Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
October 9, 2013 1:48 PM!

Best Tools for Fact-Checking, Vetting and Verifying News Online: Verification Junkie

Best Tools for Fact-Checking, Vetting and Verifying News Online: Verification Junkie | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

Verification Junkie is an excellent free online resource curating the most relevant tools for fact-checking and verification of online content.

"A growing directory of tools for verifying, fact checking and assessing the validity of social media and user generated content."

For each tool collected, Josh Stearns has provided a detailed description, and relevant links.

My comment: Verification Junkie is a great resource I would recommend to anyone writing or publishing online as well as a great example of an effective curated tools collection.

Excellent resource. A must go to for online journalists. 8/10


See also: 

Alessandro Mazzoli's curator insight, October 9, 2013 5:30 PM

Risorsa utile ( e gratuita) per il Fact-Checking

William A Richardson's curator insight, October 21, 2013 9:48 AM

General useful tools?

Ruveanna Hambrick's curator insight, October 2, 2014 2:53 PM

This has great resources and has different multi-media links that are great for crap-detecting.

Scooped by Robin Good
June 26, 2013 5:12 PM!

The Most Important Skill for the 21st Century: To Vet

The Most Important Skill for the 21st Century: To Vet | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

Thanks to Alan Berkson intelligent use of hashtags as he retweeted his own post dating back to December 2012, and to Trendspottr, who made it easy for me to discover it, I have just run into one of the most inspirational short posts about curation that I have read in some time.

The post is quite short, but it packs such an important truth, that I can't but bring it to you in its full integrity.

"Being able to properly vet might be the most important skill of the 21st Century.

Not curing sick animals.

Not retiring from military service.

I’m talking about “subjecting to thorough examination or evaluation.

We’ve been trained to rely on experts to do this for us.

If we go back 30 years or so, we would find experts in a limited number of places: academia, government and non-government organizations, and major corporations including media. As I wrote in The Age of Thought Leadership:

“…the Information Age is allowing experts to step out from behind the veil of a corporate (or academic) entity…”

This is a double-edged sword. As individuals we can develop and express thought leadership. However, also as individuals, we can no longer solely rely on third parties for pre-vetting our experts.

  • Learn how to do research.

  • Know the difference between a primary and a secondary source.

  • Become more discerning in your content consumption.

  • Develop a healthy level of skepticism."

Content curation, if intended as the art of helping other people discover, learn and make sense of things they are interested into, is all about cultivating your own ability to become an expert by honing the skills of research, vetting and contextualization.

This is it. Must read. Must share. 10/10

Original post by Alan Berkson: