Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 2, 2013 3:33 AM!

News Discovery: Track Any Topic Online with Keyword Probes

News Discovery: Track Any Topic Online with Keyword Probes | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight: (review), a web app which allows you to monitor and discover relevant news in your areas of interest, has just introduced a new powerful feature with makes it possible to track any relevant content being published around a specific keyword.

Just specify the set of keywords or keyphrase you want to track, and almost instantly provides you with a preview of relevant content items. 

Probes can be tailored to your specific needs, by applying specific search parameters and social popularity filters. It is also possible to exclude specific keywords. 

I find and its keyword monitoring facility very effective and capable of bringing me only high quality results in my field of interest. I would not hesitate to recommend it to those who need to seriously monitor any topic.

Find out more about this feature: 

Free to use.


Howard Rheingold's curator insight, September 4, 2013 1:29 PM

As usual, Robin Good is tracking the cutting edge in info-discovery. In addition to RSS feeds of persistent news searches and other kinds of searches and social media monitoring services like, looks like a potentially useful infotention tool (off to test it...)

mtmeme's curator insight, September 5, 2013 11:22 AM

cool curation tool!

Scooped by Robin Good
March 7, 2012 11:28 AM!

King of News: Find First the News You Are More Interested In - Upcoming Online Course with Robin Good

King of News: Find First the News You Are More Interested In - Upcoming Online Course with Robin Good | Content Curation World |

If you are an Italian reader of this channel you may be interested in knowing that on March 15 and 22 there will be an online course (in Italian) devoted to those who are interested in staying on top of the news in their niche, while saving time in finding what is really valuable.

King of News - Come Essere il Primo a Scoprire le News del tuo Settore nella Metà del Tempo - is the first of an long series of short courses that I will be offering in conjunction with the POP Campus from now until July and covering all steps needed to build a value-generating service online.

This new online course follows a recent two-day set that was devoted to "news curation" and which had been organized and sponsored by VPS with the title "Diventa il Nuovo Google".  

The specific focus of King of Nes is on "news discovery" and "topic monitoring" tools, as well as on techniques and strategies that helps news reporters, journalists and bloggers find the stories that may interest them the most.

**Special Bonuses for participants:

1) As a reader of this newsradar you can utilize the discount coupon "robingoodscoops" to redeem a full 20% discount on the entry ticket (10 available).

2) Participants to the course also get a 2 month free VIP access to a Business account (value $158)

More info: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 26, 2012 10:36 AM!

News Discovery and Topic Monitoring: The Protopage RSS Reader and Start Page

News Discovery and Topic Monitoring: The Protopage RSS Reader and Start Page | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Protopage is a free web service which allows you to easily monitor any keyword, hashtag, topic, RSS feed (and OPML files too) or web site on a custom, personalized private web page.

You can add as many "search" and monitoring widgets to your page and create multiple tabs to monitor and check different topics without creating excessive clutter.

Widgets can contain dozen of different information objects besides searches, including video feeds, news, audio podcasts, bookmarks, maps, and a lot more. Check all the widgets you can add here:

Try it out now:

Robin Good's comment, August 27, 2012 7:29 AM
Hi MrStock, I fundamentally agree that the UI of Protopage is not something to brag about, but what I am interested in is the functionality that it offers, not its looks. POPurls, may be subjectively cooler, but it has no options to customize its news blocks, no way of specifying persistent searches, no way of adding RSS feeds and none of the tens of widgets Protopage offers. So, I humbly think that the two are significantly different and can hardly be compared.
Michael Cerda's comment September 6, 2012 9:46 AM
Protopage works as a replacement for igoogle. Between the bookmark list, embedded code widget and the web page widget you can do almost anything igoogle did. The thing to note that has bothered me the most is that after a couple of months of use advertisements appeared on the page. You can get rid of them for $2.50 a month. That is more than I would pay. $1 a month, sure. The other real problem is that there doesn't appear to be any way to communicate with the company. There is no publicly accessible forum and no email contact. Protopage is not the prettiest but it can work.
Robin Good's comment, September 6, 2012 11:59 AM
Thank you Michael for sharing this info. Very useful.