Curate Your Favorite Songs with Sworly | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: Sworly is Pinterest for audio tracks. If there is a music track on YouTube, Sworly will find it and let you pin it.

"Rather than encourage users to create interesting collections of images, Sworly brings the Pinterest approach to sharing music.

After logging in with Facebook (yes there’s annoyingly no other choice) you can start to add songs to Sworly if they haven’t already been added.

...At first glance, the ‘Add song’ feature is a little confusing, but it’s actually quite easy to use. Simply enter the artist name and song you want to share, and Sworly will automatically find the best video for you.

Add optional tags and a description and post it to your profile."

N.B.: There is currently no way to delete a song from your profile.

No collections or playlists (yet).

Full review: 

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(Unearthed by Morten Myrstad)