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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
November 7, 2013 6:58 PM!

Collaborative Curation and Personalization The Future of Museums: A Study Report

Collaborative Curation and Personalization  The Future of Museums: A Study Report | Content Curation World |

This report highlights a number of key trends that will have a significant impact on the user experience and design of future collections and museums.

Robin Good's insight:

Picture these scenarios:

  • The Victoria & Albert Museum, its collections depleted by massive repatriation, becomes a travel & tourism guide and international affairs ambassador in an increasingly globalized community
  • The Freud Museum, in the spirit of its namesake, becomes a provider of mental retreat and therapy (I wonder if the docents will be licensed psychoanalysis?)

These, according to the 40-page report Museums in a Digital Age” from Arups, may actually be some of the likely new profiles of prestigious museums 25 years from now.  

The report projects that:

"...future museums will see personalised content, new levels of sustainability and a visitor experience extended beyond present expectations of time and space."

  • A rising desire among audiences to shape their own cultural experiences (“Collaborative Curation”)
  • The opportunity for museum to become “curators of experiences” that extend beyond the boundaries of traditional exhibits or programs, or beyond the walls of the museum itself.


The idea of "collaborative curation" of museum collections by the actual users-visitors, is particularly fascinating. 

"Just as current consumer trends shift towards collaborative consumption, in the future, museums may employ new patterns of collaborative curation, allowing for individually curated experiences and giving the public greater control over both content and experience.

Increased visitor participation will allow people themselves to reinvent the museum experience, enabling content that can adapt to the preferences of users in real-time."

My comment: If you are a curator and are interested in exploring and understanding what the future of large collections and museums may look like and which forces are going to be driving such changes, this is a good report to read.

Insightful. Inspiring 8/10

Original Report: Museums in the Digital Age: 


Jennifer Moss's curator insight, November 8, 2013 6:47 PM

This is like the 'Horizon Report' for museums. 

Erica Bilder's curator insight, November 15, 2013 7:11 AM

I have nothing to add to Robin Good's terrific insights:

 Robin Good's insight:



Picture these scenarios:

The Victoria & Albert Museum, its collections depleted by massive repatriation, becomes a travel & tourism guide and international affairs ambassador in an increasingly globalized community
 The Freud Museum, in the spirit of its namesake, becomes a provider of mental retreat and therapy (I wonder if the docents will be licensed psychoanalysis?)

These, according to the 40-page report “Museums in a Digital Age” from Arups, may actually be some of the likely new profiles of prestigious museums 25 years from now.  


The report projects that:


"...future museums will see personalised content, new levels of sustainability and a visitor experience extended beyond present expectations of time and space."


A rising desire among audiences to shape their own cultural experiences (“Collaborative Curation”)
 The opportunity for museum to become “curators of experiences” that extend beyond the boundaries of traditional exhibits or programs, or beyond the walls of the museum itself.


Source: ;

 The idea of "collaborative curation" of museum collections by the actual users-visitors, is particularly fascinating.  "Just as current consumer trends shift towards collaborative consumption, in the future, museums may employ new patterns of collaborative curation,allowing for individually curated experiences and giving the public greater control over both content and experience.
Increased visitor participation will allow people themselves to reinvent the museum experience, enabling content that can adapt to the preferences of users in real-time." 


My comment: If you are a curator and are interested in exploring and understanding what the future of large collections and museums may look like and which forces are going to be driving such changes, this is a good report to read.


Insightful. Inspiring 8/10

Original Report: Museums in the Digital Age: ;




Amanda Gregorio's curator insight, October 10, 2014 4:36 PM

Interesting notion

Scooped by Robin Good
October 3, 2013 1:22 PM!

The Museum of Online Museums: A Curated Catalogue of Fantastic Web Collections

The Museum of Online Museums: A Curated Catalogue of Fantastic Web Collections | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

The Museum of Online Museums is an online project showcasing a growing catalogue of the most interesting digital museums and online collections of all kinds.

The site provides access to three main curated sets:

1) The Museum Campus presenting a short list of to brick-and-mortar museums with an interesting online presence.

2) The Permanent Collection which offers a second short list of online collections of particular interest to design and advertising.

3) Galleries, Exhibitions and Shows where you can find an infinite number of unique digital collections of all kinds. " eclectic and ever-changing list of interesting links to collections and galleries, most of them hosted on personal web pages."

The richness and variety of the digital collections included is amazing and covering the most unthinkable subjects: from grocery list collections to antique tuning dials you probably can find your own addictive corner. 

Free to use.

Check it out now: 

Check "The Curators" clip: 

Françoise Grave's curator insight, October 16, 2013 2:04 PM

Des ressources en anglais mais un impressionnant catalogue.

Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight, October 25, 2013 10:25 AM

I love browsing museum collections online, and this site has links to some amazing ones I hadn't seen before.

Catalina Elena Oyarzún Albarracín's comment, May 7, 2014 4:02 PM
Great post,thanks fr sharing!!!