Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
October 18, 2013 8:16 AM!

Is Your Content Curation Truly Useful or Is It Just a Marketing Tactic?

Is Your Content Curation Truly Useful or Is It Just a Marketing Tactic? | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Here is the idea: "The drive for offering ‘more’ is not always the best path.

It does not always create something unique. It does not always better serve a target audience. It does not always differentiate you from the competition. It does not always offer something that can’t be found elsewhere. It does not always solve a problem, or fulfill a desire."

Collecting and regurgitating all of the news that "appear" to be relevant may not be such a great idea after all.

"With unlimited server space and free distribution, the temptation can be too great to share AS MUCH content as possible, with the theory that they are better serving the many sub-niches of their market. In other words, you may often see less curation, and more collection."

I don't know if I'd be so generous to label "collection" this uncontrolled regurgitation of content with little real vetting and verification (let alone curation), but Dan Blank, has an interesting story about curation and collectors that I woud not hesitate to recommend reading.

There are some good insights in it.

One of them rings like this: "...collecting behavior is to collect AS MUCH of something as possible, and not curate or edit their collection at all.

Indeed I see many supposed curators doing exactly this.


Because, as Dan writes correctly "...with unlimited bandwidth and free distribution channels with digital media, it can be sooooo tempting to post more and more content, aimed at more and more target markets.

Plus, the temptation to seem as large as possible, and to give Google as much content as possible to crawl for all of those searches."

But there's a lot more valuable stuff and insight to get by reading in full the original story (even if it was written in 2010).

Insightful. Truthful. 8/10

Full article: 

(Image credit: Robin Good)

Mariale Peñalosa Arguijo's curator insight, October 18, 2013 10:41 PM

add your insight...

Thorsten Strauss's curator insight, October 19, 2013 4:43 AM

Good questions but I think digital curation has different dynamics and also purposes. What do you think?

Rescooped by Robin Good from Social Media and Journalists
April 5, 2012 2:17 AM!

How To Verify Content from Social Media: A Good Guide

How To Verify Content from Social Media: A Good Guide | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: If you are a journalist, a reporter, or a professional news curator, you MUST read this.

Excerpted from the guide: "This how-to features advice from a panel of experts on the key considerations, questions and tools journalists should have in mind when carrying out verification of content that surfaces via social media, be it a news tip, an image, a piece of audio or video.


The process covers three main stages: monitoring of social networks and the online community before news breaks, checking the content when it comes into play and subsequently reporting that content once verified. The comprehensive advice outlined in this how-to guide offers practical steps, specific questions and cross-checks journalists can make at each stage, as well as online tools to support them." summarise, the top tips from our panel of experts on an effective verification process from start to finish are:

  • Monitor across platforms (including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Soundcloud, AudioBoo, Bambuser)
  • Spot and understand trends (using tools like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck and Trendsmap to create lists and identify trending topics)
  • Build a network of contacts before the story breaks and limit the stress
  • Use online tools to examine evolution of images (including TinEye, Google Images and WolframAlfra)
  • Verifying sources – speak to them and cross reference answers with social data
  • Verifying sources – look at social media history across platforms
  • Use Whois tools to verify websites
  • Check for photoshopping or repetition in images
  • Apply the Too Good To Be True test
  • Harness online discussion boards and experts (use sites like Snope to spot urban myths and common hoaxes early on)
  • Question edited footage
  • How urgent is it – could more steps be taken to verify before you publish?
  • Crowdsourcing – 'be judicious' about how you send out unconfirmed information
  • Consider any permissions and crediting which may be necessary
  • Clearly communicate the level of verification a story has been given
  • Made a mistake or new information come to light? Issue a clear and networked correction

Invaluable. Very informative. Useful. 9/10

Full article: ;

Via Mindy McAdams
Ruveanna Hambrick's curator insight, October 2, 2014 2:27 PM

This is a great source for knowing how to monitor and filter information on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.