Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 17, 2013 1:14 PM!

Curation Examples: Videry, a Collection of Video Clips For Web Designers

Curation Examples: Videry, a Collection of Video Clips For Web Designers | Content Curation World |

Robin Good's insight:

Videry is a great example of video curation at work.

Videry is a hand-curated collection of over 30 great video clips for web designers.

The beauty and value of this collection, in the context of curation is in the following:

  • The quality of the clips selected

  • A clean, and simple layout - content over looks
    The essence is in the selection made and that's why it needs to stand out.

  • The essential info is upfront - video thumbnails + title + description
    no other distractions.

  • A Pinterest-like simmetrical visual layout that allows easy scanning of the page

Where it could do better:

  • Titles: no personalization for context - titles in the collection are exactly as the originals - the curator here could have improved and contextuaized titles for this collection, while keeping a good reference, visible to everyone, of the original one.

  • Descriptions: these are the original video descriptions. No additions, no opinion, no contextualization. The curator could have written his own descriptions from these in the context of this collection, while leaving the original descriptions as an extra option (since they are all already accessible under the original video location).

  • No visibile authorship for the collection.

P.S.: I think this clean design used in this collection is so effective that I wish there was a service prividing the ability to create curated video collections with such information design elegance.

(Anyone know who is behind

Free to see.

Check it out now:

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Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, June 18, 2013 6:16 AM

This is a cool new tool for "video curation".

Scooped by Robin Good
August 25, 2012 2:31 PM!

The Curated One-Stop Hub for Learning Video: Mobento

The Curated One-Stop Hub for Learning Video: Mobento | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Mobento is a hub of curated educational video clips integrating a special search engine capable of finding any word spoken inside the video collection and of visualizing where the words were spoken on a timeline.

From the official site: "This is a library and a library has librarians. That’s us. We’ll be rigorous in only uploading high quality, fascinating videos from established academic institutions and learning organizations."


Try it out now:

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 31, 2012 1:12 PM!

A Curated Video Collection: Those Who Make

A Curated Video Collection: Those Who Make | Content Curation World |

A Tumblr-based collection of unique video clips and interviews with individuals who create stuff with their own hands.

"A carefully curated collection of videos + interviews of Those Who Make."

Curated collection:

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 13, 2012 12:28 PM!

Video Curation Tools: Auto-Collect, Save and Organize Your Favorite Clips with Vidque

Video Curation Tools: Auto-Collect, Save and Organize Your Favorite Clips with Vidque | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Vidque is a web service which allows you to easily collect video clips from any website, RSS feed or Twitter account as they are published automatically. You can then later tag, edit the related info for each to help your collections stay organized.

From the official site: "Vidque is a free curation platform designed to help discover, filter and archive online video content. Controlled and curated by its users, Vidque aims to simplify the discovery of quality video content through the joint effort of the online community."

Vidque allows you to follow other Vidque users and to see and save all of the content they share. 

Vidque is also capable of auto-collecting all of the video clips that are in one page by simply providing the reference URL of that web page.

All saved clips end up in your "collection", which can be viewed also according to the tags you have associated with each saved clip.

How it works:

Find out more:

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