Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
July 14, 2013 3:14 PM!

Content Curation Easier, Not Requiring Writing Skills and Big Time-Saver? I Don't Think So

Content Curation Easier, Not Requiring Writing Skills and Big Time-Saver? I Don't Think So | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

I am under the impression that content curation is being hijacked by those who are interested in making you think that, if you adopt curation most apparent traits (picking and reposting valuable content from others) you may be in for lots of benefits and a significant time-saving bonus.

Rohit Barghava is the person who gave, back in 2009, one of the earliest and most appropriate descriptions for "content curation" and who also identified five key basic approaches to curating content.

To this day, those articles remain milestone references for anyone interested in content curation.

This week, in a post published on his blog, Rohit reminds his readers that there's an easy cure for those who can't write or create great content: curation.

He writes: "Here is the best part about content curation, though. It doesn’t require you to be a writer, or a filmmaker, or an on-screen commentator. Curation is inherently behind the scenes.

What it does require, though, is expertise. It requires the ability to think and collect. They are different skills sets than creation, but in a business environment..."

In my experience the art of content curation, unless we refer to the ability to spot apparently interesting stuff and to pass it on to others by sharing it online, is a much more difficult and unfamiliar endevour and it requires many more skills than those required to write a simple blog post on a topic.


To curate content, you first need, as Rohit rightly points out, to be able to find good, relevant stuff, without having the ability to write it yourself. True. But finding and being able to "recognize" good stuff is not an innate or intuitive skill unless you have trained yourself to do it.

Very few of those who want to do content curation for "content marketing" purposes, take the time to vet, read, verify and evaluate stuff before publishing it. This approach would negate the advantage they think they have gained: saving time and producing more content with little time and effort.

The same is true for collecting and organizing. Saving and archiving stuff may be relatively easy, but labeling, categorizing and tagging in ways that make your collection valuable and intelligible for many others and for a long time to come is not.

Morale of the story:

a) Supermarket caviar costs a few bucks, but it has nothing to do, beyond appearance to the real deal. Try the real caviar and you'll know the difference.

b) Who reaches the top of a mountain after a comfortable helicopter ride, does not have the same view of the guy standing next to him, who arrived there by climbin gup 4000 feet on his own feet. Though the view is the same, they see a very different panorama.

c) Finding and collecting things without proper vetting, categorization, contextualization and explanation, has, little or nothing to do with content curation. It has to do with content marketing which has, as its key goal, the "...acquistion of customers".

Wikipedia says: "Content marketing is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers."

Content Marketing Institute says: "Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action."

One thing is to learn the skills of research, investigation and presentation and then get good at finding and collecting things that my customers are deeply interested in, for the purpose of saving them time while giving them valuable insight on a specific topic.

Another thing is spotting apparently relevant content found online and republishing it without taking any of the time-consuming steps that a true content curator would. An increasingly common practice, fueled by many of the content curation vendors content marketing strategies.

For those interested in quick results in terms of traffic, visibility and exposure, this does appear as a godsend.

But the end result, over time, is more noise, as reposting content with little analysis and no added insight generates lots of more shallow and often unreliable content pointers with little or no additional value.

Serious researching, analyzing, vetting and contextualizing is not easily replaced by retweeting or reposting interesting things one can find online.

While in some instances, "aggregation" can bring indeed some rapid and relevant results by simply collecting and publishing news on a specific topic, all the other forms of curation identified by the author require some dedicated analysis, research and writing abilties to fully express their potential.

In essence, I think that the idea that "if you can't write or do proper research you can always curate", is a pretentious and misleading proposition, which, over time, may ironically work against those adopting it.

Appropriate for content marketers, not for true curators 5/10

Original post:

(Image credit: Girl thinking by Shutterstock)

Deb Nystrom, REVELN's curator insight, July 15, 2013 10:56 AM

A helpful post with details by curator Robin Good that makes the points about Curation. That I'm sharing this on social media via ScoopIt makes another point, especially for readers here who share interest in social media curation. ~  Deb

Robin Martin's comment, July 15, 2013 3:34 PM
Absolutely Deb! I'm also sharing Robin's insights in my circles...great article and thanks for sharing, Robin!
Scooped by Robin Good
February 5, 2012 8:48 AM!

