Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
February 24, 2014 10:19 AM!

Collect and Organize Live Web Content Snippets Into Dynamic Collections with Wepware

Collect and Organize Live Web Content Snippets Into Dynamic Collections with Wepware | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Wepware is a new web app which allows you to capture any web page or portion of it and organize it into Pinterest-like boards which can be easily published and shared on social media channels.

Unique strengths include the ability to capture dynamic information boxes (flight schedule, sport scores, etc.) that will continue to be updated even when they are inside your curated collections. In addition, such live dynamic info snippets can be easily pasted on any web page you want and kept there as a live reference.

My comment: Powerful dynamic capture feature allows the creation of unique dynamic dashboards that collect and organize information from various sources in real-time.

Available as a Chrome browser extension.

Free to use.

Try it out now: 

More info: 

wanderingsalsero's curator insight, February 25, 2014 5:09 AM

I can see where this could be very useful to a business owner wanting to aggregate content for his/her customers.

Nine0Media's curator insight, February 25, 2014 9:30 PM

Great for #ContentCuration #WebConsultants 

Scooped by Robin Good
June 4, 2013 5:15 PM!

Create Embeddable Pinterest-Like Multimedia Boards with LookBookHQ

Create Embeddable Pinterest-Like Multimedia Boards with LookBookHQ | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

If you were looking for a way to create a Pinterest-like board, that can integrate web sites, images, video clips and files, and that you can embed within your content, like this, then you should give a good look to LookBooks.

LookBooks is a web service which allows you to curate embeddable visual information boards in which you can organize all content types.

A LookBook looks somewhat like a Pinterest board in which you can manually arrange individual tiles and integrate multiple types of information items, alongside your notes and comments to tell a story or to contextualize the different items presented.

LookBooks can be easily shared, published on the LookBookHQ web site or embedded on any site or blog and can be easily measured in terms of traffic and usage analytics.

Free 30-day trial.

Paid plans (targeted at enterprise customers): $250-2500/mo

My comment: There is a long-standing and growing need for a curation tool, that while extending Pinterest style visual collection abilities provided the ability to manually arrange board items, to include information objects beyond simple images and to be embedded on any web site or blog.

LookBooks fulfills therefore a growing need that Pinterest may not be interested in leveraging yet. Unfortunately LookBooks has chosen a pricing strategy and free-trial strategy (someone has to contact you to get you in) that cuts it out of getting any early traction through early adopters and, as a consequence, I think it may remain a model for other newcomers to exploit more than a useful tool that I can recommend you to take on your toolkit right away.

Interesting nonetheless.

More info:

LookBook example integrated in an article:

Other LookBook examples:

Mark Opauszky's comment, June 5, 2013 4:32 PM
Good insights Robin and thanks for the great words. We talk about activating our self-serve capability all the time, and we hope to very soon. Truth is we have a big focus on our B2B enterprise activity right now, and it’s really helping us get things right for our users. We will get back to anyone interested in giving us a try though and we live for the feedback. Thanks Again.
Royal Presence's comment, June 5, 2013 9:02 PM
thanks to Robin and Mark for your timely insight.
Scooped by Robin Good
September 15, 2012 9:44 AM!

Curating "New" Product Launches Only: Launch.It

Curating "New" Product Launches Only: Launch.It | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: is a web-based news service that curates only "new" product releases in a visual format similar to a Pinterest board.

New products launches are categorized into "technology", "mobile", "consumer electronics", "fashion", "media", "medical& pharma", "services" and more.

Entreprenuers and PR pros can pin their new peoducts, but is the readers who vote what gets most visibility.

From the official site: "Unlike traditional media outlets, is a community-sourced site with content exclusively from those who know their products best: public relations professionals and entrepreneurs.


In an open and transparent world driven by social proof, our top stories on our home page are dedicated to our launchers, but determined by our discoverers."

Try it out now:

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 9, 2012 2:26 AM!

Curate Your Video Playlists with a Pinterest for Videos-Only: Vidinterest

Curate Your Video Playlists with a Pinterest for Videos-Only: Vidinterest | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Vidinterest is video curation platform allowing you to pick, organize and collect into dedicated playlist, video clips of your selection.

Video collections play their contents back-to-back providing a highly-focused and uninterrupted user experience.

"Videos can be shared from various video sharing communities either via "Video Bookmarklet" installed in the browser or via "URL input Box" in User Menu. "

Free to use.

Try it out now:

*Added to the Content Curation Tools Universe Map

(Thanks to Brian Yanish - MarketingHits for uncovering this one)

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 10, 2012 12:33 AM!

Visual Curation Board Bets on Community and Collaboration: LoveIt

Robin Good: LoveIt is a Pinterest-like new image curation app which allows you to discover, collect and organize visual collections either alone or with the help of others.

"LoveIt is a visual, powerful platform for individuals & groups to discover, collect, organize, and share the things they love, in public or private collections."

Key features include:

  • Collaborate on "private" collections.
  • Re-order items in your collections easily, using "drag n' drop". Select multiple images and drag them from one collection to another easily.
  • Follow feeds and sources of your favorite collections.
  • Get recommendations from other users.

Try it out now:

(via Jan Gordon)

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 4, 2013 3:39 AM!

Curate Your Favorite Products Into Shareable Sets with Amazon Collections

Curate Your Favorite Products Into Shareable Sets with Amazon Collections | Content Curation World |

Click here to edit the title

Robin Good's insight:

Amazon has made available to everyone a new Pinterest-like facility that allows you to easily collect and organize into separate sets, Amazon product items that you are interested into or want to recommend to others.

