Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
December 10, 2013 4:23 PM!

Creating a Framework for What Matters and Why: Maria Popova Explains What It Means To Be a Curator

Creating a Framework for What Matters and Why: Maria Popova Explains What It Means To Be a Curator | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Back in Feberuary of this year Debbie Millman has interviewed Maria Popova, the curator of Brain PickingsLiterary Jukebox and the inventor of Curator's Code.

Find out what Maria thinks curation is all about (How do we make sense of the world we through stuff and through objects - whether physical or metaphysical) and why she has become so interested in it.

Maria is a fantastic and highly prolific content curator producing three original posts and between 60 to 70 tweets a day.

Specific interview points I suggest you listen to: 

-> 24':30" for combinatorial creativity and the first recorded examples of content curation as a form authroship

-> 27':16" Curation - Do you define yourself a curator?

-> 28':00" Curators don't design, they organize

-> 28':50" What is curation

-> 29':19" Curation and pattern recognition

-> 37':45" The importance of discovery - why attribution matters


Original audio interview: 

(duration: 52':07")

.MP3 audio download: 

More interesting interviews: Design Matters Podcast

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 18, 2012 10:12 AM!

Curators Create The Metadata Needed To Enable Our Emerging Collective Intelligence

Curators Create The Metadata Needed To Enable Our Emerging Collective Intelligence | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Participatory culture writer and book author Henry Jenkins interviews cyberculture pioneer Howard Rheingold (Net Smart, 2012) by asking him to explain some of the concepts that have helped him become a paladin of the  and "new literacies" so essential for survival in the always-on information-world we live in today.

This is part three of a long and in-depth interview (Part 2, Part 1) covering key concepts and ideas as the value of "community" and "networks", the architecture of participation, affinity working spaces, and curation.

Here is a short excerpt of Howard response to a question about curation and its value as both a “fundamental building block” of networked communities and as an important form of participation:

Howard Rheingold: " the fundamental level, curation depends on individuals making mindful and informed decisions in a publicly detectable way.

Certainly just clicking on a link, “liking” or “plussing” an item online, adding a tag to a photograph is a lightweight element that can be aggregated in valuable ways (ask Facebook).

But the kind of curation that is already mining the mountains of Internet ore for useful and trustworthy nuggets of knowledge, and the kind that will come in the future, has a strong literacy element.

Curators don’t just add good-looking resources to lists, or add their vote through a link or like, they summarize and contextualize in their own words, explicitly explain why the resource is worthy of attention, choose relevant excerpts, tag thoughtfully, group resources and clearly describe the grouping criteria."

In other words, "curators" are the ones creating the metadata needed to empower our emerging collective intelligence.

Curation Is The Social Choice About What Is Worth Paying Attention To.

Good stuff. In-depth. Insightful. 8/10

Full interview:

Shaz J's comment, September 3, 2012 3:20 AM
You're welcome :)

It's interesting interesting that you mention POV and stance, as that is not something I had explicitly articulated for myself, but naturally it must be implicitly true. In that sense, it reminds me (again) that curation forces self-reflection in order to present the content better, and that can only be a good thing.
Liz Renshaw's comment, September 8, 2012 9:57 PM
Agree with posts about curation guiding self reflection. This interview in particular is top value and two of my fav people indeed.
Andrew McRobert's curator insight, August 19, 2014 8:43 AM

8. This links a series of three interviews quite lengthy but there is some insightful information for the novice in the digital information age. There is video links within the article, including a great question and answer with Robin Good on curation. The video brings a balance to this inclusion.

Scooped by Robin Good
October 4, 2013 4:29 PM!

Maria Popova and The Art of Curation: An Interview with the Curiosity Guide

Maria Popova and The Art of Curation: An Interview with the Curiosity Guide | Content Curation World |

"...I consume a lot of information across an incredibly wide spectrum of disciplines and sources, always aiming to synthesize the meaningful and connect it with something else for a larger portrait of what matters in the world."

Robin Good's insight:

Maria Popova is the editor of Brain PIckings, a unique blog site cum newsletter that curates stories and articles from the web that stimulate the mind of the curious and which provide insight into the type of culture we live in.

In an excellent 2010 interview written by Chris Allison, Maria explains what she defines as curation and how she goes about it in her every day work.

In her definition: "Brain Pickings is a highly curatorial endeavor. And the art of curation isn’t about the individual pieces of content, but about how these pieces fit together, what story they tell by being placed next to each other, and what statement the context they create makes about culture and the world at large.

Every piece of content on Brain Pickings is hand-picked for embodying the sort of cultural interestingness at the core of our curatorial vision – it’s creative, compelling and makes a meaningful contribution to the world; it offers a justification to be curious and enriches you in the process of indulging that curiosity."

Maria also provides great examples of curation at work, and explains how all of the advertising on her site is "pro bono" and fitting her objective of curating in full the reader experience. In other words, Maria curates which ads are showcased on her site by selecting those reflecting companies and products she actually believes in for free. 

She also provides a valuable, and much valid to this day, vision for the future of curation and curators. Niche specialization, is in this case, the name of the game.

Very interesting. Insightful. Resourceful. 8/10

Full interview: 

Check also the Flipboard interview with Maria Popova here: 

Randy Bauer's comment, October 5, 2013 1:43 PM
Thanks Robin, I am a fan of Brain Pickings. and of your curation as well.
Robin Good's comment, October 5, 2013 1:45 PM
Thank you Randy.
Brian Kirby's curator insight, October 11, 2013 4:41 PM

How to sift through large amounts of information...