Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 13, 2013 2:32 PM!

How Content Curation Can Be Inspired by the Ideas of a Museum Curator: Kieran Long

How Content Curation Can Be Inspired by the Ideas of a Museum Curator: Kieran Long | Content Curation World |
V&A curator Kieran Long argues against obsession with authorship and celebrity in design, and sets out his theories for contemporary museum curation.
Robin Good's insight:

When I read the excellent opinion piece on DeZeen by Kieran Long and his 95 theses for contemporary museum curation, I could not restrain myself from desiring to see, how inspiring and useful some of his theses would be if applied to the world of content curation.

What happened if I took some of Kieran Long's most inspiring theses and replaced the word "museum" with the word "content curator"?

The results were more than surprising. Here my set of favorites:

» Nothing should be out of bounds for a content curator. Everything is potentially relevant.

» Content curators have a special role in presenting topics neglected by other institutions and the media.

» Content curators should be topical, responding quickly to world events when they touch our areas of expertise.

» Content curators have as much in common with investigative journalists as they do with university academics.

» Like journalists, content curators have political views, and should not pretend to abandon them when they show up to work.

» Also like journalists, content curators have a responsibility to contextualise their opinions.

» When a content curator checks out and reviews something new, it is revealing as much about himself as it is about the object.

» Content curators should take intellectual risks.

But there is a lot more to be inspired from, by reading through this excellent list of 95 guiding principles for how museums and curators should approach their mandates.

Very inspiring. 9/10

Full article: 

Robin Good's comment, September 13, 2013 3:49 PM
Thank you Gilbert and Raj for stopping by to say thanks. I think there is a lot of good stuff in those 95 items indeed.
Witmer Group's comment, September 15, 2013 11:51 AM
Great share, thank you!
David Baker's curator insight, September 16, 2013 1:54 AM

This idea of curating is of interest to me as I contemplate how to help teachers create digital learning spaces and digital teaching ideas.  

Scooped by Robin Good
May 30, 2013 3:27 AM!

The Curator Job Is To Unpack Specialized Information To An Interested Audience

As the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Thomas P. Campbell thinks deeply about curating—not just selecting art objects, but placing them in a setting where the public can learn their stories.
Robin Good's insight:

Thomas B. Campbell, Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, shares in this TED video, his journey to become a respected museum curator, and the valuable discoveries and insights realized along the way.

This passage, in particular, struck with me louder than a thousand words: 

"We live in an age of ubiquitous information, and sort of "just add water" expertise, but there's nothing that compares with the presentation of significant objects in a well-told narrative... what the curator does, the interpretation of a complex, esoteric subject, in a way that retains the integrity of the subject, that makes it -- unpacks it for a general audience."

Besides, the curiosity of listening to one of the most prominent art curators in the world, I was particularly intrigued by Mr Campbell thoughts and recounts of what really impacted him when he was learning along this path. As, for example, in this other passage:

"Pietro was suspicious of formal art training, art history training, because he feared that it filled people up with jargon, and then they just classified things rather than looking at them, and he wanted to remind us that all art was once contemporary, and he wanted us to use our eyes..."

Definitely worth watching. Insightful. Inspiring. 7/10

Original TED video and text transcriptions:

Ajo Monzó's curator insight, September 26, 2014 7:20 AM

Muy interesante y profunda  charla sobre el concepto de "curación" .

ManufacturingStories's curator insight, September 26, 2014 8:47 AM

For more resources on Social Media & Content Curation visit

Jimena Acebes Sevilla's curator insight, October 18, 2014 6:25 PM

El curador de  el curador es el de presentar  información especializada a una audiencia interesada.