Curate Any Web Content With WordPress Default Plugin PressThis | Content Curation World |

Robin Good: If you are looking for an easy and simple way to start curating content from other sources on the web, with the minimum of additional technology and expense, you may want to look into Wordpress default plugin PressThis.

PressThis is essentially a bookmarklet that can be dragged and dropped on your browser bookmarks bar and then used to capture the content of any web page you are on.

PressThis automatically captures the URL, title, and site name of the page you are on, while providing you inside an editable WordPress post, any original text you may have selected on the page.

Not only. PressThis has also two dedicated functions to capture also any image (along with the text) from any web page (you can choose the one you prefer from a scrollable viewer) as well as any video clip present.

PressThis is available inside any installed copy of WordPress inside the Tools menu.

Free to use for all WP users.

Tutorial + video: 

Find out more: 

(Thanks to Laura Brown and Alex Briscese for bringing this valuable plugin to my attention)