Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 14, 2012 5:06 PM!

Co-Create, Organize and Share Great Link Collections with Kippt

Co-Create, Organize and Share Great Link Collections with Kippt | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Kippt is a social bookmarking app with a bunch of unique features blended into a simple and intuitive interface.

Kippts integrates with all the major browsers and it makes it very easy to collaboratively create link lists which can be kept private or be publicly shared.  

All saved links and collections are fully indexed and can be easily searched and Kippt is also capable of importing automatically all the links you have already saved in Delicious, Diigo, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Instapaper and in several other places too.

From today's Techcrunch review of Kippt: "...Today, the startup is launching the next phase of its vision:

A new version of the app, which sees it move from being a simple utility tool to a collaborative service that allows users to co-create lists, add comments, and share them publicly with the Kippt community.

...Kippt shares commonalities with popular bookmarking and productivity tools like Delicious, Pinboard, and Evernote.

...Kippt’s new collaborative lists let users add other people to their lists so that they can share or add new clips and invite other users to join, making it a great tool for work and side projects.

...Kippt has added commenting functionality so that users can just open a clip, comment, and keep that discussion out of everyone’s inboxes.

..Kippt is also launching a Pro Account option, which offers advanced features, like indexing users’ imported clips for easier searching, for $25/year."


Try it out now: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 5, 2012 6:18 PM!

A Great Way To Curate Your Newsletter: Handpick

A Great Way To Curate Your Newsletter: Handpick | Content Curation World |

Handpick is a great new service which allows you to curate a set of selected links to send out each day/week to your favorite groups of fans.

Though the use of a simple browser bookmarklet you can easily pick and save all of the most interesting resources and then have them sent out to your relevant subscribers.

How it works: "When you find a link you want to share, you click it, and it pops up a simple form for a title, link, description and a checklist of recipient groups you've created.

When you click 'share,' it doesn't buzz all your friends' phones right away. It collects links for you all day and sends an email digest to each group in the evening."

"Recipients of your Handpick links only get one message, and it arrives late in the day, when there's more time for thinking.

You create groups of contacts using whatever criteria you choose, and each group gets one message around 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

It has support for desktop and iPhone browser bookmarklets, a Chrome extension, and it can link with Instapaper."

Read the full review from ReadWriteWeb here: 

Sing up for the beta here: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
March 29, 2012 7:45 PM!

Create Curated Visual Pinboards of Your Selected Web Sites:

Create Curated Visual Pinboards of Your Selected Web Sites: | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: is a new and very simple link collecting and curation tool. It allows you to easily create any number of pinterest-like boards in which you can collect-organize the URLs and thumbnail image of specific web sites. automatically grabs the screenshot of each site added and you can re-arrange individual elements on a board in any way you like.

Qubo is free.

( is the fruit of the ingenious mind Johnnie Maneiro, a young guy with lots of good ideas and talent for executing them. Check him out at: )

Try out here: 

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