Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
September 23, 2011 10:28 AM!

How Can We Build Better Filters for Growing Flows of Information?

How Can We Build Better Filters for Growing Flows of Information? | Content Curation World |

 Nicola Bruno, cofounder of Effecinque and a journalist fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford) goes the startup route "with the intent of being relentless hunters of news and human filters of information."...


Heres what got my attention:


As the digital flood sweeps into our lives every imaginable kind of information, much of it offering nothing more than a smoke screen to blur or distort our view, figuring this out is crucial.


Who or what can help us see beyond the smoke? Will software like Stats Monkey give us reason to believe that we are swimming only in facts with its mechanical certainty? And what will be the role of journalists in a media landscape in which reporters and news items are little more than commodities, and, in the case of reporters, a soon-to-be redundancy?

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
August 15, 2011 1:33 AM!

In Selecting The Best News, Humans Beat Robots, at Last!

In Selecting The Best News, Humans Beat Robots, at Last! | Content Curation World |

Lots of people might know about this, some do not, no matter what, it's still good to see it in print.  Human curation works and will play a significant role on the web.


Excerpt: After almost a decade, Google is somewhat sheepishly admitting that humans are, well, useful after all.


What Google is embracing -- finally -- is the emergence of human curation as a central and critical editorial effort in the increasingly noisy web. Curation, it seems, trumps robots when it comes to both interestingness and editorial tone and voice.

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
September 1, 2011 5:35 PM!

Content Curation Is the New Community Builder

Content Curation Is the New Community Builder | Content Curation World |

Great post written by Eric Brown for Social Media Explorer - This is what caught my attention:


Curation — the act of human editors adding their work to the machines that gather, organize and filter content.


“Curation comes up when search stops working,” says author and NYU Professor Clay Shirky. But it’s more than a human-powered filter.


“Curation comes up when people realize that it isn’t just about information seeking, it’s also about synchronizing a community.”


Part of the reason that human curation is so critical is simply the vast number of people who are now making and sharing media.


“Everyone is a media outlet”, says Shirky. “The point of everyone being a media outlet is really not at all complicated. It just means that we can all put things out in the public view.

Via janlgordon
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