Content Curation World
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Content Curation World
What a Content Curator Needs To Know: How, Tools, Issues and Strategy
Curated by Robin Good
Author: Robin Good   Google+
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 15, 2014 4:29 AM!

The Ideal Blogger's Workflow for Effectively Curating Online Content

The Ideal Blogger's Workflow for Effectively Curating Online Content | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

What are the key steps that a blogger should follow to effectively curate content online?

Silvya Rosenthal Tolisano shares her personal workflow to curate content as a blogger, by highlighting the seven key steps she suggests to go through when preparing content for a blog, 

  1. Find & Acquire
  2. Select & Filter
  3. Group, Organize & Arrange
  4. Editorialize, Contextualize & Annotate
  5. Create, Present, Transform & Remix
  6. Engage & Customize
  7. Share 

and by reminding those already doing it

a) not to "copy - paste" entire long passages from articles "as they are", but to rather share short portions to which personal commentary, evaluation or extra value must be added,

b) not to confuse long list of links or resources, for which there is often very little verification and analysis, let alone commentary and added value, with curation.  

The key element of curation is adding value, not collecting large amount of items on a topic. That's what a collector does, not a curator. 

Useful. Informative. Great illustration. 8/10

Original article: 

Reading time: 4'

Mommy of Boys's curator insight, June 19, 2014 10:55 AM

Great information for creating content. 

PaolaRicaurte's curator insight, June 19, 2014 11:59 AM

An excellent perspective about blogging as content curation.

christa appleton's curator insight, June 25, 2014 6:18 AM

Great visual representation of blogging as curation

Scooped by Robin Good
May 5, 2013 5:57 PM!

WordPress Curation Workflow, Resources and Tips from Nathan Weller

WordPress Curation Workflow, Resources and Tips from Nathan Weller | Content Curation World |
Robin Good's insight:

If you are interested in what could be a good workflow and set of tools to use to curate content on your own WordPress blog, Nathan Weller has a must-read article for you.

In it, he dissects and explains the tools he uses to curate content on WordPress, from how he aggregates and browses RSS feeds, to how he filters, edits and actually curates the content of each post.

Interestingly his focus is on quality, not on having his site populated by lots of "somewhat relevant" content pulled in automatically by one of the many "content marketing"-oriented curation tools available today.

I think you will find several interesting ideas that you may have not considered on how to approach your curation workflow, let alone checking the several insightful comments at the end.

Lost of valuable information, resources, examples and advice. 8/10

Full article:

Gaurav Pandey's curator insight, May 6, 2013 10:01 PM

Robin Good's insight:



If you are interested in what could be a good workflow and set of tools to use to curate content on your own WordPress blog, Nathan Weller has a must-read article for you.


In it, he dissects and explains the tools he uses to curate content on WordPress, from how he aggregates and browses RSS feeds, to how he filters, edits and actually curates the content of each post.


Interestingly his focus is on quality, not on having his site populated by lots of "somewhat relevant" content pulled in automatically by one of the many "content marketing"-oriented curation tools available today.


I think you will find several interesting ideas that you may have not considered on how to approach your curation workflow, let alone checking the several insightful comments at the end.



Lost of valuable information, resources, examples and advice. 8/10


Full article:

Robin Martin's comment, May 15, 2013 10:30 AM
Thank you so much Robin! This is good stuff!
Regina Torres's curator insight, January 24, 2014 10:39 AM

Nathan Weller alude al uso de dos bookmarklets para curar contenidos. Se trata de Feedly y Tabcloud, herramientas interesantes que sirven para curar contenidos. Y es que no necesitamos un pluggin increíble para curar contenidos en nuestro Wordpress, sino que estos bookmarklets pueden hacer la misma función incluso de una manera más eficaz.