Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 25, 2014 9:31 AM!

A Simple Process To Learn How To Curate Any Content You Read: The Cornell Notes

Robin Good's insight:

I recently stumbled onto this short video tutorial (1':57") which was created to explain to students how to take effective notes during a lesson or lecture.

Right upon my first play through it, I immediately felt that the steps suggested in it, could be also very useful for anyone just starting out with content curation and wanting to follow some kind of formal sequence to achieve good results.

The Cornell Notes video tutorial illustrates in fact in less than two minutes how to:
1) collect notes,

2) extract key concepts from them and

3) synthesize the essence of it in a presentable and readable format. 

If you are just starting out with content curation, this can be quite useful.

Useful. Simple. 8/10

Original video on YouTube: 

(duration: 1':57")

Sandra Carswell's curator insight, January 27, 2014 12:02 AM

Cornell note-taking video. Handy to to teach students. 

Brent MacKinnon's curator insight, January 27, 2014 8:07 AM

I will add to pkm skills.

Zhang Meilan's curator insight, April 13, 2014 8:24 PM




1.Record- 在主栏中,尽可能多地记录一些重要事实、思想、概念等。

2.Reduce,归纳- 在线索栏,将这些事实,思想和概念归纳概括为一个词汇、或一句短话。

3.Recite,背诵 - 利用线索栏的提示,尽可能全面、而非机械地,用你自己的语言复述你所记录的主栏中有关讲座内容的事实、思想,然后对照笔记确认你所讲的。

4.Reflect,反思 - 思考这些材料与课程、单元/被讨论的科目之间的关系,这部分内容卸载总结栏。

5.Review,总结 - 每周花10分钟快速回顾你的笔记,你将会记住你所学习的大部分内容。

Thanks to Peter Mellow, and catspyjamasnz.


Scooped by Robin Good
December 14, 2013 10:28 AM!

Here's How To Hand-Curate Your Life In An Effective Way

Robin Good's insight:

Bullet Journaling is a simplified manual method to organize, plan and archive all of your most important life activities, meetings and things you want to do with just pen and paper.

Forget Evernote or Asana, this is only for those who really crave for staying away from the digital tools - at least for this task - and who love to "curate" by hand their daily tasks and future activities, while maintaining a useful paper track of it all.

I am one of them.

As you can read on the Bullet Journal home page: "For the list-makers, the note-takers, the Post-It note pilots, the track-keepers, and the dabbling doodlers.

Bullet journal is for those who feel there are few platforms as powerful as the blank paper page.

It’s an analog system for the digital age that will help you organize the present, record the past, and plan for the future."

Bullet Journaling, invented by Ryder Carroll, is a way to organize on paper your personal (or professiomal) life, not a way to "curate" your life or experiences.

But it is from the keen ability to organize and put things in order that a curator can then extract and identify what has been of value and what not.  

For this reason I am looking at Bullet Journaling not jut as a way of curating your life priorities but also as a good example of the curator's best spirit and attitude:

  • manual
  • attentive to detail
  • capable of looking both at the individual item
    and the at the whole 
  • always updating, questioning, reviewing
  • ready to categorize on-the-fly
  • looking forward and looking back

The reference web site is a destination worth checking out. Made just of one long page, organized into sections, it offers a complete how-to manual on getting started immediately with bullet-journaling. 

Fascinating. Useful. Ingenious. 9/10

Find out more: 

Original video: 

Check this review: 


Beth Kanter's curator insight, December 16, 2013 3:01 PM

I just discovered that one of the better curators is also a manual list maker.  That is - not using the online tools to make to do lists, but writing it out on paper.    

I found that doing too much of my work online line - with hands on the keyboard and eyes on the monitor gets me into a distracted space.    But, when I write down a list or the bullet points as this method points out. I'm all of sudden more focused! 

Luis Ferreira's curator insight, December 18, 2013 11:33 AM


Sue Rizzello's curator insight, December 18, 2013 12:48 PM

In the beginning there was paper. In between the to do list systems and GTD platforms, there was paper. All the productive people I meet have a strong affinity with paper lists and systems, even if they play fast and loose on occasion with Evernote et al.

Could this chap have the answer? Well, I will give it a try, why don't you too. We have nothing to lose but the chaos.