Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
April 15, 2014 12:04 PM!

Social Media Curation Is Not Just Sharing Bookmarks: An Introductory Guide [Video]

Video from Curation Module of Social Media for Active Learning Course. #SMOOC2014
Robin Good's insight:

If you are new to content curation and interested in understanding better how social media, bookmarking and sharing fit into the curation conundrum, then this is a useful video to watch. 

Vanessa Dennen, Associate Professor of Instructional Systems at Florida State University, presents in a clear and very understandable 6 minute clip, what social media curation is, how it differs from simple bookmarking and which are some of the tools to get started doing it.

She also offers an excellent definition for "social media curation": Organized and purposeful collecting and sharing of annotated, online content, as well as a six-step process (called FACETS) to effectively curate content online.

Instructional. Informative. Useful for beginners. 7/10

Original video: 

Duration: 6':10"

via Eric A. Tremblay blog

Pankaj Jindal's curator insight, May 12, 2014 8:44 AM

Test 6

Mariana Ka's curator insight, May 18, 2015 5:14 AM

The video explains en efficient way of usage the online bookmarks platforms such as and Pinterest

Alice Goddard Library's curator insight, June 7, 2015 2:16 AM

So useful!

Scooped by Robin Good
June 18, 2013 10:35 AM!

Put Social Media Curation on Autopilot While Customizing Every Single Story: BundlePost

Put Social Media Curation on Autopilot While Customizing Every Single Story: BundlePost | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

BundlePost is a social curation web app which allows you to easily find relevant posts on the topics of your interest and to auto-schedule their republication on your preferred social media channel with your custom hashtags and Twitter names.

The service has been out there for over a year, but it has recently updated its website and service features.

BundlePost taps into your selected set of RSS feeds and Google Alerts (not for much longer) and aggregates relevant posts according to your theme and keyword specifications so that you can review, edit and modify those that you want to get published.

Scheduling and distribution features allow you to set exactly where and when you want each piece of content to be published.

BundlePost integrates perfectly with HootSuite, allowing you to upload days of ready-to-go scheduled content for any social network in minutes, and with its hashtag system is capable of creating folders for each of your campaigns, clients or accounts that coincide with a specific topic.

"Within each folder you designate the keywords and phrases that you know will be found in the text of the content curated by Bundle Post, as well as what hashtags you want the system to replace them with. You can also identify any words or phrases that will be contained in the text of posts and have Bundle Post automatically replace them with a specific twitter name, making it an active link when posted."

My comment: The perfect tool for social media and content marketers looking for the easiest way to post relevant content to their social media channels automatically and over time. If you are ready for a pretty "Spartan" interface but have a strong need to automate your social publishing needs, this solution may be worth checking out. Outside of my personal doubts on the effectiveness of this approach, the tool delivers tremendous time saving features for those looking exactly for this. You ca have automate FollowFridays. If instead you wonder from were all this extra information noise in your Twitter and social media accounts comes from, you now have another possible suspect.

Free 30-day trial available (no credit card required).

More info:

How it works:


Nick Mortel's curator insight, June 21, 2013 7:32 AM

add your insight...

Scooped by Robin Good
September 17, 2012 12:01 AM!

Curate All of Your Social Media Content and Integrate It in Your Website with Postano

Curate All of Your Social Media Content and Integrate It in Your Website with Postano | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Postano is a social media content aggregation and curation platform that can be integrated in your web site or Facebook page. 

Through its internal dashboard it can be set to agregate coming from any of your social media channels. From Wordpress or Tumblr blogs to Facebook Pages, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest accounts, Postano offers a comprehensive array of social media sources to tap into. Additionally you can add any RSS feeds that may be relevant to you.

Postano allows you to pick and select which content you want to publish and how you want to it look and appear. Your curated channel can be finally integrated as a full embed in your website and/or added as a tab to your Facebook page.

One great key feature available as a WordPress plugin but also usable with any other publishing platform allows for all of the content and links "embedded" in your site via POstano to be also fully indexed by standard search engines.



More info:

(Opening image from

(*I have added Postano to tools-map)

Andrew McRobert's curator insight, August 19, 2014 8:55 AM

23. A good example of a curation tool for brands, this highlights the fun and effectiveness of curating. It shows another side, the possibilities of curation in both social and work, maybe even a mix of both. Its intergration into social media sites was the reason for its inclusion.

Scooped by Robin Good
August 25, 2013 3:20 AM!

