I recently stumbled onto this short video tutorial (1':57") which was created to explain to students how to take effective notes during a lesson or lecture.
Right upon my first play through it, I immediately felt that the steps suggested in it, could be also very useful for anyone just starting out with content curation and wanting to follow some kind of formal sequence to achieve good results.
The Cornell Notes video tutorial illustrates in fact in less than two minutes how to:
1) collect notes,
2) extract key concepts from them and
3) synthesize the essence of it in a presentable and readable format.
If you are just starting out with content curation, this can be quite useful.
To get content containing either thought or leadership enter:
To get content containing both thought and leadership enter:
To get content containing the expression thought leadership enter:
You can enter several keywords and you can refine them whenever you want. Our suggestion engine uses more signals but entering a few keywords here will rapidly give you great content to curate.
Cornell note-taking video. Handy to to teach students.
I will add to pkm skills.
1.Record- 在主栏中,尽可能多地记录一些重要事实、思想、概念等。
2.Reduce,归纳- 在线索栏,将这些事实,思想和概念归纳概括为一个词汇、或一句短话。
3.Recite,背诵 - 利用线索栏的提示,尽可能全面、而非机械地,用你自己的语言复述你所记录的主栏中有关讲座内容的事实、思想,然后对照笔记确认你所讲的。
4.Reflect,反思 - 思考这些材料与课程、单元/被讨论的科目之间的关系,这部分内容卸载总结栏。
5.Review,总结 - 每周花10分钟快速回顾你的笔记,你将会记住你所学习的大部分内容。
Thanks to Peter Mellow, and catspyjamasnz.