New Teachers Should Become Content Curators: Curtis Bonk

Robin Good: Curtis Bonk, professor emeritus at Indiana University, shares in this interview I did with him two years ago, what he thinks are the new skills required to teachers of the 21st century to leverage the power of the Internet for learning. And curation is among them.

Original video: 

Mayra Aixa Villar's comment, February 5, 2012 11:38 AM
Many thanks for sharing this, Robin! I couldn´t agree more with the prediction that 21st century education will definitely need "super e-coaches" with 3 characteristics (1) domain expertise, (2) a deep understanding of the Internet for learning and teaching purposes and (3) counselling skills. If we, as teachers, are able to perform this task, this, in turn, can also serve as a model for our students so they can develop themselves the necessary skills to integrate and make sense of the vast information available. Skills that they will certainly need for their future.
Robin Good's comment, February 5, 2012 12:45 PM
Thank you Mayra! Glad to be on the same wavelength!
Scooped by Robin Good
June 26, 2013 7:51 AM!

Digital Curator: The Competencies Required - A Study

Digital Curator: The Competencies Required - A Study | Content Curation World |
Competencies Required for Digital Curation: An Analysis of Job Advertisements
Robin Good's insight:

In this white paper authored by Jeonghyun Kim, Edward Warga, William Moen and entitled "Competencies Required for Digital Curation: An Analysis of Job Advertisements", the authors review a total of 173 job advertisements posted between October 2011 and April 2012 were collected from various sources to take into account varying types of professionals in the field of digital curation across North America.

"Position title, institution types and location, educational background, experience, knowledge and skills, and duties were examined and analyzed. The results of the analysis show that digital curation jobs are characterized by a complex interplay of various skills and knowledge."

The authors also identified their first version of a set of iCAMP competencies, defined as: knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes to carry out a wide range of professional functions in support of digital curation responsibilities.

These skills and competencies for digital curators include seven areas:

1) Communication and interpersonal competency: This competency is required for clear and effective communication with a variety of audiences, including users, creators, managers, researchers and collaborators.

2) Curating and preserving content competency: This competency is required to understand and carry out a range of activities as defined in the digital curation lifecycle model, including the creation, acquisition, management, representation, access, organization, transformation and preservation of digital content.

3) Curation technologies competency: This competency is required to identify, use, and develop tools and applications to support digital curation activities. The context of this competency is the information technology infrastructure, including the tools and applications deployed to support digital curation.

4) Environmental scanning competency: This competency is required to identify and use resources to stay current and on the leading edge regarding trends, technologies and practices that affect professional work and capabilities within the field of digital curation.

5) Management, planning and evaluation competency: This competency is required for planning, coordinating, implementing, and assessing programs, projects and services related to digital curation.

6) Services competency: This competency is required to identify, understand and build services to respond to a community’s and/or institution’s digital curation needs.

7) Systems, models and modeling competency: This competency is required for high-level, abstract thinking about and critical analysis of complex systems, workflows and conceptual models related to digital curation.

Very useful. 8/10

Full PDF:

The International Journal of Digital Curation. ISSN: 1746-8256

(Thanks to the University of North Texas and to UKOLN at the University of Bath for their contribution.)

Kathy E Gill's curator insight, July 11, 2013 4:46 AM

In addition to classroom, we have to think about after the classroom. That is, employment.

Francois Adoue for Guimel 's curator insight, August 14, 2013 9:15 AM

Which competences are required for a content curator ? Curation is one of the most growing tasks for Internet jobs ! The International Observatory for Internet Jobs will publish in few days the role profile for e-Tourism Internet Curator. this profile (and 4 other e-Tourism jobs roles will be evaluated before publication. If you want to give your feed back on these jobs, please contact me !