Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 21, 2014 11:04 AM!

Index, Search and Visualize What's Inside Large Documents Collections with Overview

Overview is a free tool for investigative journalists, researchers, and other curious people to explore large sets of text documents -- anything from PDFs to tweets.…
Robin Good's insight:

Overview is a new free tool designed for investigative journalists and researchers interested in finding relevant information within large collections of text documents, from reports to social media tweets.

Overview greatly simplifies the task of analyzing, indexing and visualising large document collections in ways that can allow a journalist to identify relevant patterns and threads across thousands of different documents.

Overview is an open-source document mining system which allows you to upload thousands of documents either in PDF format, via the DocumentCloud or through a CSV spreadsheet file. These documents can be rapidly indexed, sorted and analyzed in order to present an organized visual overview of their contents. 

"Whether you are a journalist starting with thousands of pages of government documents, a reasearcher facing a huge archive, or a social media analyst starting with 100,000 posts, Overview will organize your documents into topics and sub-topics, and then visualize them -- so you can find exactly what you're looking for, instantly count the number of documents in each topic, or tag entire topics for further work."

Free to use. Open-source.

Try it out now: 

Find out more: 

Step by step instructions: 

Video overview: 


The team behind it: 

Overview is a project of The Associated Press, supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as part of its Knight News Challenge.

Overview is the result of the work of Jonathan Stray and Jonas Karlsson

HT Kate Herzog 

Stephen Byrne's curator insight, January 26, 2014 5:42 PM

Looks useful but haven't tried it ...


Scooped by Robin Good
August 18, 2012 2:39 AM!

Curate Educational Content Discovery and Collection with instaGrok Search

Robin Good: Instagrok is a web-based app that makes it easy to find relevant information on a specific topic, and to collect the bits that are of most value to you.

Instagrok presents itself with a search interface in which the results are represented as a dynamic mindmap whose nodes can be explored by simply clicking on them.

In addition, on the right side of the screen Instagrok provides an aggregated selection of:

a) key facts

b) educational web sites articles on the topic

c) video clips

d) images

e) quizzes

f) glossaries

Any information item in these sections can be easily collected and stored inside your personal Journal, an automatic bibliography-builder which captures any and all of your peferred items.

Key facts, web site content, glossaries, images and video sections offer lots of useful materials instantly, while I am a bit more skeptical about the value and effectiveness of quizzes.

Though the interface leaves lots to be desired and has a typical "academic" feel, the content and results that were offered me in my tests were quite good and the use of pins to build an annotated journal of resource son a topic seems to me to be very effective.

Free to use.

Blog review:

PDF brochure:

Try it out now:

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