Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 26, 2014 10:17 AM!

Curation for Content Marketing: Sharing Is Not Enough You Need a Content Hub

Curation for Content Marketing: Sharing Is Not Enough You Need a Content Hub | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Guillaume De Cugis, co-founder of, hits the nail right on the head for content marketers with a good article on the site, where he highlights the declining benefits of social media marketing efforts on Facebook and correctly identifies:

a) quality and
b) engagement

as key content variables that do make a difference in remaining visible online.

He writes: "...if you’re just tweeting links, you’re missing out.



  • Your content is short-lived (the lifetime of a tweet is in minutes; a few hours at best).
  • You have no or limited opportunity to provide context.
  • You drive your audience away from you; not to your own site.
  • No opportunity to convert.
  • No opportunity to show related content.
  • No traffic from search.
Instead, if you curate your own content hub on a specific topic:
  • Your curated content is now archived somewhere and can be discovered and re-shared in the future 
  • Your curated content receives targeted traffic from search 
  • You can add conversion & engagement CTA’s (subscribe, contact me, request a demo, book services, etc…).

Good basic analysis and advice for content marketers.
De Cugis is right. 7/10

Read more at 

See the slide deck: 

Caroline Baldeyrou's curator insight, June 30, 2014 3:58 AM

Très bon article du fondateur de Scoop It, qui explique pourquoi la curation sur Twitter (= "juste" partager des liens en moins de 140 caractères) ne suffit pas pour un content marketer, et pourquoi il faut créer son propre "hub de contenus". Une démonstration logique et imparable, à appliquer concrètement dès maintenant !

Caren Taubman Glasser's curator insight, July 11, 2014 10:33 AM

This article highlights the declining benefits of social media marketing efforts on Facebook and explains why quality and engagement are key to remaining visible online

Scooped by Robin Good
June 19, 2012 6:42 AM!

Curation: A View from the Future - Ross Dawson

Robin Good: I have recently caught futurist Ross Dawson in transit through Rome, and thanks to his generous kindness, I have been able to ask him a few questions on curation and to record them in video.

What is curation? Does it really help or is it adding more noise to the soundwave of information already coming at us?

Where do you draw the line between social sharing, personal expression and true curation?

How do you recognize curation from personal sharing ?

These essentially my questions, and here in video, his spontaneous, unreharsed answers to them.

Full interview: 

Video playlist: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
March 9, 2013 5:00 AM!

Social Curation: Four Alternative Approaches for Those Just Starting Out

Social Curation: Four Alternative Approaches for Those Just Starting Out | Content Curation World |
With the amount of information online, it often becomes hard to cut through all the noise and get straight to the stuff that you’re interested in.
Robin Good's insight:

Nancy Messieh on MakeUseOf has a good introductory article for those interested in find out more about personal content sharing and content curation. 

If you are new to these topics and are wondering what picking out good content and sharing it with others truly involves, this article showcases four different approaches and seven tools that can be used to get your feet wet.

From RSS to link bundles, Storify, Clipboard, Annotary, Pinterest and this is a very basic but nonetheless useful introduction to these approaches and tools.

Informative. 6/10

Full article:

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 7, 2012 5:23 AM!

News Discovery: Cut Through The Clutter with

News Discovery: Cut Through The Clutter with | Content Curation World |

From the New York Times review by Carol Roth: "Dreve intends to help you cut through the clutter and the noise online by curating content that is relevant to you.


On the problem side, his premise that a majority of data and information cluttering the Internet is not relevant to anyone strikes me as legitimate.

Finding a mechanism that cuts through the clutter is a worthy goal — notwithstanding the possible push back from users who do not want to give up that control.

The solution proposed by, discussed in the video at a macro level, is to curate what people want to see and create connections by using your activities and preferences on one network or Web site to inform what you see on other networks."

Full review and video pitch: 

Second review on NY Times: 

Robin Good: Like many other social news discovery tools, allows you also to select and re-share on your preferred social network your favorite stories.

More info: 

Tom George's comment, June 7, 2012 9:45 AM
Hey Robin,

Do you by chance have an invite code;
Robin Good's comment, June 7, 2012 9:49 AM
Not yet. :-)