Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
October 7, 2013 3:37 PM!

Attribution, Linking and Plagiarism Prevention Tips for Online Journalists

Robin Good's insight:

"Plagiarism is a firing offense. Don't: a) lift passages from other sources without attribution and link..." This is what read the first slide of a presentation deck published a few days back by Steve Buttry which goes on to list all of the situations where it's possible to run the risk of being accused of plagiarism,.

The presentation is an outline of tips for online journalists who have to deal daily with adding link references, providing credit and attribution and avoiding being accused of plagiarism.

Good advice not to be taken lightly.

Useful. 8/10

Original slide deck:

Rob Schneider's curator insight, October 8, 2013 4:34 AM

Sharing because it's so important. I realized how important it was after forgetting to attribute a source to a photo. Plagiarism just plain sucks on all levels, but overlooking source attribution is bad manners at best.

FrancoisMagnan's curator insight, October 8, 2013 5:32 AM

Des conseils pour éviter le plagiat destinés aus journalistes comme à tous ceux qui écrivent régulièrement en ligne. Un rappel de bonnes pratiques.

Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, October 8, 2013 9:08 AM

Presentación en Slide publicada hace unos días por Steve Buttry que enumera todas las situaciones en las que es posible correr el riesgo de ser acusado de plagio.

La presentación es un resumen de consejos para periodistas online que tienen que lidiar a diario con la adición de enlaces de referencia, la concesión de créditos y la atribución de autoría y evitar ser acusados de plagio.

Un buen consejo que no debe tomarse a la ligera

Scooped by Robin Good
July 20, 2012 9:09 AM!

Critical Aspects of Content Curation In The Newsroom: Link and Attribution Are Essential - Steve Buttry

Critical Aspects of Content Curation In The Newsroom: Link and Attribution Are Essential - Steve Buttry | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Steve Buttry, who has already written several articles on content curation (see the end of his original article), just published this in-depth essay celebrating the launch of a new curation team at Digital First Media and pointing to many of the critical factors neeeded for a content / news curator to be effective.

He covers a lot ground while giving a particular emphasis to the importance of linking and attribution. He writes: "Where you can’t learn much about the source of content you’re curating, consider crowdsourcing the question: Note the name and organization, tell readers what you’ve found and that you’re continuing research and ask them what they know about the source.

Where the source of online content is unclear, you should be clear about what you know and where you found the material."


"Sometimes the name of a person or organization is not sufficient attribution.

If the person or organization is not well-known, do a little research (Google will provide quick answers in many cases; sometimes an “about us” page will help).

Especially in political content, you want to note whether you are linking to partisan sources. A liberal or conservative think tank or political action committee is an entirely different kind of source from a professional media outlet or an independent fact-checking site."

Steve Buttry also includes some valuable key guidelines on "how to add value" when curating content and suggests several types of curation approaches that can be used in the newsroom.

Good advice on curation and practical tips. 8/10

Full article:

(Image credit: Shutterstock

Giuseppe Mauriello's comment, July 20, 2012 2:43 PM
Hi Robin,
in this period I am busy, and I have no time to discover news and curate my topic.
Thank you so much for your great curation!