How Big Brands Aggregate and Curate Fans and Employees Voices with Social Media Hubs

How Big Brands Aggregate and Curate Fans and Employees Voices with Social Media Hubs | Content Curation World |
Social content curation and social content creation are often the core to many brands' social networking efforts. Curating and sharing useful content associates
Robin Good's insight:

A growing number of big brands have started to utilize social media tools to aggregate and curate the best and most relevant voices talking about their products and offers and to bring them together into one unique online social media hub.

From Cisco to Intel, IBM and DELL, the understanding that both the customer and employees are the true, trusted voices of a company, will gradually replace the artificious, paid for and detached advertising heritage is slowly, but steadily growing.

Lee Odden writes about it: "Growing social participation is motivating many companies to aggregate content produced and curated by the brand’s own employees.

This is a compelling opportunity to harvest the brand’s own collective wisdom. A single destination for curated social content fuels a brand publisher model that supports brand storytelling, content marketing, PR and even SEO objectives." 

In this article you can find 10 real-world examples of social media hubs from big brands. Go explore them and see what are the traits and characteristics that make them so valuable to these companies.

Resourceful. Good examples and resources. 8/10

Full article: 

*Check what other "social media hubs" technologies exist out there, by checking this section of the Content Curation Tools Supermap.

Prof. Hankell's curator insight, August 26, 2013 4:52 AM
Robin Good's insight:



A growing number of big brands have started to utilize social media tools to aggregate and curate the best and most relevant voices talking about their products and offers and to bring them together into one unique online social media hub.


From Cisco to Intel, IBM and DELL, the understanding that both the customer and employees are the true, trusted voices of a company, will gradually replace the artificious, paid for and detached advertising heritage is slowly, but steadily growing.


Lee Odden writes about it: "Growing social participation is motivating many companies to aggregate content produced and curated by the brand’s own employees.

This is a compelling opportunity to harvest the brand’s own collective wisdom. A single destination for curated social content fuels a brand publisher model that supports brand storytelling, content marketing, PR and even SEO objectives." 


In this article you can find 10 real-world examples of social media hubs from big brands. Go explore them and see what are the traits and characteristics that make them so valuable to these companies.



Resourceful. Good examples and resources. 8/10


Full article: ;

Sally Katsuta's curator insight, September 24, 2013 1:57 AM

Its great topic and I learnt the importance of social hubs with lots of examples. I also agree that social hubs are essential and key to gain more funs. I also enjoy to seeing those sites with blogs, pictures. thanks

Robert M's curator insight, August 2, 2014 7:55 AM

Its amazing how important social media has become in today's business world.

Scooped by Robin Good
March 28, 2013 1:37 PM!

Curate The Best News Stories Across Web and Social Media with ContentGems

Curate The Best News Stories Across Web and Social Media with ContentGems | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

ContentGems, formerly Intigi, is a web platform that allows you to gather, filter, edit and curate the most relevant content in your field of interest.

ContentGems makes it easy to set up your own custom sources or to find for you the most relevant content based on your keywords and it can publish/share both to all major social media as well as to your own WordPress site.

Key features include:

  • Custom RSS sources    
  • Monitor Twitter accounts
  • Daily email digest    
  • Share with Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Buffer, HootSuite
  • Share to WordPress sites
  • Share to RSS feeds   
  • Custom sharing templates
  • Collaboration

Monthly plans start at $19/mo.

Free 30-day trial available. No credit card required.



More info:

Steven Hughes's curator insight, March 29, 2013 9:09 AM

Definitely worth checking out...

ghbrett's curator insight, March 30, 2013 7:28 AM

Another one of Robin Goode's Scoops with great information and assessment by him. Please read his comments below. Thank you Robin!

franzfume's curator insight, March 30, 2013 1:53 PM

Curate The Best News Stories Across Web and Social Media with ContentGems | @scoopit via @RobinGood

Scooped by Robin Good
August 8, 2012 3:12 AM!

Collect and Organize All Social Media Items Published About an Event with Eventifier

Collect and Organize All Social Media Items Published About an Event with Eventifier | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Eventifier offers an easy way to auto-collect and organize all of the video, photos, tweets, slides and other social "artifacts" shared online about a specific event.

To make its "magic" Eventifier taps into reference hastags that you provide when registering an event, and other relevant meta-info, like the location, type and place of event you want to "curate".

Eventifier provides also a live dashboard to enable you to interact and respond to all this incoming media from one central location.

From the official site: "We all are interested in Events and to know about all the happenings in and around the events. Who were the speakers? What were the tweets for the event? Shared pictures & videos and what were the slides for the various sessions?

However this dataflow is scattered; searching, finding and storing this information in the vastness of internet is broken to us. These data are very random; hard to find and sort.

Eventifier was born from this annoyance. We thrive to make your information flow and archiving of event data effortless."

See examples: 

Try it out:

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