Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 15, 2013 11:52 AM!

The Basic Flipboard Curation Guide

The Basic Flipboard Curation Guide | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Flipboard, as you probably already know, is a great app (available on iOS and Android) which not only allows you to read and keep yourself updated on your favorite topics in a fresh and highly visual experience, but, since recently, it also offers you the ability to become a "curator" of whatever topic you are into.

Your job is simply to pick great stuff you stumble upon and to save it into the appropriate magazine you have created. It's not conceptually much different than clicking a Facebook "like" button and adding your comment, but we the added option of generating in the meanwhile a beautifully laid out digital magazine.

The secret here, to do something that it is of some value, it is to choose on a very specific "theme/topic" and to get picky about what you choose to publish in your magazine(s).

In this useful article Sue Waters collects and curates some of the best tips, video tutorials and techniques to make the best of your Flipboard curation experience in a step-by-step guide.

Useful. Resourceful. Media-rich. 8/10

Full guide:

Stephen Dale's curator insight, June 16, 2013 5:05 AM

tephen Dale's insight:

Flipboard (an App available for iOS and Android) is my favourite app for consuming and sharing inrormation. Relevence is improved by being able to choose the topics you want to follow, and liking or favouriting specific articles.


The recent addition of the Flipboard Editort now enables you to create and curate your own magazine, which you can share with others, or keep simply as a place for bookmarking.


In this article, Sue Waters provides a step by step guide on how to use and make the most of the Flipboard features. 

Nick Mortel's curator insight, June 21, 2013 7:32 AM

add your insight...

MTD's curator insight, June 24, 2013 4:10 AM

We like Scoopit, but Flipboard is good too. Take a look!

Scooped by Robin Good
February 2, 2012 10:04 AM!

Good Advice On How To Become A Content Curator (especially if you are a librarian) | Backtalk

Good Advice On How To Become A Content Curator (especially if you are a librarian) | Backtalk | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: If you are a librarian, an information scientist or someone who has been trained to sift through lots of information and to extract valuable insight, you will enjoy reading this article by John Warrier published today on Library Journal. 

Mr. Warrier, who is information librarian, has two jobs. The first is as a librarian at a community college. The second as a content curator at where he "highlights" neat, odd, and fascinating bites of amusement, from the latest breakthroughs across hundreds of topics.

In the article he shares his insight and advice about content curation and on what it may take for newbies to break into this field.

"...content curators focus on the news needs of particular professions and industries.

Professional News Curation Examples

1) The staff of, for example, provides public relations professionals with the latest and the best news about that industry.

2) keeps track of the newest and hottest trends in art and industrial design.

3) highlights news about world markets.


Getting Started

You can get started in content curation quite quickly.

a) All you need is a social media platform, such as a blog, Twitter feed, open-access Facebook page, or Google+ profile.

b) Find the best content and add new items daily.

c) Focus not on your own interests, but those of your readership.

d) Prove that you can draw readers as a trusted source and keep them coming back for more.

e) Then you should try to secure an internship.

Many content curation firms, such as Mediaite, Gawker and Flavorwire, offer internships that will give you hands-on training in the field. They’ll train you to examine your audience, compile potential sources and pitch your content to the audience in an attention-grabbing way."

Useful. 7/10

Full article: 

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