To add a product to anyone of your Amazon collections you only need to click on the "+ Add to Collection" button that appears below the product on the left side of any Amazon page. (See the button at the bottom of this Amazon page screenshot here: - not all products pages sport yet this button as this is a new feature).

A dedicated bookmarklet is also available which makes it a breeze to also add products that do not sport yet the "+ Add to Collection" button. Collected items and collections can be easily shared on Facebook and Twitter or via email.

Like on Pinterest, Amazon Collections allows you to comment any of the items you post, to follow other "collectors" (not individual boards), to like items and to repost any them into another collection. You can decide whether a collection is public or private and you can also easily rename or delete any collection created.

My comments: Excellent and long due upgraded version of the Wish List (which remains available and also allows creation of product lists)

No ability to embed collections elsewehere. No ability to re-arrange items in a collection. Fresh out of the gate, this feature may provide lots of economic benefits and insight to Amazon and a more effective way for users to find relevant and related products via their trusted curators and guides.

Key differences with Wish Lists: Visual layout and social features are the key differentiators. The display of Collections is very much like a Pinterest like collection while a Wish List offers a vertical linear list mode or a text-only compact alterative. In addition, Amazon Collections allow for the collector to provide a comment / description to any product listed, to like and report other collectors' items, and to easily share these on FB and Twitter.

Free to use.

See what others are collecting here:

Find out more:

A set of sample collections I have created: 

*I've added Amazon Collections to the section "Product Curation Tools" inside the Content Curation Tools Supermap.

Robin Good's comment, August 8, 2013 7:29 AM
Ecco il link Giuseppe:
Robin Good's comment, August 8, 2013 7:30 AM ha cambiato oggi il colore dei link. Penso dipenda da quello.
Giuseppe Lunardi's comment, August 8, 2013 12:59 PM
Grazie Robin, gentilissimo.
Scooped by Robin Good
April 24, 2013 4:31 PM!

Collect and Organize Your Favorite Texts, Images and Videos with Keeeb

Pinterest meets Evernote. Every day you surf and find amazing things on the internet. With Keeeb you can save sentences or paragraphs, single images and vide...
Robin Good's insight:

Keeeb is a Pinterest-like content curation tool, which allows you to clip individual text passages, images you find on web page or video clips into visual collections that you can organize according to your preferences.

Within Keeb visual boards, which can be set to be public or private (default), you can in fact drag and re-arrange individual items as you prefer. Collected items can also be easily copied or moved to other "pages" (collections) you have and can be shared directly on your Facebook or Twitter social media channels.

You can also work collaboratively with other teammates on a collection by inviting them to contribute to any Keeeb page you have created.

A unique feature of Keeeb called Groups allows to tie together multiple items in a collection by dragging them on top of each other. Groups in turn, can be nested into other groups.

Keeeb makes it very easy to clip multiple parts from a web page or set of pages and to collect them in an orderly manner inside a page.

Keeeb offers much better functionalities than Pinterest, allowing serious content curators to create valuable collections of multimedia excerpts on specific subjects.

Definitely worth trying.

Free to use.

Try it out now:


(HT to Ana Cristina Pratas for first discovering it)

Robin Good's comment, September 28, 2013 1:56 PM
Hi David, Keeeb is a good tool if you need to collect and organize web resources, images or video. It's better than Pinterest functionality-wise but it does not have its audience. So my advice is try it out and see if it does what you need to do.
David Sallinen (WAN-IFRA)'s comment, September 29, 2013 4:43 AM
Thanks Robin, I'm going to try ;-)
BigO's curator insight, November 25, 2013 7:29 PM


Scooped by Robin Good
September 12, 2012 8:57 AM!

A Curated Collection of Pinterest-Like Web Sites:

A Curated Collection of Pinterest-Like Web Sites: | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: A curated collection of Pinterest-like web sites, in perfect Pinterest-like style.

As an increasing number of brands and smaller publishers are adopting a Pinterest-like layout approach to make their content more accessible, someone has decided to start collecting and organizing the best of these.

"Pinterest Pinterest Pinterest. It’s spread like a hot, juicy rumor over Twitter, infecting (or improving, depending on how you look at it) the way we use the Internet. Think of it as the Pinterest-ifictation of the Web.

If Tumblr were designed today it might look like Pinterest. All Pinterest did was take the Tumblr feed — a mishmash of uploaded, reblogged and remixed words and images — and make it easier to skim. Rather than scroll endlessly through a single feed of content, Pinterest displays it in as many columns as your browser width can handle..."


You can submit your own here:

RSS feed:

Check it out now:

(Thanks to Guillaume DeCugis for discovering this)

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 4, 2012 11:37 AM!

Organize and Collect Web Pages with Your Highlights on Them: Annotary

Organize and Collect Web Pages with Your Highlights on Them: Annotary | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Annotary is a free web bookmarking tool, which allows you to collect onto Pinterest-like visual boards, web pages that you have bookmarked matched with your specific text highlights on them.

From the official site: "Bookmark interesting or relevant pages into collections so you can easily find them later. Create as many collections as you want – one for each project, or one for each topic."

Free to use.

Try it out now:

(Thanks to Nick Peachey for uncovering this one)

Tom George's comment, August 12, 2012 1:41 AM
Hey Thomas,
Great curation and thanks for sharing. I am the founder of Internet Billboards, a growing community of curators that use I noticed your national express page as well, and want to invite you to share your curation with us on Internet Billboards if you like.