is this an interesting insight to better understand how people can add value but this is also applicable for libraries and museums

Scooped by Robin Good
October 28, 2013 11:17 AM!

Content Curation: 13 Sense-Making Approaches To Add Value To Information

Content Curation: 13 Sense-Making Approaches To Add Value To Information | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

According to Harold Jarche, knowledge is an emergent property of all sense-making activities.

Curation and PKM (personal knowledge management) have the same objective: helping oneself and others gain more understanding about whatever we are interested in. The only difference between the two is that curation devotes itself to satisfy the knowledge needs of an audience while the second addresses these at a personal level.

But what are sense-making activites about?

Harold Jarche draws on Ross Dawson's five ways of adding value to information as well as on Nancy Dixon examination Rob Cross and Lee Sproull examination of tacit knowledge sharing practices inside large organizations to identify at least eight individual approaches to sense-making or adding more value to existing information.

These include:

  1. Validating
  2. Synthesizing
  3. Presenting
  4. Customizing

  5.  Answering
  6. Meta-informing
  7. Reformulating
  8. Legitimizing

    to which I would personally add:
  9. Comparing
  10. Finding related items
  11. Illustrating - Visualizing
  12. Evaluating
  13. Crediting and attributing

It is indeed around identifying and becoming aware of these specific aspects of our sense-making activities that we can improve and augment our capability to learn and to effectively curate information for others.

Thoughtful. Inspiring. 8/10

Original post: 

Maria Persson's curator insight, October 30, 2013 6:03 PM

This is definately something that anyone in the coming new century needs to learn how to do effectively.  Do we want regurgitation or depth of learning from knowledge gained?   I value, for example, how allows for the 'web interface' to be looked after, by them ,and the curation and learning happens with us!


Thanks for sharing this Robin Good!

ManufacturingStories's curator insight, October 31, 2013 12:54 PM

Robin's insights always bring content to the next level!

Michelle Ockers's curator insight, June 30, 2014 5:00 PM

Article lists a range of ways to use sense-making to add value to curated content.

Scooped by Robin Good
July 13, 2012 8:45 AM!

PKM Is Curation For Your Own Personal Growth | Harold Jarche

PKM Is Curation For Your Own Personal Growth | Harold Jarche | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: PKM or Personal Knowledge Management may be indeed a very close relative to Content Curation. But while Content Curation, is done with a specific audience in mind, PKM is done for one's own learning.

Harold Jarche, looks at the relationship between the two and writes:

"The most important part of personal knowledge management (PKM), in my opinion, is the need for active sense-making.

Merely seeking and sharing information does little other than create more noise online.

Sense-making takes time, discipline, and effort.

-> One strength of PKM is the “manual” nature of sense-making activities. The act of writing a blog post, a tweet, or an annotation on a social bookmark all force you to think a bit more than clicking once and filing it to an automated system.

-> Sense-making, or placing information into context, is where the real personal value of PKM lies.

-> The knowledge gained from PKM is an emergent property of all its activities.

Merely tagging an article does not create knowledge. ...

The difference between PKM and Curation is that the former is personal, while the latter is for an intended audience."

Insightful. 8/10

Full article:

Beth Kanter's comment, July 13, 2012 10:46 AM
I have been using his framework for the past year and a half to teach curation to nonprofits. Linking curation to nonprofit staffer work flow is a great way to get people to use curation!