Ginko is an outstanding idea-outliner, editor and visual organizer at once, allowing you to rapidly jot ideas, content, images and to organize and position them visually though easy to move info-cards.
Ginko allows you to organize your thoughts, script or story into three levels and to link info-cards across them as you please. Commands are very simple and intuitive, the interface is minimal and you can start working in no time at all.
It is possible to create private or public trees and to invite other individuals to collaborate on them with you in real-time.
If you are familiar with Workflowy, this is even better. Ginko allows you to see both the forest and the trees at the same time.
To get content containing either thought or leadership enter:
To get content containing both thought and leadership enter:
To get content containing the expression thought leadership enter:
You can enter several keywords and you can refine them whenever you want. Our suggestion engine uses more signals but entering a few keywords here will rapidly give you great content to curate.
A explorar
CoCreation Tool for Design Thinking